Shills/concern trolls all welcome.
Shills/concern trolls all welcome.
Other urls found in this thread:
bump for interest
>getting a lot of pizza in captchas lately
Thank you. Bumping as well. I noticed the conversation was turning towards Islam in the old thread; do you still consider it a problem?
What do you think will happen when the truth of pizzagate comes to light? Will it bring the collapse of modern society or will trump pull it together?
Wtf is up with these captchas..pic related is from this post. Fuckin CIA
Antarctica confirmed Nephilim, Leviathans, and Krakens.
I had some earlier, too. I don't think it's a coincidence.
PAST THREADS TO DIG INTO(Ignore the impersonators):
Keep up the good work guys & get people talking about what I've been saying.
What do they have to do with all the other shit?
A5, if you're here do you know if the creatures the Russians found under lake vostok are contained or have the breached open waters?
Islam is currently a problem, but that's due to it being such a young religion.
It can, and likely will, modernize and become more like American Muslims who are super Americanized and rock out to Katy Perry in their cars.
Christianity went through this too, 200 years ago we were burning women alive for tripping clits after eating moldy bread, so it's rather predictable that Islam is where it's at currently.
A5, are you religious?
>What do you think will happen when the truth of pizzagate comes to light?
I am not Anon5. I'm just a concerned user who wanted to make sure another thread would get started before his timed out.
I also don't know whether pizzagate will cause collapse, but I definitely think that it is helping to undermine faith in government on an international level, and I consider that a very positive thing.
We're on the verge of The Age of Heroes (as it will be known) which will contain The 2nd Renaissance.
The way we view our world will drastically change, and we'll honestly be living in a new world.
(if I didn't answer your question please be more specific)
Welcome Anon5.
I assume you know the "truth" about world religions. Are they all a ruse? What Happens after we die?
The Great Awakening.
>Giant creatures
this is infinitely more interesting than the fate of hillary
tell us more!
is this speculation?
did you see pics?
when will the rest of us find out?
don't be vague, these are giant creatures we're talking about
anon5? good but when's fbianon coming back :(
Are you Aussbro who summons the Watchers or do I have you mixed up with someone else?
prehistoric kraken kalamari
bon appetit
Repost form last thread, about Italy and the Bilderberg group.
1) The Five Stars Movement came out of nowhere, started attacking Bilderberg group, was infiltrated by chemtrails disinfo and last the founder Gianroberto Casaleggio died at 62 years old. My suspicion is they been created on some agency payroll and than turned rogue.
2)Hillary rigged the debate confirmed and connection between American and Italian corrupted left media.
Minister for Constitutional Reforms Maria Elena Boschi caught clumsily performing signals to journalist Lilli Gruber.
The signals and the journalist reaction reveal the same modus operandi seen in the presidential debate moderated by Lester Holt.
>Dietlinde "Lilli" Gruber is currently a talk show host, Gruber also served as Member of the European Parliament from 2004 to September 2008 with the left-wing coalition.
>She was included in the guest list of Bilderberg Group 2012 edition, at Chantilly, Virginia, as Journalist/Anchorwoman, and was the only journalist allowed at the 2013 meeting in Hertfordshire, England.
Dragon Dreaming.
I've been reading up.
bump for interest
>getting a lot of pizza in captchas lately
I even learned at school, that under the antarctic ice, there could be remains of dinos
But have they found something, which they try to hide from the public?
Have they found a non human civilization?
Or humans just bigger than today?
You might remember me from the Pizzagate: Are you convinced yet? trilogy of threads from a few days back, although they were in early morning I think for most of the world, so maybe not.
I'm someone who developed a Batman complex as a result of two and a half years of World of Warcraft, and am hence attempting to do my part to bring down the current corrupt regime.
Don't trust Anon5
This thread was archived but has since been deleted.
>Tfw no giantess arctic waifu
You'll never snuggle with her.
Right, anon5 I had some questions from the previous thread.
What can you tell me more about the arctic, outside of possible giant people?
Is the current story in the media about the footballers coming out with getting sexually abused when they were younger in anyway connected to Clintons and is it to give Pizzagate some legitimacy?
When Jimmy Savile died was it just so that someone can shift investigation or blame from themselves and have people and news directed at that, if so who?
Kek, sounds like some kind of Evangelion or Lovecraftian deal if true. But after pizzagate, I'll assume that anything could be a likely possibility now.
Did you post this user?
>The Man of Gold & The Lord of Bears
>The 9th Caliphate will fall to the 10th Crusade
>Behold the era of Heroes.
Man of gold = Trump
Lord of bears = Putin
9th Caliphate falls to 10th Crusade
Islam vs. Christianity holy war?
Dragon dreaming?
will take longer for islam, since there's so much inbreeding, will take ages to reverse that genetic damage, also with modern technology and ease of travel, they're a much bigger problem
Same, people with some serious sway are trying to keep are eyes on the prize, although the Antarctic threads are just the new razors edge of what is coming to light. 2017 is going to be a year for the record books.
A5, your opinion on transsexuals?
I ended up there after reading the MKultra victim pastebin.
You said there are many groups of elites who are not all working together. Are Nazi true believers who survived and escaped after the war and are biding their time to reassert themselves one such group?
The Muslims don't bother me; like I said in the earlier thread, it's mostly a case of angry young brown men with AK-47s that were put in their hands by the American government. I honestly don't believe that the majority of them are a problem. The theology is authoritarian, yes; but most of them don't follow it that rigidly.
He fed the answer to OP though to be fair he could have just given that OP an idea to spread misinformation. He should have said "what do you think of anon5?"
>Ouroboros logo
Yea I am very suspicious of info associated with this sort of symbolism and the like. It probably works, but at what cost?
I'm not losing my soul because I want to know more about our world.
Welp that's concerning if true.
There's lots of sick twisted shit around these days. I no longer believe that it's possible for a person to irreversibly lose their soul, though.
I don't know what I'm reading, user
what do these people do with this organization? Seems like a self-help utopian philosophy, but what am I not reading between the lines?
Most of what I've seen Anon5 saying is accurate, or seems to be. I believe in thinking critically about any source, but I think he is legit.
>no trip
That's a disinfo shill right there, faggot
not prehistoric, these would be cephalopods that evolved in an ecosystem completely cutoff from the rest of the world.
bone apple teeth.
duh, would be silly to take everything at face value
but I want to know about the giant creatures!
Where is Anon5? Plz come back.
I was reading the mkultra victim pastebin
And there's these weird UN connected spiritual cult type groups, tavistock is involved too,I can't really tell what the goal is but it seems to be some kind of spitritual awakening and control program.
I'm not really sure what it all means or of it's disinfo.
Any comment on the Sakhalin shoreline creature?
Yes I did.
9th Caliphate=Rise of Large & Powerful Islamic State
10th Crusade=Christian world fighting back, possibly due to the death of the Pope.
Not all Muslims are from those regions you're speaking of.
But I get what you mean.
Technically Islam IS behind schedule according to other religions, but with what you expressed factored in they're about in the right spot.
I don't mind the shills. I specifically placed an invitation for them in the OP. I want them to feel welcome. Most of them are very unhappy people, so I believe in being kind to them.
groundwork and beta testing for the one world religion most likely
with some kind of aay lmao narrative woven in
maybe the ancient aliens meme will be boosted with 'new evidence' that refutes historical records
Likely a deformed Dolphin based on the image, could also be a young whale who died but the skull is odd.
that looks like a decomposed orca skeleton
a "UFO Cult" is part of the plan yes.
It's a good setup too, make us aspire to high levels of advanced technology and science BUT does struggle with other religions.
Very kind of you user. They'll come either way, no harm in letting them get cozy.
speaking of which, they drilled into lake vostok and took samples several years ago, and then we didn't hear a peep from russia
I want to know what's in it
Tell me more about these bloodlines?
First, you really don't.
Second, it was a Kraken.
Third, you don't want that getting into the oceans.
Seems like a good thread to bring this up:
It will happen when the weather cools.
That's when they'll make their move.
The plans made long ago, before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition.
They're trying to force God's hand.
Watch for these signs:
Three branches will become one.
An island will drift away.
A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
The star will gorge itself on clay.
Idols will speak and move about.
The black flag will fly above the dome.
The belly of the dragon will drip water.
Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
A rock will stand on seven hills.
The ravens will starve.
The bear will leave its cave forever.
The rod and the ring will strike.
...there shall, in that time, be *rumors* of things going astray, errrm, and there shall be a great confusion as to where things really are, and nobody will really know where lieth those little things wi - with the sort of raffia work base that has an attachment. At this time, a friend shall lose his friend's hammer and the young shall not know where lieth the things possessed by their fathers that their fathers put there only just the night before, about eight o'clock. Yea, it is written in the book of Cyril that...
Also where is this from, I've seen it on past threads, but have no idea the origin.
Where is Anon5?
im skimming through the mkultra thing
whatever happened to benjamin creme of lucis trust, he was so sure that the maitreya had been born and would reveal himself and then... NOTHING, maybe these UN occult types have no clue what they're doing and need to be all put in a mental asylum
>It will happen when the weather cools.
Coldest summer I can remember here right now.
> A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
UFO, possibly?
> Idols will speak and move about.
We've already got facial photographic animation technology, and voice synthesis; this is possible.
> The black flag will fly above the dome.
ISIS; the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem?
> A rock will stand on seven hills.
A reference to Rome?
> The bear will leave its cave forever.
Russia ceasing to be isolationist?
> The rod and the ring will strike.
Sounds like a reference to war between the Vatican and some secular government.
I think he left. I started this thread, not him. The old thread is where he was mostly active. He wasn't here for very long.
>10th Crusade=Christian world fighting back, possibly due to the death of the Pope.
>possibly due to the death of the Pope.
they took water samples from the lake, a kraken would be a bit too big to fit in a beaker
I just expected there would be more interest from the scientific community about what kinds of microbes and bugs they may find in the water
unfortunately it seems these things will be allowed to happen, along with raiding the vatican
wonder how they convinced francis to play this suicidal role, or maybe he really does believe the idiotic things he says
>The Belly of the Dragon will Drip With Water
My money is on China's Navy getting into some fight, potentially with the US (WW3's pacific theater)
>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
I honestly see this being Trump and Putin about some serious threat (like the 9th Caliphate)
>The ravens will starve.
Death of the MSM. They make money off of deaths (mass shootings) and they are already failing.
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
Likely a nuke in some remote area, potentially a nuclear test from North Korea
>The Star will gorge itself on clay.
Israel claiming more land, perhaps through being pressured by the 9th Caliphate.
he's martyring himself to be canonized as a saint, watch it happen.
If it evolved in Lake vostok, maybe it has evolved to be as large as its environment allows.
>>Small fry/eggs get into sample
>>somehow gets out into ocean
>>eats lots
>>grows huge
>> becomes cthulu
> A rock will stand on seven hills.
>A reference to Rome?
Must be a reference to the Pope. The Pope is the successor of Peter, the first Bishop of Rome, whom Jesus named Peter "the rock on which I will build my church" (Peter means rock). Also the Prophecy of the Popes (en.wikipedia.org
I think you have a winner with that one.
Ravens could also be a reference to Baltimore/Maryland area (i.e DC area) and how the political elites are losing their grip of power. The beast will be starved.
Why do you push looking into Hollywood sex parties? The public would not be enraged at that as much as all our world leaders fucking and killing babies. I know Hollywood is connected but it seems they would have an easier time making that controversy blow over.
You're speaking of Raven Rock? I have some questions about the CIA areas of operation around Maryland DC.
What is the importance of Culpeper/Warrenton?
There are a large amount of CIA bases in this area
This is also where the Finders operate.
Epstein connects to both groups of people doesn't he, I think he meant it's ALL connected and we can find it easier there.
is 4skin covering enough of earth?
those lakes are actually pretty fucking big, and Antarctica's ecosystem is incredibly weird.
Interesting take on it, I like it.
>there will sit Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations
Francis being a populist in order to give the Vatican a soft landing; it's been in visible decline for a while, which was the motivation behind Vatican II. Not that I pay all that much attention to Catholicism, to be honest; I consider it boring and irrelevant.
>The dreadful judge will judge his people. The End."
Basically who Nostradamus refers to as the Antichrist; a guy from the Middle East who gets really sick of all the degeneracy in the world, initially pretends to be a saviour until he gets a massive amount of power, and then uses said power to go as close as he can to destroying the planet. He gets stopped in the end, though. It's the partitioning cataclysm or proverbial pressing of the reset button between Pisces and Aquarius. There isn't always one between great Ages, but there often is.
It was posted a while ago by some random user back in the spring or early summer. Before brexit, and everything else started to happen. I also think it may have connections to the video I, Pet Goat 2.
Looks like a compilation of Nostradamus' quatrains. But it's like a horoscope, vague yet relevant and only applicable after the fact.
Isn't anon5 that guy called pleadingtheyiff from Reddit?
What did he mean by this?
It's the Prophecy of Kek, not from Nostradamus at all.
this guy is an awful LARPer, stop giving him (you)s
Nuclear bombs use a rod and ring in their detonation mechanism
fuck you buddy it's fun
For some reason that reminded me of that weird case of those hikers in Russia who were found dead back in the 50's or something like that, they were all fucked up. They did get a photo of a big black hulking figure before they died.
I'm pretty sure Nostradamus has an earlier copyright.
What actually was the deal with BadSelfEater?
I refuse to believe that Dr. Deletus' wild ride was really for a prolife ad. Did the real Mr Teeth get suicided?
Yeah, he's roleplaying, sadly.