
MFW I wanna join a globalist secret society but instead I have to partake in occult pedophile sex rituals in a pizza restaurant

The pizza place is just a place where parents can bring their kids to market them.

Doing the latter is a prerequisite for doing the former. So you've got your foot in the door.

>you will never hoon Henry Kissinger's ass in a comfy forest in NoCal

>I wanna join a globalist secret society but instead I have to partake in occult pedophile sex rituals in a pizza restaurant

No you don't!!!

Why don't we just make our own secret society?

>Why don't we just make our own secret society?


Eating a small pepperoni and mushroom Brooklyn style pizza delivery right now AMA

I'll bring the pizza if you bring a few children, 4, 8, and 11 years old maybe. We can eat pizza for about an hour :^)

>Not already being in one
Fucking plebs

What are the objectives of your secret society?

the elders say the best option is to distract you with threads about coffee

we believe this will be super effective

Promote white identity and pro european immigration policies mostly. Keeping savage races down. One piece of advice I can give you. Be "Anti global warming" Be very assertive about carbon taxes, but only in third world countries. It prevents industry from developing further. Europa will one day rise again, power and influence of the white man is far from gone. The refugee crisis is pushing it closer every day.

Despite this being a joke, the group does alot of pushing and pulling in other directions. IE. We don't focus on you right leaning people so much. We use the racism narrative and leftist ideas to fuck over minorities much more. If you can't fight the narrative use it to your advantage. For example, promote welfare in inner cities. It breaks up minority families and prevents them from reaching many levels of success.

/x/ started a secret society called Echs

Currently there are flame wars between Echs followers and Esoteric Kekists

Is there any reason you don't like minorities?




Is there a reason to like them? Don't answer, fuck you for asking such moronic questions

Inferior genetics, they don't deserve to be on the land and in the societies that we built. They have not achieved our levels of evolution.

Neither Kek, nor his prophet Pepe (pbuh) would do this. The image in the OP is blasphemy!

Without reason, even with the correct answer, you walk in the dark. But you are good people who see the truth.

Should we keep saying "lefty" 10 times in every thread as well? Tell us your secrets.

The group is not anti or pro semetic. We understand they pull strings too. Sometimes towards our goals often away from them. We stay out of each others way as we can always use the consequences to our advantage one way or another. That, sadly, goes for both sides.

WTF is with this rage over a simple question?

I can understand stereotypes, but hating a person because of their ethnicity makes no sense to me.


Your correct. Hating isn't right, but understanding they don't deserve the great societies and lands we developed is paramount. They abuse our beautiful social structure of compassion and use it to subvert us.

Don't (you) me please as I don't talk to CIA niggers

There is much to teach. One thing I cannot stress enough. Use the left against itself. It will be near impossible to push against it directly at the time being.

Excuse me please don't (you) me this is embarrassing for both of us

does your flag have to troll 24/7 without a break? nobody is hating them, hate implies emotional investment. I am about emotionally invested into caring about minorites as much as I care about vermin destroying my crops. Self determination, I just want to live my life surrounded by my kin without having 'diversity' shoved down my fucking throat 24/7, and by shoved down my throat I mean that I dont want to see them, hear them, ever run into them, and I especially dont want to pay for them in any way shape or form


How will you live with yourself when some nutjob takes this all seriously and someone in there gets killed?

It's time for Trump and Bill Gates to shut 4chin down.

Heretic member of the golden dawn and a master mason ama

ah yes, the great chaperoning society of the united states

I don't have a high quality version of it at the time. This is the symbol to look for. You may see members in passing. They won't talk to you about anything. But know they are armed, and "redpilled" as hell. There have been a few small groups of "right wing nationalists" that used the symbol, as we would probe those groups for potential members.


I know you said not to do this, but you get it.

I'm already part of one.
Baneposting is a serious business.

baneposting ain't futbol, bitch

You ever get v& by the FBI or just the FB *sigh*?

>no meme arrows
You have to go back

t. Ex-CIA

more like current DARPA