>Be me
>Be cleaning out hard drive
>Find an old version of RPG Maker from years ago
>It was a simpler time
>Remember godawful mess of an RPG you eventually gave up on and deleted
>Wonder what to do with it
>Wonder if you can get feminists to crowdfund a shitty RPG maker game or buy it en masse
>Wonder how shitty it should be
>Wonder if i should play the "I'm bi" card or go all the way and claim to be a woman indie dev
>Have absolutely zero experience when it comes to this level of trolling
>I once made a shit-tier fanfiction site go apeshit but that was it
I really do love the idea of finding new and exciting ways to separate SJWs from their money. Not just this, we need to find all kinds of ways to scam them out of their money, Jill Stein style.
Get a cheap wig and womens clothes, then make a kickstarter with a video saying you're making a game to promote women in STEM and fund your transition. Shill on twitter and tumblr.
Easy cash.
My friend used to make lots of paypal money using random family pictures and posting them on some donation/fundraiset sites claiming their home has burned etc. cancer and other sob-stories. He made close to 10,000€ this way from various donations all over the world using pictures he took from facebook family photo albums
Scamming kickstarter is tough. If you don't deliver certain things they can refund backers can't they?
>Immediately dream up generic idea, hero must climb a tower and defeat some edgy demon lord or wizard or whatever
>Wonder how far you can go when it comes to putting traps and major dick moves into the game
>Remember years of loving games like Kaizo Mario and IWBTG
>Dream up empty rooms, stupidly huge dungeon levels with random encounters that make Zubats look tolerable and labyrinths you can only beat with a guide and puzzles that make no damn sense
>Don't want to do anything TOO smart and give it away, but if you can't fuck over the people LPing this shitshow on youtube, what's the point?
>Possible heroes include generic "Women can be warriors too!" fighter girl
>Wonder how far to push the feminist "Women can fight!" thing
>Too far and it becomes obvious. Not far enough, and you don't get the feminist ladyboners you need to separate SJWs from money.
Liberal Crime Squad already exists
>Think of a cast of selectable heroes, including 10/10 waifu cute mage girl, bitchy healer girl, and big black fatass tumblr will latch onto and draw shit-tier porn of.
>Wonder if I should make the mage a massive bitch to tickle feminist fantasies
Make the mage wear a burqa too.
>urge to make 10/10 waifu mage the best character is strong
>Considering saving her for a different game and making a generic mage girl
>Maybe just make faces and names, and let tumblr "Headcanon" their own characterizations for these?
Now now, remember that the way this works is you only sell an idea and the bux will flow in. That's what Stein did. That's what Star Citizen has been doing. That's what Sarkeesian did.
Fuck spending time thinking about the actual product, just try and come up with an idea that's as appealing as possible.
>Remember Feminist Mad Max: Failure Road
>Roll eyes
>Not 100% ponyfag but consider putting a reference to that and Milky Way in there
>Because feminists HATE bronies
>lulz imbound
>Hours of game play!
>Hack, slash, and bash your way through hoards of CIS scum!
>Ascend to the top of the Ivory Phallic Tower to SMASH The Patriarchy!
Choose a persona for the game developer
>Pissed-off fully-fledged manhating feminist
>Newbie just going with what she's been told to believe
Of course the villain's tower will be penis shaped and smashed at the end.
Of course the villain will look like a demonic prick or incubus with a dick tail.
we can take their money and fund a Kek statue
I've done this twice now, once with an ebook and once with a Youtube video. The ebook worked to a degree, but the video bombed.
This is how you do it:
>make unconnected accounts all over social media
>make them obviously male/gamer orientated
>leave them for now
>start making accounts on feminist sites
>lay low for a couple of weeks
>start joining discussions but be humble
>always play a woman who has had domestic violence issues
>identify the "leaders" on these sites
>sympathise with their problems but never try to out-do them
>always meek and submissive
>start introducing your product subtly (either slowly guide discussions to it, or look for existing topics about it)
>use Twitter and shit to promote SJW problems
>after a couple of months (yeah, you need time), start advertising your patreon/kickstarter/whatever
>say you want to make a difference and help people, even though it clearly won't
>use your "allies" from these sites to start retweeting and sharing
Now this is the game-changer:
>get your old male/gamer accounts from the start
>start trolling with them
>target yourself for the most hardcore stuff (stops police getting involved when you get reported)
>make threads here about how shit your product is and how enraging things are
>watch as the SJWs start funnelling money to you, leftist sites use you as examples of misogyny, and the drones here fuel it with their trolling
Took me a most a year to do all of this twice, and it was a 50% success rate. Only got just shy of £10k, and I did have to actually create the products, so it isn't a huge money-maker unless you are legit about it all in your life.
Where can I sell this game for maximum profit? (And prefarably also anonymously and with no refunds)
What were they about?
That's too subtle. Just go full ARKH project and make him a white dude.
I want my demon dick tail villain. The villain will start as a white man, then become that in his second form.
>Can't decide on the age rating and if rape/rape-like scenes should be implemented/implied.
Ebook was a generic feminist story of a rebel female multi-culti group fighting oppressive patriarchal governments. They win, obviously.
Video was about strong female characters in film and TV. I forgot to include man-hating in that, so I think that's why it bombed. Plus, I didn't show my face or use my voice, which is a major giveaway for these sorts of vids.
Patreon i guess? But you need to set up an unlimited goal (or however is it called) so you don't need to deliver on anything. But be prepared for faliure, you aren't first guy who had this idea. Market is oversaturated.
In the US this would be felony fraud. It probably is in Cuckland too.
Has already been done, its called Undertale
Creativity is an enemy of success on patreon. You just need a gay, genderqueer princess of color as a hero and generic white dude as a villain.
make the main character bi or trans or whatever, because you might get into legal trouble posing as a woman
Not even close.
Make sure to start a patreon and then after a while release a game on steam for 5 dollars
Just go for the money and let them write their retarded story
Duuuuuude. Great idea. Tip #1 you need to spray colors in your hair and get some fake piercings so you look the part.
Remember to have a stacy villain, all the tumblr dykes envy/hate hot popular girls like you wouldnt believe
Make an RPG about SJW team fighting against Donald Trump
lol Jill Stein needs to be turned into a meme or a term for scamming money from someone
ie. He totally Jill Steined that small business.
or ...I was gonna buy this thing I sae until I realized it was a total Jill Stein
Make the Sup Forums version of Undertale.
>genocide run is already the Sup Forums version of undertale
No, the pol version would have you leave the underground after killing everyone, only to find a monster-infested world. You kill a shitton more monsters and lead a human rebellion to kill shit up. Also Chara the edgelord shit-tier deviantart creepypasta would be your bitch.
>Need music to put in the game
>An OST of me dicking around in totally-legit FL Studio
>music too old for copyrights to apply
>No, that'd make things obvious. SHIT-TIER OST TIME
How can this thread assist me in this goal? Pretending to be men that harass me on forums/sites?
A whole 10 euros? What is the point?
How about just Steining? No specific Stein, just Stein.
Who knows, it might just make normies look at jews as Steins too.
>>Wonder if you can get feminists to crowdfund a shitty RPG maker game or buy it en masse
Surprise-surprise: lots of (((indie developers))) on steam have been doing this for some years already.
Wouldnt have thought it would work. You played them excellently, i think i 'get' why businesses try to appeal to them. They are retards
I like Steining. If asked, we can claim it refers to frankenstein.
>A mismatch of parts that looks suspicious
>Someone shady that makes garbage
Either works
Call it Triump.
Make it about a Mexican tranny who has to find the key to its chastity belt before trump grabs it by the boi pussy.
Realistically, you'd need to have a strong twitter presence with a post history going back months. And you can't breal character eirher, no matter what your angle is. You need to have yoursellf victimized in some way, and really make it so believable that you almost believe your own bullshit. After all of that is said and done, you'll find that your efforts weren't even worth the couple grand you were able to scam. Nunnudis matters.
yeah but will the normies actually know what were talking about?? will they know we mean jill
Nah, just make a hentai game. Lots of money to achive that way (check patreon).
Of course not. If they know of her, they won't be normies.
I don't just want to take money from people. I want to take money from BAD people. I want to make a work of art and be paid to do it by shitheads that don't deserve their own money. I want to become justice the only way this world will let me.
It's not enough that I win. The SJWs must lose.
>announcing it on Sup Forums first
Yeah good luck with that.
>Implying SJWs read Sup Forums and will make the connections between myself and my identity, which has yet to be crafted
>Implying I didn't sneak misinformation into my earlier posts
Anyway, where should I sell this game when its done? I need anonymous-ish sales, preferably linked only to an email and username.