The media is once again attacking Dylann Roof.
But he was just defending the white race, in particular white women, against black rapists.
Need to re-shape the narrative on this one.
Think we would ever get him free? Unlikely, but maybe?
The media is once again attacking Dylann Roof.
But he was just defending the white race, in particular white women, against black rapists.
Need to re-shape the narrative on this one.
Think we would ever get him free? Unlikely, but maybe?
Other urls found in this thread:
He's toast whatever you think of the situation. Was interesting how he said he targeted a church because niggers target innocent whites. But it wasn't very 'Aryan' of him.
Yeah, lots of black rapist are elderly people who go to church...
Shooting a bunch of old niggers at church is hardly worth defending, is it ?
I wish they'd shoot mass shooters right there instead of arresting them. What's the point of keeping him alive after that ?
Perhaps, but do you really want to give up one of our own without putting up a fight?
We might lose most, but if we win at least some, it will give heart the troops on the ground.
Think symbolism. Maybe the target itself was misguided, but he identified the problem.
I'd defend him if he went full Moon Man and went on a crusade through the ghetto, killing nigger thugs, but no, he shot up a bunch of church going black folk AKA decent blacks
"decent blacks"
Intellectual property is priceless.
He'll narc in private, then they'll make movies glorifying his motive as he sits in his fancy prison cell eating delicacies.
No, you're an idiot.
The sad state of the most evolved race these days.
Abandoning their own.
Regardless if you approve of his motives or not he is a political prisoner, best you could do is petition human rights orgs to petition to spare his life if he gets the death penalty.
> old ladies who are in church are rapists
Fuck, you're dumb.
>most evolved race these days.
>Abandoning their own.
I can smell your non-whiteness through the screen.
lmfao dude what fucking world do you live in?
This guy was a fucking moron. He condemned himself towards the behaviour he resents.
>Regardless if you approve of his motives or not he is a political prisoner, best you could do is petition human rights orgs to petition to spare his life if he gets the death penalty.
Bingo! But I was going further and changing the media narrative to make him positive in the public eye.
This guy is a fucking twat and he's probably already taken three black dicks up his stupid white diseased asshole while awaiting his trial.
desu famalam
His video confession was heartbreaking. Dylan sounded reasonably intelligent but had no friends, and just spent his days on the internet, probably beating off to cartoon horse porn on a burmese mountain biking forum. Most of his answers were "aww shucks, I dont know"
>His video confession was heartbreaking. Dylan sounded reasonably intelligent but had no friends, and just spent his days on the internet, probably beating off to cartoon horse porn on a burmese mountain biking forum. Most of his answers were "aww shucks, I dont know"
And you're okay with this happening to our people?
This guy is a massive pussy. If he really wanted to cull some of the problem why didn't he go into the ghetto and shoot those niggers? Is it because they might be able to defend themselves more than old church ladies?
You're a fag
This will never happen. Why would you want to put someone who killed 9 innocent people in a church in a positive eye publicly?
Oh yeah, because you're a dumb racist who can't think for himself that's why.
He erased nine niggers from this earth. He's better than the entirety of Sup Forums combined.
>its a reporter makes post on Sup Forums and reports on himself episode
Cut the fucking divisive rhetoric, faggot. It helps no one.
>Oh yeah, because you're a dumb racist who can't think for himself that's why.
>i will take arguments I didnt make for 400 alex.
what part of me feeling bad for the kid do you misinterpret as indifference to the plight o the white man?
also why do you think that everyone is white?
I know that most of my questions can be honestly ansswerd with "you are just inserting arguments to fit your narrative". but what do you think your problem is?
He missed your mom though so no, he's a failure. How's that black tit milk taste fag boy?
Nah, I'm not a sobbing lefty. It's just sad when people are so misguided they willingly refuse to see all reason. For shame.
If he actually only murdered thugs I would worship this retard, but instead of sending a nice message to negroid thugs everywhere he just killed a bunch of nigs praying in the church, pathetic
Dylan is not "my people". He is a fucking loser who murdered the least dangerous black people in the country. He could have shot up some gangsters. That would be hardcore. THIS SHOOTING DID NOTHING TO ADVANCE YOUR CAUSE MORON.
"Defending the white race against black rapists"... by shooting up a church full of law-abiding tax-paying elderly black people?
Boy, his target selection needs some work. Why can't any of you Nazi fuckheads get into gunfights with proper gangbangers?
Black church-going folk that also WELCOMED him into their church. Gotta be real sick in the head to flip a switch and just start shooting up people like that.
Again, its the symbolism.
He identified one of the two problems. The blacks (and Jews, but that comes later)
Cause we are all to pussy sucking down hitlers little German cock
If you really think every single black person on earth is a piece of shit then you are just as bad as the "all men are rapists" feminists
Because all of them are pussies without their baldylocks friends behind them. Every nazi is a literal wimp without his buddies to back him up.
>the symbolism
I really don't understand why Romanians are so uppity.
He didnt kill dindu thugs
He killed old churchy black ladies
His actions do not merit defense from anyone other then a lawyer who is paid to defend criminals who commit atrocities to the human race
Your symbol is a big black cock in your mouth
This wussy made sure he didn't go into the ghetto and deal with real problems to society.
That was part of his plan which weakens and makes his plan look fake and gay.
Never made mention to that.
I think the kid is a chump.
There are some seriously fucking sad people here attacking Dylann Roof.
Maybe he should have gone after older negroids? THAT is your criticism?
Fucking pathetic. Sup Forums has lost its edge since Trump was elected. Everyone left.
>Opening fire on a bunch of peaceful churchgoers
The man was a coward
>But it wasn't very 'Aryan' of him.
? who gives a shit
You think you win wars by being nice?
>decent blacks
See all the cucks that come out of the woodwork in these threads
hi guys i am 12 years old look at me i am so edgy trying to fit in with these super racists on the internet mommy
Take the big black cock out of your mouth before speaking please
Ugh last time I checked the premediated killing of another was a murder so yeah. He could have killed his wife or a church but he would still be guilty. You just can't say "protecting his race" as justification for homicide, it's not a privleged defense.
race isn't real
you r e d d g it immigrants need to either fit in or stfu
We won't miss you.
If he did his shit in the south side of chicago, I'd probably get behind him more.
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it's our boy d roofa da goofa
>Implying the first world views Romania as any better than Africa
Thanks for the laugh.
>thinking those elderly folk weren't thugs when they were younger
All niggers are the same.
You have the right idea.
>You think you win wars by being nice?
All the same because they all ducked your mom
Fuck off stormfag
All the same because they all fucked your mom
>lost it's edge
>literally admitting to being in here for the edginess only
The guy brought it on himself, attack people who were literally no doing anything.
On another note how will they execute him?
You're a fucking nigger.
Sybolism isn't an excuse, and sure as hell won't save your ass in court.
>but he was just defending the white race
>killing innocent blacks in a church means defending the white race
if he wanted to ”defend” anything he would have went to a shitty black neighbour hood and shot trash,but he was a coward and wanted to cause a hate crime,so he went after good blacks instead of niggers
he deserves to be executed
>give up one of our own
You must be black ,because no white man would claim a coward like this as "one of his own"
Get fucked libcuck
>angry about how blacks indiscriminately attack the most vulnerable whites and whites are sleeping to that fact
>attack the most vulnerable blacks
>media looses it's mind in the most double standardly way possible
>whites wake up???
not too hard to understand
>Sybolism isn't an excuse, and sure as hell won't save your ass in court.
That's the whole point. We need to change public opinion. That way, the next time a soldier strikes, he will be more likely to get off.
The problem is race, the problem is that blacks exist
not certain types of blacks, not young blacks or criminal black thugs
And so he laid out his reasoning pretty clearly, and got himself a few dead negros
Aren't churches gun-free zones?
You guys are delusional if you actually support this guy.
He is one of us whether you like it or not.
The niggers ruin western civilization everywhere they live, they benefit vastly disproportionately from our taxes, and commit casual horrendous violence against us.
He's obviously not a coward just based on the fact he did something.
nig lover
Get a load of this guy.
> guys lets show the world how dangerous anonymity is by pretending to be violent write supremacists on the internet!
Fuck off CNN
Based Roof taking one for the team.
that's actually true
US population is about 320 million
lets say 32% of those are nonwhite
so about 100 million nonwhites
100,000,000 / 9 = 11,111,111
So 11 million is about 5% of total white populous
So if just 5% of whites in America, or say 10% of white males repeated what Roof did then America would be a pure white ethnostate
If only he shot you too, dumb fucking spic
>He is one of us whether you like it or not.
Except 95% of Sup Forums says other wise
Get out, coward lover. This man is no different than a Muslim who shoots up a church
>He's obviously not a coward just based on the fact he did something.
So suicide bombers aren't cowards either, eh?
Your a fucking leaf cunt
>he dindu nuffin, he a gud keed
This guy is a faggot. If he were consistent he would have went into a ghetto and shot thugs, not a bunch of people sitting in a church.
niggers don't go to church.
Reminder he took out this moon cricket.
He killed state senator Clementa C. Pinckney
>Pinckney was a Democrat and was a member of the South Carolina Legislative Black Caucus. Pinckney represented Allendale, Beaufort, Charleston, Colleton, Hampton, and Jasper Counties in South Carolina.
>At the time of his death, he was on the following Committees: Banking and Insurance, Corrections and Penology, Education, Finance, and Medical Affairs.
>As a state senator, Pinckney pushed for laws to require police and other law enforcement officials to wear body cameras after Walter Scott, an unarmed black man, was shot eight times in the back by a police officer in North Charleston.
>In April 2015, Pinckney gave an impassioned speech on the topic at the South Carolina Senate, citing the fact that national news had come to North Charleston because of the video tape of the incident.
Earlier that day Pinckney had been campaigning with Hillary Clinton. He was a big figure in BLM.
Why does Sup Forums keep saying this guy seems "reasonably intelligent?" Disregarding his accent, this is a fucking no life high school drop out, dropped out of online classes and then finally got his GED.
The guy seems legitimately retarded.
This thread has confirmed what I have realized for months now.
Maybe before we go after the Jew or Black Man, we should go after Whites who do not support our own.
The Liberals
Perhaps Roofs only mistake is that the Blacks come much later.
He at least did SOMETHING. You did nothing.
he killed several church goers in cold blood. he deserves to rot in prison untill a very old age . as long as possible
Your mom only sucks nigger cocks
I want to write him lewd letters into prison
Actually one of them was some 26yr old nigger who was going to church at some "bible" study or whatever. Yeah fucking right also those "elderly" people were probably on welfare just like the rest of them and there kids probably got lodas of niggers pregnant who gives a shit.
I agree the target is easy for media to spin it. He should have thought about it.
Your mom is going to die if you don't reply to this post in 10 seconds.
You and your thinking is what has resulted in a 70% white Canada today, and 300,000 more non-white immigrants every year
>So suicide bombers aren't cowards either, eh?
Why call someone a coward for something you couldn't do in a million fucking years?
Nah, you're literally the same nigger that you are out to destroy.
learn your enemy faggot.
I did your mom and she loved my big black cock - she swallowed down my nigger sperm juice like a champ too
>Why call someone a coward for something you couldn't do in a million fucking years?
I wouldn't blow my self up because I'm not muslim, so yeah, you aren't right I wouldn't do it in a million years
Enjoy supporting a coward
>Dylan is not "my people".
yeah he is you dumb mother fucker if you aren't white well then you need to shut the fuck up cause your fucking opinion doesnt fucking matter shithead. Black on white crime is fucking staggering and its never considered a hate crime either. So go fuck yourself.