The house isn't even in full flame yet and they're already calling the fire insurance company!
>Buh buh it's just fake news!
*wrings hands*
Your honor, it was the Russian hackers the whole time!
Don't forget that Donald Trump is the one itching to wage war.
On whom?
Why silly goyim, don't you know that (((Pizzagate))) is nothing but fake news? We told you so on (((CNN))), you can trust us!
>"Sir, we have photos of you sticking your dick in a 12 year old boy's anus while several other underage children are crying in the background. How do you dispute these charges?"
>"But your honor, thats not me. Thats a photoshopped picture of me naked with a hard erection inserted into a picture of a naked boy with his ass out. This is obviously a Russian ploy to undermine our democracy your Honor."
>"Well guess you're right, case dismissed."
The Red Scare is back in our force and its stupid as shit democrats pushing it this time.
full force*
But on a philosophical level, how do we determine what's true any more in an age of computer graphic editing technology that can make fake nearly indistinguishable from reality?
It's all the Russians! We lost because of Russians! We're not pedos the Russians set us up! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Russian honeypot got Trump
>triple letter agencies can't deal with upper volta with nukes
>believe it, goys
yeah nah
This is so blatantly too cover up the upcoming pizzagate. The sad thing is, American normies will eat this shit up.
Work with the software and you'll gain an understanding.
good question
With investigations, dates & locations checking, and the fact that no one is insane enough to fake a picture of someone they don't like full on fucking children.
Ironically enough this is what the Western democracies do when they wish to get rid of people they do not like
>m-muh russians
The average person doesn't have the dedication to this. How will they discover truth? Even then, software will evolve.
Nice disinfo campaign CTR started after Trump won.
>no one is insane enough to fake a picture of someone they don't like full on fucking children.
Doubt it.
Mccarthyism is back!
What do you think that term means?
on women, gays and immigrants you insensitive clod.
try to keep up.
The fake #pizzagate shit makes a lot more sense now.
is CP even illegal in russia?
The Pedo Logos
>However, countless other major American brand logos contain similar shapes. Hearts, triangles and spirals are widely used symbols in business logos.
The Basement
>The photo shows a walk-in refrigerator supposedly in the restaurant, described as part of a network of underground facilities. However, a reporter can confirm that there is no basement in Comet Ping Pong.
The L’Enfant Cafe
>However, the man with the black T-shirt was not James Alefantis. It was a co-owner of a different restaurant in Washington, named L’Enfant Cafe-Bar. (And in case you’re wondering, that restaurant was named after Pierre Charles L’Enfant, an American colonist from France who served under George Washington during the Revolutionary War.)
The Police Sketches
>However, the two e-fits were based on descriptions of a single suspect by two witnesses, not two different suspects, a crucial detail that was left out. According to The Guardian, the witnesses described the man as “white, aged between 20 and 40, with short brown hair, of medium build, medium height and clean shaven.” In 2007, Tony Podesta was 64 and John Podesta was 58.
That they set up kids for Trump to fuck in Russia and filmed it. Now they use it as blackmail.
You know, for a country that can not competently take care of their own people and domestic policies or even rig it's own elections without spilling spaghetti all the way through by bluntly showcasing the most crass fraud there can be, we're sure good at stealthy fucking up a country we have no presence in. How did we lose the 'cold war' again?
they hacked my facebook and plastered with gay sex porn
Ah... Yes! It was Russia! Of course, Russia!
Nothing to see here, hehe...
It's a composite of multiple smaller images where the clouds have drifted between them. Only plausible explanation as to why they are doing it like this is that they don't have any camera at a distance to take single shot images of the earth.
I'm going to use the Russian hacker excuse for everything now
>user I accidentally opened your mail and it was a dragon dildo?
>oh no those fucking Russian hackers must have hacked into my parcel and replaced the contents to frame me!
Okay so when video evidence of Podesta deep-throating a 2-year-old surfaces will they say it was faked using "advanced KGB CGI techniques"?
>normies will take it at face value, as always
>anyone saying otherwise is accused of being fake media
Nice little system they have going on there.
Jesus Christ, this is such an admission of guilt lol. Fucking idiots.
DENY LAUGH DENY That's how Hillary gets away with it you morons. Now they've opened the door to the possibility that there could be CP on government computers.
Holy shit, already sidestepping the 'fake news' of pizzagate and just claimed the ruskies put all the child porn that will come out on their hard drives.
Tweet does not exist....
Being fair, he at least was right.
sure whatever you say shlomo
So who planted (((modern art))) into John Podesta's home?
>How did we lose the 'cold war' again?
You didn't.
ok, so check out the two top left orange clouds and you'll see they are slightly different, in particular notice the triangular spike-looking thing on the top, and how the one on the left is way wispier. I'm pretty sure that this is a composite image where the cloud in question had 2 pictures taken of it several hours apart then combined.
>debunking strawmen
But will they show a picture of Podesta's "art" and some of his posts and asks viewers to decide for themselves if they find it creepy, inappropriate, or even suspicious?
>believes in clouds the size of continents
Globeheads sure will go through some wild logical loops in order not to endanger their precious ball
If only the posts podestas had some sort of fountain of youth to drink from.
>no one is insane enough to fake a picture of someone they don't like full on fucking children.
You do know that human being do things like, I dunno, shoot people they don't like right? If you are honestly suggesting that no person would do something like that you're deluded
BREAKING NEWS: Not only does the KGB plant child porn on Democrats' computers, they also have a VERY REAL program wherein they brainwash Democrats into attending high-profile parties with underage children being used as sex objects. They force Democratic penises to pierce the rectums and vaginas of underage children. We also have received reports that the KGB has done the same thing with NYTimes staff. Those dastardly KGB! We've gotta really stop them.
t. NY Times
KGB was disbanded years ago.
Mccarthy was 100% right and if we listened to him we wouldn't be in this position.
Yeah, something is funny about this. Half of Russian population is still using outhouses, Russia can't beat a bunch of alcoholic farmers in Ukraine but somehow they can rig elections in USA and plant pedo porn. If these vodkaniggers were half as competent as Democraps say, then Russia would be #1 superpower.
What kind of diversion and blame is this
How does one recover from such demoralization?
>"fake news" pizzagate comes out
>high ranking politicians claim all CP is from the russians
Really makes those neurons fire!
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm being completely facetious. I just find it ridiculous that Trump is the warmonger with Hillary and the media constantly trying to blame Russia for shit they probably have nothing to do with.
Very careless if you ask me!
>porn in computers
Fuck I hate goddamn retarded technologically and historically illiterate faggots. At the time of the KGB there wasn't such a thing as porn on computers
Usually when these creeps get busted they have several TB of CP.
I'd find it hard to believe that the Russians could plant that amount of info onto your computer without you noticing.
it's extremely hard to photoshop a picture and leave no traces, there's ways to tell if a picture has been modified or not
it's a real article I checked
nice try shill
Fuck off, they're full.
I've yet to see the triangle spiral logo anywhere but places close to CPP. It's not common. Nothing in my house comes close to having it.
Triangle spirals are to pedos what swastikas are now to Nazis.
>Senate Passes Major Portman-Murphy Counter-Propaganda Bill as Part of NDAA
>WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) today announced that their Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act – legislation designed to help American allies counter foreign government propaganda from Russia, China, and other nations – has passed the Senate as part of the FY 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Conference Report. The bipartisan bill, which was introduced by Senators Portman and Murphy in March, will improve the ability of the United States to counter foreign propaganda and disinformation by establishing an interagency center housed at the State Department to coordinate and synchronize counter-propaganda efforts throughout the U.S. government.