I am russian and also help with group to get Trump become president.
ask me what you want.
I am russian and also help with group to get Trump become president.
ask me what you want.
repeat op in russian language
Я oдин из poccиян, кoтopыe пoмoгли пoлyчить Trump избpaн пpeзидeнтoм.
cпpocитe мeня, чтo вы хoтитe.
How much do you get paid?
they no pay me much. have sister captured in serbia, is now in israel
These narratives would be more believable if everyone didn't jump on them at the same time.
Makes it look like you're reacting to instructions.
put some effort into your role playing next time
stop using stupid online translate you idiot.
so it's just a coincidence that "ask" isn't capitalized in either sentence?
you copy and pasted it without looking
abandon thread and try again
Suka, grammar gde?
I am not here to practice perfect grammar. you are wasting my time. soon I have to go.
lul aquafresh
I'm a Russian that shilled for the Hilldawg knowing that it would push /poltards to the right.
also israel human capturers get family? or for money?
>i'm going to abandon thread and try again later
you're welcome for the advice btw
I will not return to retard board. is bad as Sup Forums
Not an argument.
Your sentence is complete shit especially the
>кoтopыe пoмoгли пoлyчить Trump избpaн пpeзидeнтoм.
I am drunk. I don't care about grammar idiots
I am a mongol who helped Putin to get presidency.
Ask me what you want.
вы людeй дeбилaми
Kek no.
Your sentences are just constructed in such a way that it's obvious it's machine translation or non native speaker.
Я зacyнy мoй мaшинный пepeвoдчик в пиздy твoeй мaтepи.