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The funniest part is americucks thought shit would be different with Trump. He just said whatever he needed to get elected. Now, it's just the same shit as always and that's what his presidency is going to be like.
Populists ftw. I'm eager to hear results of france presidential elections. That won't be funny anymore.
well it's not like Hillary would've been better.
I'm going to take this in stride and hope for the best. It may turn out not to be such a bad thing
Right now it certainly doesn't look any better. Picking Scott Pruitt and taking on net netruality. Just wtf is wrong with him? And cutting taxes to corporate shills from 35% to 15%...
>And cutting taxes to corporate shills from 35% to 15%
That's lowering the taxes small business pay too. Not just mega corporations
He can't lower taxes just for smaller businesses?
Concern Shills can never get the wording right to fit in.
Sure, but as long as we have a global economy The US has to compete with other countries for the Jobs these corporations bring.
Having a lower corporate tax means that there is an incentive for large corporations to invest in our borders instead of someone else's
>Now, it's just the same shit as always
No, it's far,far worse. Trump literally picked the President of Goldman Sachs for a Cabinet Level Position. The CEO of Exxon-Mobil for Secretary of State, this is fucking insanity and corruption on a level that Hillary wouldn't have even attempted.
I know that as well, but expensive workforce.
>this is fucking insanity and corruption on a level that Hillary wouldn't have even attempted
Look at this retard and laugh
I bet you dont even look at the staff appointments of previous presidents or presidential candidates, your lack of historical awareness is shocking.
>I'm going to take this in stride and hope for the best. It may turn out not to be such a bad thing
>It may turn out not to be such a bad thing
Well what else am I supposed to do? look like pic related every day?
I'd like to have a bit of optimism every once in a while
>Louis CucK
Snowden looks so fucking dumb
So he sold us out to Goldman Sachs, Exxon, and Russia.
Press F to pay respects for America. It's over.
>Well what else am I supposed to do?
Vote for people based on who they associate with and who they hire to their staff not what they say in front the podium, that would be a good start.
Another one is learn about the history of US politics of the last century and who makes policy.
Then again that requires effort and reading, not watching youtube videos so good luck.
So, the dems are gonna abandon their stupid identity politics strat. and go back to civil nationalism now, yeah?
It's sunk in that they've fucked up, right?
Not even close.
Goldman has the smartest people. What's so bad about hiring them? They're not socialists, they're rational people. Also not all are Jews.
A Hillary administration would have been jogging towards Oligarchy.
The Trump administration is sprinting towards it.
Yeah man if you look at the cabinet appointments of previous presidents including Obama, the only thing special about what's happening now is the mainstream media commenting on it
Before you had to look at infographics and bloggers to find somebody who cares that Obama appointed a bunch of corporate insiders
Now cnn is talking about it
Oh that's right there is this secret cabal of high IQ professionals with finance experience that could easily compete with Goldman Sachs in terms of talent but it's ONLY their networking connections, period.
And who the fuck are they OP? What brilliant team have you ever put together in your entire life, dumbass
>Then again that requires effort and reading, not watching youtube videos so good luck.
nice superiority complex.
>vote for people
even the third parties are corrupted by and in bed with the same people. So voting at this point will make no difference.
Good comeback, fucking NEET
would doing pic related result in death?
No. Corporate taxes are defined by the legal structure of the business (with differences in the accompanying risk to the owners), and the laws that they are required comply with, rather than the value of the company.
>inb4 no trade tariffs or deportations
Goldman Sachs...not all are Jews.
you poor, poor man.
It would be extremely painful
>obongo gives the banks billions of dollars
>this is okay, too big to fail!
>trump gives people with insider knowledge low-paying cabinet positions
>omg filling the swamp!
Or you could have looked at documents they put out themselves if you cared. People simply dont though.
Never said vote for any of the major third parties. I said you need to look at who is around your candidate of choice. Trump hired on CFR members within 4 hours of being nominated. Only the dumbest posters on this board should be surprised by this outcome.
>baww someone didnt like my defense of goldman sachs and my ignorance of their history/influence in US policy choices.
Good post, how does it feel to have the memory of a goldfish?
>crying because a couple of Trump's cabinet members were former goldman sachs
What a bunch of babies. Citigroup literally built Obama's cabinet and nobody complained. Faggots.
Oh well, /leftypol/ can bitch all they want while I sit here smug as a bug in a rug.
Trump won, niggers ;^)
>And who the fuck are they OP? What brilliant team have you ever put together in your entire life, dumbass
Fuck me, you are telling that I can't comment on it because I've never put together team on state level?
"In 1996, he left Goldman"
He last worked for them before most of Sup Forums were born.
>more of the same policy outcomes are fine because my man is in front of the podium even though the end result doesnt change.
Jesus this board is retarded now.
Paulson is a Christian you dumb fuck. Despite there being a lot of Jews in Goldman, and it being founded by Jews, they employ Christians. Paulson was the CEO.
What should they have done? Goldman was not the one to request the government to give mortgages to niggers and saturate the market. That was an idea by democrat ''lets help the niggers to find housing'' people. You don't know shit mate.
For $1K-$2K, anyone of us becomes lethal from over half a mile.
Which is why America is great. We can literally overthrow this corrupt shit at any time if it gets bad enough for a majority of us. I still have a home and a job, though.
they wont be
by the way, Trump won
hahaha, the jew won your mind idiot, they only live due to your complancy
>What should they have done? Goldman was not the one to request the government to give mortgages to niggers and saturate the market. That was an idea by democrat ''lets help the niggers to find housing'' people. You don't know shit mate.
Thanks for the laugh.
This should help you realize how wrong you are.
My digits are the verified word of kek, shill.
Steve Bannon was at Goldman Sachs.
No one ever mentions that though. And he's considered here to be the best Trump pick.
You dumb fucks don't pay attention to anything do you? You just parrot MSM headlines.
Trump said day 1 he was going to get nasty guys from the world of business who know how to get things done and make deals. And guess where you find those guys?
He's also been quoted saying to surround yourself with the best people, but don't trust them.
They all answer to him. They all have to carry out his policies.
>nobody complained
You have to be 18+ to use this board, but you have to 25+ to not make an absolutely terrible fucking post, lad
>Goldman Sachs
>founded by Jews
sure, he's Christian. But that means nothing.
>They all have to carry out his policies.
That explains why the CFR has dictated every major policy choice for every president since its inception.
Oh wait, it just explains that you are an idealistic idiot.
>11 is 77
fug off heretic, you know what i say to be true. sure CAN be lethal at a mile away with only a bit of $, but you never will.
the Jews know that, they've been at it since the bce, but you don't, you think you or your neighbor will act if it gets bad, but it won't get 'bad', not how you think anyways. your job(slavery to the jew) and the bank you owe your house too already own you.
you ARE in the bad times, we BEEN in them since our parents signed the country away.
>read 'brave new world' for more info
Mr. NEET, do you have any clue on what started the housing bubble? Must I explain to you it was government intervention on the housing market? Must I explain this did not initially benefit the big banks, until they learned to abuse it? Must I explain this is not a policy created by capitalist bankers, but by Bernie-style socialists to whom it backfired?
>went out and voted in record numbers in hope of your candidate bringing true change to this country
>nothing changes
A-at least Trump won, r-right?
nice tinfoil, nerd.
You think a business with thousands of employees is a single entity? This is the same as saying Sup Forums is one person. Dumb motherfucker.
not even president yet
trump won, landslide
hillary got btfo
feels good ;^)
>>read 'brave new world' for more info
>doesn't look any better
>gun prices haven't skyrocketed and we'll get more gun rights back
That one issue alone is worth it.
>I dont read history books about banking influence in the US or about policy makers
>I do however read the news owned by said bankers and I trust it completely.
>I dont read transcripts of CFR lectures given by economists detailing how creating a housing bubble can be used to get more control over property in major cities in a predicable thirty year pattern for block busting.
Go one britbong.
>historical facts are tinfoil
>FOIA results are tinfoil
>direct quotations from the policy makers are tinfoil
How does being this unaware feel on a daily basis?
Bankers and prominent business people have been put in cabinet posts for a long time. WHy are they not allowed to be?
I mean fuck Rockefellers were in the government for fucking Decades, the Kennedy's and Bushe' have huge private fortunes.
John Kerry's wife owns Heinz
It would have been the exact same shit with both of them. Obongo (a "liberal") appointed CEO's and executives and took money form Wall Street as much as Shillary or Bush jr or Bill. Trump is no different other than the mainstream media is FINALLY TALKING about the members of the cabinet and what the hell their functions were before being appointed. Is like in their hatred of Trump they forgot they are part of the establishment as well and forgot that they are suppose to not point out this obvious Quid pro quo appointments that have always been working like this in the shadows while the mass media just STFU about it.
CFR is a government entity mate. Of course banks influence policy making, who the fuck denies that?
You do realize the big banks LOST money on the housing bubble right?
Goldman is obsessed with money in the short-run, it is a shareholder owned company.
I don't care who won. I wanted change, not the status quo. Just as I feared, another 4 years of bush/obama with a sprinkle of republican season.
Not true at all, if this was status quo the media wouldnt be in full on panic mode.
You are simply wrong. I agree some of the pics seem traditional but he doesnt want to alienate the republicans, he needs them to pass reform.
If he just threw up the middle finger to everyone it would be funny but that just means trump would sit in the white house tweeting while the congress stagnated him for 4 years.
ITT: A board of former libertarians complain about businesses
>CFR is a government entity mate
How retarded are you? It is a NGO whose headquarters is across the street from the Rockefeller's home in NYC. It isnt across the street because the location is pretty, it is across the street because that is the property Rockefeller wanted the headquarters to be in for his convenience at lunch time.
The lost money on the housing bubble yes, but compared to how much they have made owning to the control over the US economy it isnt really even a large loss.
Leftypol shilling hard today.
newfag this board was never libertarian. They just made bait threads like this one a lot. That was before the JIDF invasino.
Rockefellers are Christians and anti-Semites.
What the fuck do they have to do with Goldman?
>rockefellers are anti-semites
>[citation needed]
>Rockefellers are Christians and anti-Semites.
>I still struggle with US history and its banking families
How about you go read the book I linked in this thread then get back to me.
He cant give any because they were funded and intermarried with the Rothschild family.
Rockefeller was a 'robber baron' industrialist, idiot.
>what is good for Goldman Sachs is inherently bad for america
Who's the real cuck here?
Get reading retard.
an investment bank isnt bad for america, the plutocratic system (that people like Clinton embody) is the problem.
If you put state on higher level than yourself, if you are okay with fact that people serve to state and not opposite, then no.
It isn't *inherently* bad for society, but it's just minor echoes of what they done ultimately for themeselves.
Rockefellers were not involved with the Federal Reserve... It was a pack of bankers working together, Rockefellers were not bankers.
>Rockefellers were not involved with the Federal Reserve
....You're kidding, no one is this dumb. The book that details their involvement is literally in the post you replied to and you deny it.
Are you a troll or just severely cognitively disabled?
You can link to a book all you want, but if you would read it you would know that the book doesn't show a connection to the Rockefellers.
>Standard Oil's representative at the meeting wasnt there to represent the Rockefellers
Good post.
>Bankers that happen to fund standard oil are standard oil representatives.
Kek, who owns who?
>still confused by historical facts?
Here is a free copy of the book, look up Nelson Aldrich and Rockefeller then come back to apologize to me for being such an insufferable retard.
>well it's not like Hillary would've been better.
Have you seen some of the picks?
Thanks for the link and recommendation. Book looks nice. I'm just a dick to trigger people into giving (you)'s because usually everyone ignores me on here.
Nevertheless my point stands that it is ridiculous to discredit Trump over taking in smart guys from Goldman.
>Nevertheless my point stands that it is ridiculous to discredit Trump over taking in smart guys from Goldman.
That point is based in extreme ignorance of the historical facts of how US policy is shaped since 1921.
So you are still a retard, nothing has changed.
More semen please
One of Trump's cabinet used to work for a bank 12 years ago
>who gives a shit
You ignore the fact that plenty of Goldman and ex-Goldman hate Goldman. They are not one person.
Hillary gave goldman sach speeches 12 years ago
>who give a shit
Keep dreaming. The weaponry available to citizens will be good for defense at best.
First person or group to attempt armed conflict with the gov will be met with officers doing their job, and after the first of them is killed they'll be labeled terrorists attempting to undermine the nation and bent over a table via National Guard and alphabet agency action.
Don't even bother to mouth off about coupes or assistance from the military either, they aren't 100% for your side and never will be, and it's been clearly demonstrated over the past 8 years via Obama administrations actions and pussy right wing inaction that no one from the inside is going to help.
Some republicans literally believe our president is a secret Muslim terrorist intent on destroying the country, yet nobody has even made an attempt to enforce those frequently empty threats of removing " all enemies foreign and domestic".
Our government is against us people. Both sides. Trump is not your Savior. If you truly want to MAGA, we have to figure out how to get along with our fellow Americans and stop getting played against each other like pains.
Do you not understand the amount of power these people are GIVING UP to hold these positions?