Men disgust me. I’m a lesbian and I’m sick to death of you ignorant bastards. For starters, no...

Men disgust me. I’m a lesbian and I’m sick to death of you ignorant bastards. For starters, no, I will not show you my tits. I don’t see how any of you have the right to tell another woman to get naked, you dogs might see women as flesh for your pleasure but NOTHING gives you the right to take advantage of a woman just because you believe that you’re ‘stronger’ or ‘better’. You describe women as ‘cumdumpsters’, quite frankly I’m enraged by this, if I ever heard you say this word in real life I would punch you so hard you’d be in a coma for the next month.

What gives you the right to think that you can tell us what to do? I will never be ordered around by a man. Actually I’m so passionate about this I managed to get this asshole guy suspended from my work for making sexist comments about me and ordering me to get him a fucking coffee every minute. Now he’s learnt his lesson and is making ME the coffee.

I weep for a world without men, a paradise. Without men there would be no crime, no wars and everyone would be treated equally.

Unfortunately I can’t see my utopia happening anytime soon but I warn you, women’s rights groups are still fighting for equality and in the future society might not be quite so lenient on you misogynist bastards.

Other urls found in this thread:

Post a picture of your feet

kys poor bait

why do lesbians buy fake plastic dicks instead of fake plastic pussies?

>be in finland

Women push men to war

Thank you. I can't get off without being belittled at the same time.

post picture of feet with timestamp

Don't waste our time without an offering of some sort.

I've been wondering this as well. They don't like men but fuck each other with fake dicks. Where's the sense in that?

how the fuck do you misspell "Tumblr" so bad you get "Sup Forums"?

Fucking dumb cunt, go outside and get triggered by a bird or something

You think way too much, but I'll agree with you that pussy is pretty awesome

Tits or gtfo


>I will not show you my tits
Well, there is only one option for you then.

I'm sorry so many bad men have made you form a negative opinion of guys, but no all men are like that.

I am not like that. I'm a 27 year old man, and a true gentlemen. I treat women as equals, and with respect. No, I am not a "numale" or some super-passive man, I am a real man. You may be a lesbian, but I imagine there must have been once in your life you thought about a real man, someone with depth, someone that went beyond the stereotype that you have of men now. I am that man. I would like nothing more than to show you that not all men are bad. I would treat you with respect, I would treat you as an equal, I would never tell you what to do. I would give you massages and treat you like a princess.

I wish you the best, don't give into your hate.

>NOTHING gives you the right to take advantage of a woman just because you believe that you’re ‘stronger’ or ‘better’
>believe that you’re ‘stronger’ or ‘better’

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8


Role-playing is fun.

Hey, I'm a lesbian too! I've seen that pic before. Looks like this girl who crushed on me in highschool. Obviously not her, though.

Oh, and also, you're a fag. Men are great. They are just not for sexuals. Neck yourself.

Show us your tits you cumdumpster

>No, I am not a "numale" or some super-passive man

user, I have some bad news for you. You're a raging faggot.

Yes, men want war, so what? Without us you'd just be dead anyway. Don't deny your roots.
You wanting a world without men is like us wanting an ethno-state. So fuck off hypocritical bitch.

>No tits
Reported for rule violation. Hide, sage and disregard this tran-wreck of a cumdumpster.

>this is all it takes to b8 nu/pol/

Personally I prefer Brandon Sanderson's series The Stormlight Archives.

Robert Jordan did a lot for the genre, but I feel like he could have streamlined WoT into something that didn't drag along through the middle (books 5 through 9).

True, The Stormlight Archives is still a new and incomplete series, and could turn into bunk. Given Sanderson's record for producing brilliant fiction, and knowing that TSA is his baby project, I really see him pouring his heart and soul into it. Only the first two books, of the projected ten, have been released, and already this series has climbed to my number 1 for high fantasy.

You will probably end up murdered by or murdering an (ex) partner.

Have fun with that.

>not realizing we're playing along

im not ur typical guy, in fact, i'll probably be the one in the kitchen. Fuck me.



As a Rooskie you got me so scared.
I'm literally #shaking.
> ywn rape a Finnish girl to death
Your lucky we don't meddle with your elections.

Great bait, mate.

Now tits or gtfo.


In a world without men, the human race dies in a single generation. Typical thinking for a woman.

Is that pasta or OC?

Tits or gtfo

You will do so because I demand it.



Welp, it's been a whole month since I've seen this pasta. Reported and saged

You're right woman aren't dogs. Women are worse. The very thought of your naked body disgusts me. You're worth less than the dirt of my shoes to me. Kill yourself.



The soon-to-come sex robots aren't created by women to replace men, they're created by men to replace WOMEN.

Trucks disgust me. I’m a Sedan and I’m sick to death of you 4-wheel drive bastards. For starters, no, I will not show you my engine. I don’t see how any of you have the right to tell another vehicle to open it's hood, you dogs might see other cars as metal for your pleasure but NOTHING gives you the right to take advantage of a sedan just because you believe that you’re ‘stronger’ or ‘better’, or more 'fuel efficient'. You describe sedans as ‘pussy-mobiles’, quite frankly I’m enraged by this, if I ever heard you say this word in real life I would ram you so hard in the bumper you’d be in the shop for the next month.

What gives you the right to think that you can tell us what to do? I will never be ordered around by a truck. Actually I’m so passionate about this I managed to get this asshole truck suspended from the road for recklessly endangering me and ordering me to drive faster.

"Lesbian" is code for "undesirable to men."

Get back to the kitchen, you cunt.

Pic very related

This copypasta have been around since 2009


>without men there would be no crime
you cant be this retarded can you?

> 1 post by this ID

You can't punch that hard.

Yes, I have tits. Good looking out, mate.

I'm fine with lesbians.

It's like, EVERY guy is in her friendzone. I feel better knowing all men are in the friendzone, not just me.

Yet another addition to the list of females I would happily throttle in the dark. Thx op.

This is called misandry, and it's a form of sexist bigotry. I'd suggest doing some deep soul searching and honestly looking at why you are afraid of penises. Nobody really wants to see your tits. They aren't that exciting.

>sees men as flesh and hates on them
>insists women are more than flesh

Honestly, the only time I ever hear someone say "Cum dumpster", it's a feminist echoing a meme, like yourself. Maybe you should be punching them in the face when they say it.

I have no interest in telling you what to do. I just wish you would leave me alone and stop harassing me with this "quit oppressing me with your Y chromosome" shillshit.

If you got someone fired because they were trying to help you do your job and give you instructions, you're psycho. Get over yourself. Hurting other people doesn't make you powerful, it just makes you an asshole.

I agree, you being in a world without men would be wonderful. Then you would have noone to blame for your own lack of compassion, humility, and self destructive behavior.

Your actions and attitudes are exactly what you complain men's are, and for the most part they are not.

I'd highly recommend seeking a professional councilor and perhaps taking a meditation class or joining a religious cult to get away from society for awhile and do some self searching,

You attack men as if they deserve your abuse as a matter of course. That's called sexism dear.

This fight for "equality" is just your desire to be what you call "male". All the attitude and hate are what you project onto "masculinity".

I love you and I forgive you for your hate, since you are just reacting to societal conditioning, but please seek help before you hurt yourself.

Yeah until you realize she lied, like women always do, and fucks a Chad. She just told you she was lesbian because you weren't attractive or successful enough to her.

>idk 1 post by this id

So no mastectomy then. Thanks for the info!


>Without men there would be no crime, no wars and everyone would be treated equally.

Fucking Canadian Proxy users

1. Like most things women say tldr.
2. Fake baiting larper

Interesting. Google image search can be very insightful.

Fake and Gay
Lesbians love hanging out with guys.

show us your feet or gtfo

Post gape or GTFO

Sup Forums is not your blog. As usual, you take an issue and make it about you. Typical fluid druid.

>Men disgust me. I’m a lesbian and I’m sick to death of you ignorant bastards.

You are just as vindictive as any of us, and the way I can demonstrate that is merely by pointing to the fact that you want us to cease to exist. I know; you feel that in your case that is justified, but that is a good example of emotion predominating over rational thought.

You are mentally ill, and you're also selfish; I know plenty of men who have been harmed by women to exactly the same degree that you likely have been by men, but that doesn't matter, because it's exclusively what happens to you that is important, not anyone else. While I try and consider it important to have compassion for the degree of abuse that presumably led to your current state, you would do yourself and everyone else a lot more good by getting the help you need, rather than continuing to view yourself as justified for wanting the death of half of humanity.

Not all men are like that, and thank god not all women are like you.

A world where all women were like you would be one where noone would have peace, love, tranquility, harmony, or fun.

Well, maybe fun, since everyone would think hurting and attacking other people and fighting like a spoiled schoolboy brat is fun.

24/7 misandric hate.

You're welcome, sweetie!

Gosh. Sup Forums is so nice and comfy when you're not a nigger, leaf, or OP.

Not really a lesbo or female. .
Fuck u neckbeard. ....

wow I haven't seen this copypasta in a few months

Both women AND men agree the penis is the most sexually arousing part of the human body. Everyone likes dicks, not everyone likes dudes.

Nice bait. Finnish women have the easiest life of any living creature living on planet earth.

>I’m a lesbian and I’m sick to death of you ignorant bastards

Not enough obviously since you're not fucking dead, gotta shitpost even more.

y'all niggas falling for shit bait yo

>Men disgust me.

That's OK, you disgust me too.

Apparently they like dicks, but not the rest of what is attached to it. Also, I once had a lesbo explain to me that plastic dicks don't fire prematurely.

You would make her eat all the eggs

So, finnposters are officially 3rd in the grand shit posting countries list right?

Without lesbians, I wouldn't have any friends. It would all be beta male competition to stamp out and women to exploit.

I know. Got nothing better to do right now. :^)

>I would treat you as an equal
>I would give you massages and treat you like a princess

Don't fall for the copypasta bait, newfag

Tits or GTFO

>World without men

You stupid dyke. No men=no babies=no more humans to be degenerate and gay

Shitty bait kys

I couldn't really tell you. Some women refuse to buy dildos that look like penises, though. It doesn't matter to me because I like cocks. I just don't find men attractive.

Also, a fake pussy would do nothing for a woman. That's pretty obvious.

Women disgust me. I’m gay and I’m sick to death of you ignorant cunts. For starters, no, I will not go shopping with you.. I don’t see how any of you have the right to tell me that I'm not gay enough, you bitches might see gay men as vapid faggots for your pleasure but NOTHING gives you the right to take advantage of a gay man just because you believe that I'm a novelty. You describe yourselves as ‘faghags’, quite frankly I’m enraged by this, if I ever heard you say this word in real life I would punch you so hard you’d be in a coma for the next month.

What gives you the right to think that you can tell us what to do? I will never be ordered around by some woman. Actually I’m so passionate about this I managed to get this cunt suspended from my work for making homophobic comments about me and ordering me to give her my opinion on her outfit. Now she's learnt his lesson and is giving ME fashion advice.

I weep for a world without cunts, a paradise. Without women there would be no crime, no wars and everyone would be treated equally.

Unfortunately I can’t see my utopia happening anytime soon but I warn you, gay groups are still fighting for a cunt free world and in the future society might not be quite so lenient on you retarded cunts.

cunts BTFO

Show tits or GTFO

Same, I'm straight but dicks are hot. Vagina looks fucking repulsive BLEGH

where is this amazing gif from


Your Momma needed a man to make you.

OH OP on suicide watch!

lame shill copypasta
zero actual arguments
pic is fake OP is male i guarantee it
report and sage boys


Whenever i see a feminist complaining about patriarchy, I remind her* that dildos were invented by a man to cure hysteria.

Hi! few things to start off with =] 1. yes I added you because you're a female gamer, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen.

You first. I would show feet, but my nail polish is old and chipped up. Not cute. Suck it up.

That's not true. There are beautiful pussies just like there are ugly cocks. Also, some are incredibly delicious while others are just awful tasting. Gotta find the good ones, bucko.

It seriously is nice being an asexual, androgynous middle aged male. I don't have to play these gender politics games since I don't feel any different about men or women.

Some of you people are just assholes, and I want you to know you can be happy being assholes together.

Lesbian h8 is a perfect match for male chauvinism. It's like you guys should get married and learn to get over each other.

I love you both and wish you the best of luck working out your own denial to love.

Get them tits out for Sup Forums, slut

I would pat that bunnies cute lil head and feel her velvety ears (n-no homo)

post a hot pussy then