fucking idiots
Rex Tillerson
Sec of State
Close business relationship with Putin
You wish and still better than clinton
Whyvare liberals the new 50s cuckservative?
>Muh Russians
Guten tag. Sprakenze duche, fraulein?
They really want to start a war over this wild conspiracy therory?
Of course Russia wanted trump to win hillarybwas going to go to war with them
This Russian hacking shit has no evidence of happening
If things were reversed do you think the news would be pushing that Julian assange is a Russian agent?
>close your gas relationship
>with Russia
I'm sure that sounded smart at first, but you should think
Russia being the world's greatest enemy is probably the most egregious fake news there is.
>anybody with any connection to anything is definitely corrupt
What is he supposed to do bring people in off the street?
This modern red scare shit is getting pretty tired.
Are you suggesting Putin hacked voting machines?
Because if you're not, then all Putin did was what the American press should have done: inform the electorate.
So fuck off.
Using the expertise of billionaires is not the fucking same thing as being beholden to them like Hillary was.
>people who had business success in their life are unqualified in a presidential administration
okay, let's just keep filling up those positions with (((constitutional lawyers))) and (((community organizers)))
I think most Sup Forums would unironically prefer Putin to Clinton.
So they don't even give a fuck.
>Russia intervenes in election to help Trump.
>Mitch McConnell suppresses report until after election.
>Trump picks McConnell's wife Elaine Chao for transportation secretary.
It really makes you think.
Hello Amerifats! I'm the ebil rooskie infiltrator that hacked your paper ballots from my Internet Explorer browser. I'm a Russian Shill that has been advice by Grand Master Putin to hack the U.S. Election to help Trump. We were going to get away with it, but that Gosh Darn Obummer and his CIA pals ruined it.
Hopefully Germans can get their shit kicked like old times sake.
Leaking authentic documents is not intervening.
I mean it was so obvious, but nobody wanted to believe.
What would you expect. Obama should fucking kill himself, he's the worst ever president on this planet to allow the institutions under his command do nothing, just act like fucking pawns and get shitted on by the Russians.
He will be remembered as the US president under whom Russia managed to become relevant again internationally, after becoming isolated as a result of it breaching international laws and invading Ukraine.
You can't do any worse than that. Seriously, Obama, you are the stupidest, faggotest, weakest president the US ever had..
You want to investigate now? For what purpose you idiot. They already did it. It points to serious weaknesses in the security and intelligence community in your country.
How come you just woke up and want to investigate now? Fucking stupid ass nigger.
Trump is the president, you fool
Putin is just the overseer. +50 prestige was a nice mission completion bonus
I like how Putin communicates and makes source of fantasies.
>tfw you're a Russian spy but no one gave you an AK or a comfy hat
>never even got to practice Judo with Vlad
>Leaking authentic documents is not intervening.
Hacking the DNC and leaking emails, but not the RNC.
Hacking Hillary's campaign chairman's gmail account and leaking emails, but not Trump's.
Trumptards weren't saying that during his campaign. Not even he was.
What? He said he'd drain the swamp and none of his appointment are entrenched corrupt DC elites. They're mostly military guys and ones from the business sector.
I'm having trouble seeing how this is anything less than what we were promised, or how it might be bad in some way to have sucessful businessmen piloting an economic crisis or military men securing our borders when we're at war with terrorists.
Can you help me out and explain what's wrong?
A lot of left-wing presidents and people in latin america back this guy, in my opinio he is a good man
The emails are authentic. They aren't propaganda. All the leaks did was further inform the electorate, which is a good thing whether you personally like the results or not.
I didn't vote for Trump. But this is just a power play by salty Hillbots who lost because they ran a HORRIBLE CANDIDATE and can't accept reality.
He WILL save the white race
So this... is the power... of Shillary memes
>anime poster
Kid, kindly gtfo a politics board. You're incompetent, if your level of cognition allows for anime worshipping, evolution has failed, you're one of its failed products
That's right goyim, Russia is the enemy. Look to them... they are pulling the strings....
Gooood goyim
Mate I'm on your side, I was quoting Alex Jones.
Alex pointed out that in order to change anything, Trump would need "goblin guides", but he just didn't want to catch him "in bed with a goblin".
Gtfo with your Soros memes. Soros has no influence over sovereing countries.
The fact that he creates NGOs in some countries doesn't determine a country's fiscal, military or intelligence policies.
If you believe that you're a tinfoil retard.
In the United States: Russia should use its special forces within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism. For instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics."
All according to plan.
More fake news from the liberal narrative mongers.
> Soros has no influence over sovereing countries.
You mean the man who single handly broke the bank of England? No he's got no pull at all.
Good goyim.
He also fucked up Russia to such a degree once that Putin banned him from ever entering again, right?
Except, retard, that this plan as a plan for international socialists, and still is.
Russia is not the Soviet Union any more.
International Socialists/Globalists however, remain the same.
You are 1/2 way there. You just need to learn it's not ebil russians, and never was.
Nein you faggot
I honestly can't believe it's 2016 and Russophobia of all fucking things is back for no reason except that the NeoLibCons are losing power but won't let go.
I'd be okay with that tbf desu
Also Putin issued an international warrant for him.
Dead or alive.
Why do you concern troll faggots never offer any alternatives for these positions?
not true.
Why should i be afraid?
>US buys Alaska from Russia
>Trump sells all of US to Russia
Thanks, Comrade Trumpovich!
What a guy. Saving our children's from the Hilldebeast.
Jolly Good Fellow, I say. Love him.
>leaking out real information of how terrible the DNC and Hillary are
>"Oy Vey stupid goy!, you're not supposed to know about that! Don't listen to those damn commies goyim!"
>leaking out a private tape of Trump talking about grabbing pussy to every (((media outlet))) is fair game though
Really makes the ol noggin go joggin
I'm ok with that.
How much would Putin give me for his severed head?
Do Trump supporters have any fucking beliefs at all? What happened to draining the swamp?
Some guy asked me why my picture was of Putin on jewtube. He then proceeded to accuse me of having communist ties.
He was a nigger though so I expect him to be stupid.
Who the fuck do you think paid a large portion of Hillary's campaign, you fucking idiot.
Saudis did too. So did several European countries.
But muh Putin.
Fuck off. Hillary had way more foreign donors and people shilling for her.
I don't know if you're new here or what but Sup Forums is literally a weeb imageboard. Try getting a 404 sometime faggot
Really? Saw a bunch of articles on it.
Fake I guess.
I would believe it if it was true though.
Privyet Mr. Putin.
But where are proofs?
The whole thing is a farce.
The only thing Russians did was reveal information.
They want an investigation, so they can learn how to close these vectors to keep an iron grip on what truth is.
Same reason they're literally making an intelligence agency to fight our memes.
If you haven't noticed, the media believes themselves to be arbiters of truth. That they should have complete monopoly on what people should see (I.E. CNN: I'm sorry, but if you aren't a journalist, you shouldn't even be talking about this).
Still better than hillary.
Russian intelligence doing what's it's done since forever? No fucking way!
>>What? He said he'd drain the swamp and none of his appointment are entrenched corrupt DC elites
Except for
>>Governor Mike Pence (VP)
>>RNC Chairman Reince Priebus (Chief of Staff)
>>Senator Jeff Sessions (AG)
>>Congressman Mike Pompeo (CIA director)
>>Former Obama staffer Mike Flynn (NatSec Advisor)
>>Governor Nikki Haley (UN Ambassador)
>>Congressman Tom Price (HHS)
>>Bush Secretary of Labor and Mitch McConnel's wife Elaine Chao (Sec. of Transportation)
>>Congresswoman Cathy M. Rogers (Sec. of Interior)
Not to mention Goldman Sachs CEO Steve Mnuchin running the treasury. Y'all called Hillary corrupt for TALKING to GS, and Trump put their CEO in charge of the money.
why is there a Liechtenstein flag
>>The only thing Russians did was reveal information.
When Nixon tried to do the exact same thing Russia actually did do, we impeached him.
>Wikileaks exposes Clinton, Schulz and the DNC undermining American democracy
>Wikileaks *might* have gotten their intel from Russian hackers
>therefore it is actually Russia undermining democracy
It's literally "you broke the rules by showing how we broke the rules!"
Funny thing was, Trump was actually the one who leaked it early.
With 2 establishments against him, that's the worst shit they could dig up. So he jumped the gun and fucked up their timing.
That's when I knew he was the man for the job.
Nothing's wrong. Anyone who calls Trump supporters shills for being OK with his picks is just mad that we're not buying the line they're pushing that he's selling us out.
I wish.
>Russian intelligence doing what's it's done since forever?
Different era.
Information is the true currency of this age, all the speculative markets are just facades.
I also think if Tricky Dick wasn't the absolute personification of slimy used car salesman, that he would've walked away from that.
Because we actually respond to reality, and ignoring it won't make it go away. Same thing with climate change.
I wish.
>tfw no based Putin leader
>cannot into finance 101
he shorted the British pound which was some big shit back then. If you Trumptards support business then why can't you comprehend Capitalism at its best. The Jew knew how to play that market dumb fag
>someone from the money market shorted a currency
>boo, Soros single-handedly "broke" the bank of England
Basically the UK was too greedy with its policy of keeping the pound on a 2.7 parity with the deutche mark, which was an artificial level, considering the fundamentals.
So the market punished that English folly. He made them waste billions trying to pursue that idiotic policy, just for the sake of "keeping up with the Joneses" (ie Germany).
Go back to r/politics ,shill faggot.
Name a single lobbyist selected to be part of the Trump Administration, please take your time as you go through Reddit's /r/Politics and NeoGAF.
Don't forget what a lobbyist is before misusing the word.
Fucking kek.
All those subtle news trying to poison the well against Russia for the past 8 years hasn't really given them the war they wanted, so now they are just going full autismo, no reason to hide their true intentions anymore.
>evil commies are ruining our democracy by hacking stuff!!!!
that makes BOTH soros and the govt culpable against the people!
you just dont get it
>Because we actually respond to reality
If you did, I wouldn't have been called up to undo all your virtue signalling brainwashing.
nigger faggot
Ever heard of the phrase "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.", hes letting everyone know he has the jews in his pockets and if they displease him he'll let everyone know who should be blamed.
>a dictator who made a fortune by selling Russia's resources to foreign companies
>he created a clan of oligarchs who got rich by becoming his henchmen
>some of his former friend became rich out of the blue (even a musician guy who had nothing to do with business)
>meanwhile ordinary Russians live in shit conditions, barely surviving from one day to another
>Putin knows they live in shit conditions and that if you give Russians reasons to be proud about their military or rekindle their nostalgia for the lost status of superpower you got them by the balls
>Putin does nothing to improve the populations economic living standards (their average wage increased, because overall the rich and well-connected middle class got richer, not because ordinary people's lives got better)
Pls, go live in Russia, walk your talk, if you think it's cool to live there.
What would a lobbyist even do in an administration where the billionaire CEOs run everything directly? Why would Goldman Sachs hire someone to influence their own CEO?
Israel is the real ruler of the United States.
Why the fuck should I care? Does that make what Russia did less serious?
Does one candidate being corrupt make it right for Russians to decide which candidate wins?
Russia is enemy to islamic terrorists in Syria. That's good.
We're on the same side in this conflict. That's good.
We can get along and destroy the muslims since they threaten the west.
Where's the problem?
Clinton is paid by Saudi Arabia. That's bad.
Saudi Arabs want the west flooded with muslims. That's bad.
If we want to avoid floods of muslims, avoid Saudi Arabia and their puppet Clinton
Where is the problem?
I wished he was my president
thank God, uncuck ourselves.
Much of Obama's administration is littered with lobbyists.
the next us goverment will be full of russkie puppets LOL
> Flynn
> Manafort
> some other oil guy
> etc
>brings up Hillary and not the Russian plant that will have our nuke codes.
fuck off shill, go back to your tree smoke your weed and play your fucking guitar
>>they displease him he'll let everyone know who should be blamed.
Wouldn't the person who should be blamed be....him, for picking incompetent people? The way everyone blamed Bush for FEMA fucking up Katrina?
And is Trump really "letting everyone know" something if no one knows it but Sup Forums?