Why does Donald Trump hate the CIA so much?

Why does Donald Trump hate the CIA so much?

because they are pedophiles owned by jews

Uh, why would you love them so much?

Took whistleblowers to finally unveil they've been spying on us for decades.


I can't wait until he attacks the NSA and FBI too.

He will literally have nobody in his government that likes him.

Because they just announced Russian state sponsored hackers helped him win the election, which was obvious to anyone with a brain

>Why does Donald Trump hate the CIA so much?
Maybe because those lies that lead to Iraq war

>Took whistleblowers to finally unveil they've been spying on us for decades.

I don't really like the CIA either, but that was the NSA.

Donald is benevolent to those that align with him, and hostile to those who malign him.

>pedophiles owned by muslims



How did they malign him though. They haven't said anything a bad about him, just some stuff about Russia.

The CIA are slaves to the aliens

Thank you for Correcting the Record

They sow discontent in the populace. One issue the President Elect faces is instability wrought by political opponents of his. Not only have they resorted to physical violence, but they've made accusations of rigged elections (of which Trump was ridiculed for suggesting) and made death threats to him and his family.

CIA is supposed to destabilize governments hostile to the US, not the US itself.

As sec of state, HRC works very closely with them as US embassies around the world are basically staging grounds for various CIA ops. Trump is cleaning house and all disloyal elements are gonna get axed because we all know that Trump does not tolerate disloyalty. This is a desperate last stand at saving their cushy positions. There's probably all sorts of backroom deals going on with Trump's team on who gets to keep their job in exchange for making these Russian hack rumors go away.

member when they had to go edit wikipedia to make benghazi an embassy after Hillary got busted fencing arms to ISIS through the CIA safe house and burned and ambassador over it?

If it was an ambassador's residence in a foreign country, doesn't that qualify as an embassy?

It was a CIA safe house. That they """forgot""" to put on wikipedia until after it blew up.

>safe house
Nothing safe about it. It was a make shift embassy. Let's be honest, all US embassies are used in conjunction with the intelligence communities.

yeah like I said they had to run around and edit wikipedia after fucking it up


The coverup is always worse than the crime. One might think of Nixon as a better line of argument.

Because hes a big guy