European chad elections tomorrow

Who will win in gypsyland?
redpill me on the parties,_2016#Opinion_polls

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Parliamentary Elections Tomorrow in Gipsy-land. These are the most important political parties that are running.

PNL (Partidul National Liberal) - liberals, they consider themselves as center-right, even thought most of their policies lean towards the left; they are heavily corrupted, they do not represent the interest of the people, they are basically the neo-commies wrapped in liberal clothes

USR (Uniunea Salvati Romania) - centrists, made a huge point that most of their members have not been affiliated with other political parties; they are most likely funded by Soros through different NGO's and they are literally the personal lap-dog of Brussels

PSD (Partidul Social Democrat) - neo-commies, literally the continuation of FSN, which was the continuation of the real communists that governed before the revolution; their policies go towards the right, they are populist as fuck, trying to pander to the nationalists; they are the reason our industry has been completely scrapped to the ground; they also have the largest number of politicians that are either under investigation or have been already condemned for corruption

ALDE - Basically PSD 2.0, a satellite party that tries to take votes from the right; they consider themselves as liberal, but they have allied themselves with the socialists and most of the members are former PSD members

PRU - Basically PSD 3.0, a satellite party that tries to take votes from the right-winged nationalists; their leader is a former PSD secretary and most of their members are from PSD.

ND ( Noua Dreapta ) - continuation of the Legionary Movement, far-right, anti-EU, anti-NATO, anti-Russia, ethno-nationalists - this party is heavily infiltrated by the Secret Services and it will never reach the 5% requirement

PMP (Partidul Miscarea Populara): the political party of the former President Basescu; centrist-right, pro-EU, heavily anti-Russia, pro-Union between Moldova and Romania; nationalist/populist

Poll Predictions:

PNL - 20%
USR - 20%
PSD - 40%
ALDE - 7%
PMP - 10%
ND - under 5%
PRU - under 5%
UDMR - 5%

There's already a center-right coalition formed: PNL - USR - UDMR (with PMP being the silent member)

Left coalition: PSD - ALDE - PRU

which one is teh "russia party"?

which one are you supporting and who is ourguy TM?

I hate PNL but we must do what we can with what we have to keep Ciolos as PM and weaken PSD.USR has no chance, so we have to vote PNL.

Remember, a non PNL vote is a PSD vote.

>USR 20%

10% at most

and PNL will get like 30%

It's more or less just vote agains the party you hate the most.

And at this point Stalin himself could run against the Liberals and I would still vote for Stalin over the cucks.

>Ciolos shill

You belong in a gas chamber

Muie psd, that is all

>Implying Csoloszi is not the best PM since 89'

Move here, guys, it got more friction:

I hoph you gona do it like moldova fuck Europa you are fucking roman not west you belong to the cyrillic slavic Greek world not american antihrist satan west shit


>USR - 20%
ce effortpost bun dar ce predictie de cacat
iau 6% si reddit va avea curdurere colosala

>Economy stoped growing
>Two crisies going on
>Most hated governament after Boc

At least make your BS believable.


>Economy stoped growing

We actually had growth and will continue to untill 2020 atleast.

>Two crisies going on
>Most hated governament after Boc


Boc wasnt bad at all, look at Cluj and look at other romanian cities.

It was that the PM before him Tariceanu fucked it up and Boc had to take the toil and repair it.

>Boc wasn't bad

Usr ia 20% in visele tale erotice

which of the parties are Sup Forums approved?

ND and PMP sounds about right

Nu incerc sa shillez, astea sunt poll-urile interne de joi-vineri. USR e preconizat sa ia 15-20%, PNL e preconizat sa pice sub 20%. Prezenta la vot cica o sa fie record, pentru Romania bineinteles.

>t. consultanta politica

Daca e prezenta mare la vot maine, PSD o sa apeleze la tactica "punem batranii sa voteze PRU ca sa ia 5%". Practic, o sa isi rupa din voturile lor ca sa bage PRU in Parlament. Daca se intampla treaba asta, sa va asteptati la PSD-ALDE-PRU pentru urmatorii 4 ani.

>si eu ce fac?

Votezi PNL / USR (imivinesaborasc.jpg)


Votezi PMP (wildcard) - daca PNL cu USR o sa castige, PMP o sa intre in esalonul 2 cu subsecretari de stat + secretari de stat. In mai putin de 2 ani, la cat de versatil e marinaru, o sa faca o mini implozie in Parlament.

Nicusor dan, lasa-ne.
Usr e pt hipsteri basinosi de pe retarditt.

USR nu scoate peste 10%.O sa ia undeva la 8%.
PNL ia sigur peste 25% .

Oricum singura sansa e sa votam partidul lui Bratianu chiar daca e de cacat partidul


Sup Forums approved?

Only ND.It's literally Iron Guard.

PMP is shit.

they're all kinda shit
the least shit is PRU
the only Sup Forums party is ND

Singura sansa e sa-mi sugi pula tu si cu alinuta gorghiu. Si cu tot partidul ala de vagabonzi.
Manca-mi-ati pula. Sper sa ia psd 50% si pnl sa nu intre in parlament.

>implying that I'm voting for Soros Party Reloaded

Fuck Nicusor Dan, his autistic face makes me cringe every single god damn time I'm looking at him. Also, fuck USR's electorate, they are literally Romania's version of SJW/LGBTBBQ idiots.

>partidul lui Bratianu

Si-ar scoate ochii Bratianu daca ar vedea unde a ajuns partidul lui. O clica de corupti care merita pusi la zid si impuscati, in frunte cu Alina *inghit sperma de la un PSDist* Gorghiu.

> the least shit is PRU

PRU - PSD satellite 3.0, are you fucking retarded or what? Their leader was a former PSD secretary, Ghita and Ponta are shilling for them and they are literally in talks to form a coalition with ALDE and PSD.

Kill yourself, please.

Tataie la ora asta trebuia sa fii dormit de mult, ca maine te trezesti de la 6:30 sa cumperi zarzavat din piata

singura sansa e s-o faci pe ma-ta sa-mi suga pula ca de nu iti fut si tie si ei cu falxu peste bot copilas

mai intai o pun pe ma-ta cu craci in sus si ii trag muie

>implying ca votez USR

>Live in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
>Loads of romanians about
>Literally scum of society, dirty, loud, criminals
>Everybody hates them
>Go to Romania on trip
>It's literally the opposite
>Everybodys so friendly and nice
>Loads of hot girls.

Wtf Romania stop exporting your trash.

Sugi pula. Psd ia 80% si tu o sa te spanzuri in debara de ciuda.

>Wtf Romania stop exporting your trash.

You should thank the EU for that.

>guess who gave the gippos passports
>guess who forced us to integrated them

They're not our trash, or at least shouldn't be. Gypsies ''come from'' here because Romania is the dumping ground of Europe and where they deport those motherfuckers before they simply return. Otherwise they shouldn't even be considered Romanians.

>Quite impressive, if true,
>Seems like they've out-jewed the jew,
>yet I can not help but wonder why,
>the kikes, with delight, were willing to say "bye,"
>so it seems that they dealt with the merchants,
>once and for all, no more slippery serpents,
>what we knew was the bane of our land,
>was the hook nosed jew, always rubbing his hands.

Romania literally sold Jewish people to Israel. How 'bout that.

I'm kinda drunk right now... My plan was not to vote but what if... I go vote for ND just for the laughs? Redpill me on ND, rom/pol, they sound like fascists but they are euroscepticts, pro-tradition... what is their retarded side?

Chad you say?

too few people
no speakers, no ideologues

>ND ( Noua Dreapta ) - continuation of the Legionary Movement, far-right, anti-EU, anti-NATO, anti-Russia, ethno-nationalists - this party is heavily infiltrated by the Secret Services and it will never reach the 5% requirement

Their retarded side is that they are literally infiltrated to the core by the secret services, similar to what the far-right movements have been experiencing in all of Europe (especially in Germany).

They don't have a charismatic key central figure to rally the people, they don't have a grassroots movements across the whole country, they don't have funds because no one wants to fund them. They will never reach 5%, sadly.

You could give your vote just for the giggles, at least show up at the polls. Not going is most likely letting others steal your vote.

Plecati in plm din tara. Emigrati. Mars afara.
Daca pana acum sintagma "toate partidele aceeasi mizerie" era de inteles si acceptat, acum nu mai e.
Aveti USR (cu sau fara ideologie, oameni noi si buni), un PNL partial reformat si pe Dacian Ciolos, iar de partea cealalta aveti Dragnea, Tariceanu si Sebastian Ghita, Ecaterina Andronescu, PSD, ALDE si un PRU care urla despre amnistie penala la propria televiziune, in 2016; e $currentYear, in plm.
Daca nici acum nu e suficient de clara alegerea, mereti in pula.
De asemenea, daca ati iesit sa-l votati pe Iohannis dar nu iesiti la parlamentare, mereti in pula pentru ca l-ati pus acolo cu toate asteptarile din lume pe umerii lui si acum nu ii dati si mijloacele prin care sa faca lucrurile pentru care l-ati ales.
Iar apoi tot voi, suparati, ca n-a facut nimic in 5 ani.
Edit cu ce ma enerveaza cel mai tare:
Suntem, vreo 18 mln de prosti pe listele electorale. Cifra nu e reala. Probabil mai suntem 16mln?
Prezenta 40% din 16 000 000 * 0.4 = 6 400 000 mln de votanti.
PSD+ALDE 46% din 6 400 000 * 0.46 = 2 944 000 mln de votanti. (46% inainte de redistribuire)
PSD si ALDE conduc Romania in urmatorii 4 ani cu 3mln de voturi. Pentru ca voi restu' care nu mergeti la vot, aveti mofturi.
Mergeti la vot, macar daca castiga PSD+ALDE, sa stim cu totii ca suntem saraci si furati pentru ca suntem prosti, nu pentru ca suntem lenesi si indiferenti.

Stiu, o faceti ca o forma de protest. Am inteles. Dar e o forma de protest care e foarte usor de ignorat de cei care sunt in politica pentru ca pur si simplu va amesteca pe toti impreuna cu cei care pun doua stampile din greseala sau pun alte semne care invalideaza votul.
Si in plus de asta, chiar daca ar fi un protest reusit atunci cand spui intregii clase politice ca nu-i vrei pe niciunul dintre ei, e exact acelasi lucru ca si cum le-ai spune ca ii vrei pe toti.
Pentru ca nu le pasa si nu se vor da la o parte din bun simt ca sa ai tu pe cine sa alegi.

marsh pe redit cu comentul tau copy-paste de pe reddit

the only good thing about romanian elections is that we don't have pro russian parties

same here i don't think that i will go but if i do i will choose between ND and USR

E intentionat ba coae daca nu ti-ai dat seama dupa poza. /r/romania is literally cancer.

USR is basically the party of Soros

I will vote PSD, in 2014 i voted for iohannis and now i realize that hes a piece of shit who will accomplish nothing for romania, i will never vote for a minority again and Ciolos is a bigger piece of shit aswell, i wish Basescu could be the prime minister he is obviously still the best politician in Romania but anyway atm PSD is the best choice, i would vote PMP but it would be a wasted vote.

What exactly is going on, who is running against who and what happens if one person wins and the other loses?

literally Sup Forums autists vs Soros masterminds

I had no idea Romania was having elections, who would be best for Sup Forumss interest and why?

for the Sup Forums would be the Noua Dreapta they are basically anti gay marriage , immigration policies etc.What you would except for a far right party

What are there odds of winning?

PSD are the republicans PNL are the democrats equivalent, pretty much

very slim
PSD(social democratic party) 44% in the latest poll

asta sigur e un prostanac de pe retarditt.
muie nucsor dan.sclavul lui soros.