>That one non-white person who tries to convince himself he's part of the white race
That one non-white person who tries to convince himself he's part of the white race
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But I am white though.
No you're not.
I actually met a group of fashy guys from TRS, one of them looked pretty "greek" if you know what I mean.
>that one non-white country who try to convince themselves their part of the white race
That would be me. I want to be white forever and ever. It helps as well that i have a white wife so.. yeah....
all mutts/ half white/half nigger think like this
they are the most insecure people on the planet
so pathetic
>Buzzes in
What is Argentina?
>that one country who has been under the control of the zionists for over a century and ruined the homeland twice but somehow still think that they are the best of the best.
I´m not white and it´s ok for me
>That one non-white person who tells you he's a civic nationalist
how's Ahmed?
muslims are pedophiles. You are within your rights to kick them in the balls if you see their penis hanging out of their zipper while your kids giggle at the size of it
>that flag
How will anyone ever take you seriously?
lol, white isn't a race you silly cunt
I hate those fucks like no tomorrow. Fucking subhuman dogs.
You really want to go there broder?
For real?
That's England
You're pathetic.
i-i just talking about that bad color scheme
I never claimed I was white though.
Oldest Mongol blood on the continent.
Are you a Turk rape baby?
>having an opinion
I'm white though.
They can be honorary whites once they go through their whole life being white. If they ever chimp out then they will never be any sort of white.
Not sure.
Are you a subhuman primate?
Not sure.
I did time in california state prisons. There was a coal-black nigger on the yard while I was training for the inmate firefighter program who.. I shit you not.. was trying to join the skinheads.
>gimme a break
>its only a tan guise
>trying to scrub it off in the shower erry night
Fucking funny as hell.
Rude. He just wan'ts to know if you're his son.
Get out of my country
Look at his flag. Of course he is.
No. u get out.
Im fucking tired of dealing with you in every fucking semaphore light.
>posting pic of dead soldiers
Didn't you used to insult Turks for doing that?
I guess your Arabs immigrants already change you
Reminder that Paraguay is rightful Argentine clay.
what can you do if you get cursed with mudshit genes and want to break out of it? except killing yourself.
>said the burger
So much irony in one post.
>That non-white person who thinks he's part of the white race because born in a white country.
Im half white half asian, a yellow fellow identifying as both but would choose white in most cases
That's Every light skin Chicano cuck on pol as a matter of fact
i am unironically waiting for artificial wombs to cuck myself, my bab is going to be the whitest ubermench
I'm better than white
pic related
>fight in war against vastly superior power
Its almost like you could have predicted it (if you had a fully functional neo-cortex that is, nigger).
Who? The mongolian thing is just a meme. We look scandinavian and are the most blonde country on earth.
>mestizo with a inferiority complex, has to show everyone he knows what Sup Forums is
This is fucked. He doesn't have the semitic nose at all, has blue eyes. What exactly would tell you aside from his claim to jewry that he was one?
Its mainly Americans and Souther Europeans. They derail every thread insisting that brown eyes/hair whites dont make them swarthy europeans.
I'm native american but i put my seed in a white woman who has now 3 of my spawn, just so i can get my genes in that superior white race. All 3 of my kids have ghost skin but that's okay with me as long as i can get my bloodline in the superior race.
>he doesn't know what inferiority complex is
goddamn that's a terrible shoop
Yeah, but this land is now in better hands.
Just like the faklands.
Yeah, it'sThis
>not wanting ugly mongrel is inferiority complex
lmaoing at you desu, you can google what inferiority complex is.
Sorry I though you were talking about when a bunch of Americans destroy your whole Empire. And then nazis bomb the shit of you and your best strategic was to wait until Americans join and save you.
What about brown hair/green eyes? Green>blue, but brown
>better hands.
>Paraguay is Bolivia-tier
Green eyes are of semitic origin. Worse than being nonwhite, Cletus.
>That one circumcised guy who tries to convince himself that he's better off
You know who you are.
Thanks for proving my point , I think you should read this
As a Nuristani from Afghanistan (pic related is me), I can say that we are the true Aryan race. The "German Aryan " race is a meme and doesn't exist. The only true Aryans, scientifically speaking, inhabit the isolated regions of Central Asia, especially near the Hindu Kush mountains.
in·fe·ri·or·i·ty com·plex
an unrealistic feeling of general inadequacy caused by actual or supposed inferiority in one sphere, sometimes marked by aggressive behavior in compensation.
thanks for proving my point
Nu-male detected
So you be sayin'
*smacks lips*
I wuz Jesus?
I'm not a Numale faggot. I'm not even Canadian. I don't socialise with Canadians. I'm just using your country for school.
Bruh, believe it or not. Fortune was kind with our people. At least we are not one of the many God's forgotten provinces of Argentina.
Yup, better hands.
>not autistic
choose one faggot
Youre a mongrel and you feel your genes are inadequate so you want an artificial womb to purge your genes, hows is that not having an inferiority complex?
colonial mentality
>A colonial mentality is the attitude that colonized peoples feel themselves to be inferior to their colonizers based on the fact of colonization
>trying to convince Sup Forums I'm white as fuck having this flag
>"hey user you are REALLY pale"
>"you aren't white user"
nigga you what
You're obviously not a true Canadian.
Nevertheless your nationality doesn't change the fact you have the fashion sense of a nu male autistic queer.
If the shoe fits, you must wear it no?
The last good white country was nazi Germany. Patton almost made America great again but he got assassinated. There's no reason to bicker about this now. We all need to rise up
Obviously. I am an Afghan retard.
And do you expect me to go outside wearing the clothes I would wear back home (pic related)? Fit in with your surroundings.
We know you're Afghan. But you're an afghan numale is what he's saying.
>90% European
>10% mestizo
Is there any hope?
Nice hairline faggot. Do your parents own a shawarma shop or a convenience store?
welcome to canada my new friend. feel free to let me know if you need anything such as food, clothes, my wife, transportation, etc.
Neither. My parents can't speak English and collect welfare from Canada :-) but we all voted for Trudeau last election. Thank you!
No such thing.
Kafir woman is Haram. Unacceptable. I will never indulge in a non Islamic woman inshallah
>that flag
>this topic
You are the worst namefag on this board.
>No such thing.
And check!
Thats the last box I needed completed, you are indeed a nu male faggot.
Do us all a favour, finish your fucking degree, go back to your shit hole of a nation you call home, and remove degeneracy from out lands.
>collect welfare from Canada
Your family is embarressing to say the least, not to mention you previous ancestors obviously failed, otherwise you wouldnt be in such a weak position in the world.
My money literally keeps your lifestyle alive.
Hmmmmmmm maybe I'll stay for a couple years to cash in on some more sweet welfare money with my parents.
Boy do I love Canada!
but you will accept hand out because you recognize the country your people made is absolute shit
Somebody is triggered
I hope you go on to become a doctor in your native country...
...so that one day one of our bombs may land on top of your clinic
Compared to my family in Afghanistan, we live like kings here as we suck on the teat of your public funds.
But I'm not here to talk about that. You idiots need to come to terms with the fact that the only Aryans live in mountainous areas of Central Asia.
Also the retards in this picture appear to be filthy p*shtuns or ar*bs. In Nuristan, my homeland, we look nothing like those brown skinned savages. Pic related is the average Nuristani.
How did you know what I wanted to do in school?
Incorrect Russia and America made it shit.
Sure go ahead and do this.
It doesn't trigger me to be honest. Your family won't amount to much. Non-factors.
The fact that you need to depend on welfare is testament to the values you and your family hold.
Dishonourable bastard is what you are.
Your family is not much better.
That's okay, enjoy the impending tax hikes that are coming, your money will build our mosques and feed our children with halal food.
Why are you discussing about race with a fucking Brazilian monkey?
Are you out of your mind?
fuck off shitskin
So why do you insist on living here?
In the way you're arguing, it seems like you're running out of ammunition. It sounds like you're spewing and making yourself look dumber than you actually are. Maybe it's because you're getting emotional, dunno, don't care either I suppose.
Listen shit skin, your genetics are obvious, you come from an inbred history.
Just because you call yourself white, doesn't mean pic related would agree. In fact I'm sure they would take the opportunity to show you otherwise.
Those filthy arabs are your fellow countrymen haha, you were just blessed not to look as ugly as them. At least God blessed your skin tone so you could be higher on the social hierarchy in your local village. But your fucking idiot parents brought you to Canada.
>Incorrect Russia and America made it shit.
Thats a grade A spook right there