Give me one good reason you haven't covered to Islam. We share the same ideologies as the far right, it's soon to be the most popular religion, and the benefits outweighed the negatives. It really is the perfect religion. What are you waiting for?
>wants a return to monarchy
Allah (peace be upon him) is willing to accept everyone of you if you follow him and Muhammeds ways.
Not a monarchy. One unified state that lives by the universe law; sharia. We can end degeneracy and sinning for good my friend.
i agree that Christians and muslims share a lot in common, and agree on most things considered degenerate. It really boggles my mind when westerners side with atheists against muslims, when the apostates/blasphemers would just as soon side with muslims against Christians.
>why not convert
Because you deny the holy trinity, and thus are no better than the jew. However, how can one not respect a pious hearted man? Peace be with you, i will pray that you one day accept the Lord Christ as your savior.
Because we're not fucking sand niggers you dumb cunt.
Come with us in pilgrimage to mecha. You will surely change your mind and see the truth. The beauty of Islam needs to be seen, not just looked at through a computer screen.
Fuck jizzlam
Where does it say you have to be a "sand nigger" to be a Muslim? Islam embraces every ethnicity to enter the arms of allah (peace be upon him). Bless my friend.
Italian restraunt we own hands out some olives to start and some have salami in to flavour them and we had a muslim guy refuse to pay after he realised he'd eaten pork.
Stop this now. I've reported you to the mods. We don't take this disrespect especially not from a dirty Irishman like you
Fuck off with that shit. You assholes do nothing but lie and bomb wherever the fuck you go, then cry when someone kicks your collective shit in
Islam or else, that's your creed.
You fucking retarded nigger
Peace be upon him you say that shit like a brainwashed cunt you are
I value my foreskin more than your goat fucking circlejerk
This what the media and Jews have molded your little mind into thinking. Take a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia you will see the truth in Islam it's how I converted.
you cannot go on pilgramage to saudi arabia unless you are already muslim you bullshitter.
Fuck off that's heresy. Deus Volt.
Ahh yes here we have a kike trying to give our people a bad name. Typical
>this triggers op
Muslims side with niggers on social issues in America/Europe and they vote liberal far too much.
Of course this is why you have to convert first. They aren't very strict with this but you WILL have to convert to Islam before coming with us.
you said a pilgramige to saudi is how you converted, that is factually wrong.
sorry but your troll failed because your ignorance was exposed.
Try harder.
jebo ti alah mater u pičku
1992-1995 AND AGAIN SOON
>believes the west will ever give up pork or think that your pedophile messiah is the way to go.
>can't wait for trump to make you go back to your shithole of a country.
Allah have mercy on you. Disgusting kike.
Thia triggers me becouse I'm fucking hungry at work. I'm having some good meat today.
why have you denied the Lord Christ as your savior though? How can you expect salvation when you are brothers with the jew?
I think "Wants to kill a shitload of infidels to get 72 virgins in heaven" is only on one of those lists
>Return to monarchy
Also no, and Sharia law isn't even close to the same
You misuderstood. I hope you're not attacking because your part of (((their))) little religion to control you. Free your minds. The OP is a smart man, he knows what he's talking about
t. armenian dispora
that's just moderate islam desu
Truthfully, I'm okay with Islam. But if you try to force me to live my life a certain way, I'll crusade your ass, your family's ass, and everyone you know's ass.
>Religion of goatfuckers
>promotes rape and stoning of women
>doesn't let women drive
>oppressive language and culture
>cant drink or smoke
>convert or die
Islam is literally 0/10 in terms of desirable religion.
Here's mine:
>God might or might not exist
>no one knows for sure
>lets drink beer.
My religion is superior.
g-go on
Christian here, you realize you sound like a feminist white knight don't you? women are not your equal.
I believe Jesus Christ is God incarnate who died and rose from the dead.. Knowing truth I can not be deceived by a lie.
I want to choke on Italian sausage now hhnngghh, gg
Wow what a kike thing to say. Yeah go drink some manneschvitz and tell others God might or might not exist. Fucking kike.
this irishman must be drunk on the whiskey.
>I don't worship Satan or a demon, but the Holy Trinity - One God, three essences inseparable but distinct.
>I do my best to not succumb to this fallen world, as much of a sinner as I am. Muslims do the opposite.
>I realize that the world after this one is not temporal like this one, unlike Muslims, who will ear, drink, and fuck for eternity in their vain "paradise".
Mohamed was nothe a Prophet, nor proohet-like, but an Anti-Christ, as all Muslims are.