Big election tomorrow in Romania. Only 2 parties have chance of winning
>merkel party
>russian party
Who would you pick?
Big election tomorrow in Romania. Only 2 parties have chance of winning
>merkel party
>russian party
Who would you pick?
die gypsy scum
Kys leafshit
Russian party.
Not surprised
I was willing to discuss it but you posted cancer so nty.
I wouldn't go to vote if thoses are the choices.
Your opinions don't matter dumb anime poster
I can't really answer your question. Merkel party sounds like a con job and Russian party I know shit about.
We have a hardcore nazi party and a bozgor party but these stand no chance
russian for the lulz
Russian party, always.
The one that would Make Romania Great For Once.
I would vote for the Nazi party.
Doesn't matter if don't stand a chance. It will never have if everyone vote for what the stablishment tell you.
fuck you
The russian party wants to kick out american troops and bring russians for being more "effective" and russia already agreed to that
I don't care about romania not even a slight bit
You literally have no effect in geo politics
The one with the best memes, of course. Post some of their campaign propaganda.
russian party obviously.
Why is Chad intersted in Romanian elections anyway?
Angela Merkel is the good guy. She is the last hope for Western democracy.
>Merkel/Russian party
>in Romania
What's this about?
I don't know your political situation, can you tl;dr it?
If Merkel party means flooding your country with 3rd worlders and russian party means a heavy loss ofr your countries self-determination ability that'll be a really hard on. probably russian but really need more context
We were great 2000 years ago now we're fags
kill yourself romani
I'm ok with it, brings back balance of power
should have known
There is no Russian party in Romania lol
I hope Romania gets nuked
Let your heart choose Russia.
Merkel party
>bring refugees
>get billions from EU and improve economy
Russian party
>in favour of makong more deals with Russia on gas and weapons
>no air restrictions for russia
>bring some russian troops for "improved security"
we stand with gypsies, a bulwark against the ugly merkels of Europe.
You can fucking get wiped off the planet that's what I vote for
then who is the lesser evil of your elections?!
no third option?
got them moves though you gotta admit
russian party desu
socialism doesn't work in poor countries for obvious reasons
Of course they don't call themselfes russian you stupid shit but you already know their intentions
Your sister is prego from a nigger.
Russian party greatest neighbor,they are not so bad,I-i swear.
Russian party for sure. Merkel is a snake
...You literarely have no ideea what you are talking about mate. Stop watching antena and kanal d news. They don't reflect reality.
>no political past
>Trump tier economical values
>actual people with experience,intelligence and willing to change the country
>anti rapefugees
>anti mudslim mosque shits
>pro getting back our diaspora
>pro natality policies to raise our birthrates
>pro NATO
>neutral on EU
>every political party hates them
Its the equivalent of AfD in Romania.
Let me guess. You get your info from protv and will vote PSD because they say so.
Typical romanian faggot who gets brainwashed for a free pen. Kys
die fucking gyppo
>>bring refugees
kek no. most refugees relocated to eastern came back here (or sweden, britain and franceas fast they could). so no real danger as long as you're not leechable
take the eu gibs
I know someone who's Romanian, who should I make'em vote for?
Who is THAT? Holy shit I need more
Are you retarded?
god damnit
Zyklon B.
so u fags are leaving NATO?
what does the merkel party offer?
I aint voting no party. The country is a shithole beyond repair. It can burn for all I care. And I'd enjoy the show and cheer for it.
If OP ever gets on Sup Forums again you will be anally raped by giga-nigga, nothing can save you from this, even not seeing this post.
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