>hates on blacks for being violent
>whites killed more than 40 million people in wars the last century alone (most were their own race)
Sup Forums Cognitive Dissonance
>have a strong disdain for homossexuality, promiscuity, broken families and atheism
>consider islam an enemy
>Waging war is the same thing as robbing somebody then shoot them once they gave you their money
>claims a multicultural society will inevitably fall apart
>Sup Forums is a multicultural society
>laugh at muslims for killing for divine abstractions
>will defend millions of deaths motivated by national abstractions
Let's all take Brazil advice, they sure know how to run a country.
>not recognizing the difference between soldiers following orders and black civs committing murder
Saged faggot
> white haven't shoa'd their own people
there is a difference between niggers killing eachother and war
not mutually exclusive
pol is not a society
bait thread
>war and criminality are the same things
Worst bait I've seen in a while user
Belief vs supporting your country
Not an argument
>calls Reddit an echochamber
>when was the last time an opposing opinion was thoughtfully discussed on Sup Forums?
hybrid nigger; dr
>hates blacks because they are dumb and commit more crime
>whites commit 14 times more crime relative to asians than blacks commit relative to whites
Way to miss the point, the fact that you believe a country a exist so you can support it, is just as belivable as a religious belief.
there are countries that "exist" but aren't recognized meaning some believe in the country others don't. its an abstractive belief like countries and its borders.
Read this user's post carefully.
He actually made an arguement.
> can't distinguish chimpouts and politics
How did you get internet in your favela anyway?
The difference is that the latter is doing it for personal reasons and not because of nationalist propaganda.
Soldiers die in wars to defend people who hate them.
OP was a loaded question, if you are a white man who is ordered to kill someone then you are following orders. A black man murdering someone is an act of violence from that specific man.
>would fight in a crusade to cleanse society of all degeneracy
>call people who actually do it "terrorists"
were you banned for posting this shit?
thats the difference between peddit and here
It's contextual, fighting in wars against some mad bastards to stop them doing bad things is different to fighting your own kind and others for personal gain. Like shitting in the bathroom versus shitting in the kitchen.
>and it's working so nicely
>defence is illegitimate because it's white
>attack is legitimate as long as it's against whites
>implying I hate blacks
op btfo
>condemns someone for stealing for his / her family
>thinks killing millions of your own race because of map colours is just fine
Whites are worse than niggers. At least they kill for something in exchange. Whites will shoot people for any abstractions their elites come up with, be it religion, race, you name it.
When niggers "chimp out", they burn a couple buildings and kill half a dozen people. When whites do, they carpet bomb entire cities, kill 15 million people and change the world order forever.
>when was the last time an opposing opinion was thoughtfully discussed on Sup Forums?
Oh you're new here, got it.
Sup Forums doesn't have a censoring system with up votes, and down votes like reddit.
That's why this isn't an echo chamber, and reddit it
You're welcome to spout your shitty opinions (this thread is absolute proof of it) just don't get mad, and scream echo chamber when some one calls you retarded for believing them.
>this is the favela monkeys best attempt at trolling
I'm sorry you're a nigger.
>Gata do Corinthians
>Parece uma marmita de bandido
Faz sentido
Except one is based off an imaginary God and the other has all of its bases in reality???
There's a difference between people from other countries in war and killing your own citizens like a fucking nigger
>implying the majority of Civs hates soldiers
Don't you think poeple would hate them even more if they didn't defend them?
You don't understand, if they have to see opposing viewpoints and are unable to turn the site to their views, then it's clearly an echo chamber
I can also make the argument that they both need people to believe in them, If for some reason everyone in the united states woke up and believed that the us was china or mexico . there wouldn't be a USA.
and its only a bsis in reality because again other foreign countries believe and recognize our beliefs !
>think niggers should stop relying on handouts and fix their communities and crime rates.
>think niggers are sub humans that are too stupid to take care of themselves
>boston massacre
>first chimp outs in USA history
>forever part of history and politics
>moral of story , we dindu nuffin
This happened in the USA. Do you want to fight wars and risk your own life to protect these people's safety?
Trying to survive while they spend their days posting about 'male privilege' on tumblr.
>if niggers were smart and had access to the same tools they would kill just as many if not more????
>what are sand niggers
>whites are masterrace because higher IQ than blacks
>asians have higher IQ than whites
>jews have higher IQ than asians
>jews are somehow subhuman
I don't see any contradiction here.
Typical leftist.
Ignore the arguments that destroy your narrative, and attack the ones easy ones to shoot down.
wow you should work for CNN OP
One of us pissed in the ballpit.
You are right. Waging war and committing mass genocide is worse.
I have no issue with most Europeans but the British and the French who went out and started subjugating others deserve to be shamed.
You could have just stayed in Europe and done your own thing. You guys unraveled this box of worms
And like every leftist he has shit taste for women.
>being this new
>not sucking fat cocks
I didn't do anything, but people like you are so asking for it that I'll probably do.
Stupid analogy desu, there would be millions of papers contradicting all of their beliefs as to what America is
Also please recognize my argument.
Mudslimes kill to support their way of life and government from a false religious text, while Americans kill only to expand and defend what is based in real life.
>claims to be a christian board
>defends abortion of blacks and arabs
Qualitatively different. There is a difference between inter-personal violence and military violence.
>killing someone for personal gain is bad
>killing someone for the gain of an abstraction is okay
>but terrorism is still wrong
Yes, because I wouldn't fight for their autism, I would fight for their right to be autistic without being persecuted. That is one of the things that makes this country great.
Try it. I hope the Gendarmes book you and you'll spend you'll life in a cell
You're lucky you're living oversea you subhuman piece of shit.
This is actually an accurate portrayal of our problems here. The nogs need to fix their shit but they're too chimpy to do anything right
>whites killed more than 40 million people in wars the last century alone (most were their own race)
>in wars
>more than 40 million
We also killed more than 1. Your total is so laughably below the actual total, it's obvious that you don't actually have a clue about what you're fucking talking about.
WW2 alone took anywhere from 50 to 80 million lives.
Also, shooting at and killing a man in an enemy army, who his a threat to your home state, is a far cry from killing your own. Niggers demanded integration, and now they use it to get close to other Americans and do them harm.
Pol is a board of peace. Peace between the Jews, the Christians, the Buddhists, the Hindus, and even the Dynamites.
Why cause I'll be harmed by your empty threats?
Sup Forums is not a vegan board, so our views on murdering non-human animals are actually quite consistent.
I'm not saying anything about "right" or "wrong" one way or another. I'm saying that you can't really have a functional modern, high-trust society with high rates of interpersonal violence. Thats something that is reflective of the characteristics of the general population. Military violence or foreign policy is not. I'm not saying one is better or worse morally than the other because thats too subjective.
Eh, I draw a distinction between the two. Whites fight over ideological differences. The masses are just dumb enough to allow themselves to be divided over how resources are distributed, like communism vs capitalism. When times are bad, greed and whatever divides the people over rich vs poor. We have academics who are able to sow discord through their "reasoning" and divide the people along class boundaries. Despite this, we still churn out more geniuses and people of higher intelligence than any other race.
But what about niggers and spics? Their violence is of the stupid order. It's senseless, widespread during times of relative peace. The motivation is for immediate gain, not some long-term plan for prosperity of the nation or people as a whole.
Pretty sure that chick is an escort on Adultwork and backpages senpai.
Because the liberation approaches and leftists faggots like you are just as fucked as sandniggers.
>I would fight for their right to be autistic without being persecuted.
Meanwhlie they try to create laws and gain influence to take YOUR rights away, good job.
Next time grab your gun and kill a bunch of leftists, you are helping your cause even more.
>>Sup Forums is a multicultural society
>implying you want the world to be like Sup Forums
All spooky shit agreed.
>>whites killed more than 40 million people
Blacks killed more
Not to mention, they are also supporting riots of negroids that will attack your family and friends on the streets for being white.
paranoid schizophrenia is hell of a mental defect isn't it jean?
Difference is Reddit just shuts em down with mods whereas Sup Forumsacks will generally just ignore/ shitpost to death commies and people if there is a disagreement.
Imagine a world where African warlords had nuclear bombs.
Your right, the blacks have a ton of work to do to catch up. Good thing they are so industrious when it comes to random acts of violence, they'll get there if they keep trying so hard! Shit, they are on track to beat our record by at least half a century, go get 'em tiger!
That isn't cognitive dissonance retard. You're comparing apples and oranges.
Two of the fruits picked for me by conquered peoples.
>is against immigration
>most posters come from the Americas
Look at the fucking catalogue, stupid.
>The Socratic dialogues are really just an echo chamber because they separate wisdom and truth from falsehood and fallacy
>implying Violence is universal evil and that intent and outcome doesn't matter
>Islam is the only religion which does not favor homos, promiscuity, divorce, and atheism
Sup Forums is not a society, have you been here the last few days with the Meds and Nords fighting??
>abstractions are all the same
funny because you aren't even exposing a hypocrisy, you're just assuming we will see the difference as hypocrisy
>Gold is worth more than silver so your wrong for wanting silver instead of poo poo
The underlying presupposition is that war for a reason (any reason) is bad, I disagree.
What you described is Nobility vs Survivalism, that speaks for itself.
This viewpoint is entirely consistent, they will never build anything if they do not struggle and build.
Actually Nordics have a slightly higher IQ
>Sup Forums is one person
>Americans are all illegal immigrants
>thinks asians shouldn't be defeating us at everything
>watches anime
Ashkenazi kikes are not subhuman. They are mixed Semitics and Germanics.
However of all Jews these "super" kikes only make up about 30%. Rest of the jews are eastern mongol spawns or Arab looking types.
This is also the reason why many jews fled to America and not all wondered to Israel. Ashkenazi sweine hate the lower kind of jews just as much as they hate us.
also kys Huehue monkey. Gas the kikes.
Every person is violent.
The type of voilence Sup Forums is talking about and you are talking about is different completely.
Islam is against freedom
pol is not a society is a forum full of trolls and shitposters
Im not going to defend any wars
i doubt anyone actually does
Yeah these things can be achieved outside of Islam. Furthermore, Muslims have got a massive homo problem, they're the sort of people who will sodomise a 10 year old boy on the way over to the public stoning of two guys who boned in secret. The same principal applies to promiscuity: they beat their wives for going outside without them, but will rape at every turn. At least Western promiscuity, while degenerate, is voluntary in general. Their families are dysfunctional wrecks, raising husks of women and hyper-aggressive, narrow-minded, insecure, sexually repressed men who will further perpetuate the madness of Islam. As for atheism, one can't speak for Sup Forums as a whole board on that, as it's not one person, but again, a disdain for atheism can be had without subscribing to the biggest cult on the planet.
No, I support legal protesting. A riot is in fact illegal, dumbass.
Speak for yourself faggot
Indeed, that is why the people the cuck soldiers are defending will help negroids in doing the riots for them.
>implying Islam isn't the degenerate fever-dream of a 7th century camel-fucking nomad which went on to be codified into law when his insanity drove him to become a bloodthirsty sadistic warlord.
There's a difference between killing in war time and killing in peace time. They fought for their country and world peace. The black people that kill so many of their own and others are fighting and killing over stupid shit like heresay or someone looked at them wrong. Big difference
Niggers are too close to being animals to have the mental faculties to fall for spooks, this is true.
>whites are superior, so they should exterminate all the inferior races and rule the world
>I wish I could live in the Third Reich
>I'm white and I deserve a white collar job, I won't do nigger tier jobs
>women are soulless non human creatures and should be treated as such
>niggers are savage creatures, they love violence and chaos
this negro gets it
>>whites killed more than 40 million people in wars the last century alone (most were their own race)
>implying whites are white
Now go eat some dung cookies while having your hands cut off ,favelado indionegro
this is what happens when you throw a laptop into the jungle
>I wish I could live in the Third Reich
You need to brush up your knowledge of history
>fabricating self defeating strawmen
>Sup Forums is one person
have a (you), regardless
Do you have any example of this and a link to it?
Nothing remotely difficult to understand. Blacks behave like savages because of their nature, while white people go to war because of various reasons to do with protecting the national interest, just like everyone else