Wow, so surprising that electing a criminal New York elite billionaire is leading to the most inept and corrupt cabinet in US history...
Wow, so surprising that electing a criminal New York elite billionaire is leading to the most inept and corrupt cabinet in US history...
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Seriously, this fucking commie kike is incredible.
How much of a failure does one have to be an East Coast Jew and still be poor as shit?
>poor as shit?
Bernie is rich tho, just not a greedy piece of shit tax dodger like Trump
You sound like tumblr
>how can you be poor and white when the system is rigged to your benefit
ehi bernie, get a real job!
yep, is a rich fucker who got even richer thanks all the morons who donated to him during his campaign
lol bernie stole millions from gullible gommies but the goldman sachs man is the bad guy
>leading to the most inept and corrupt cabinet in US history
Huh, I thought that distinction belonged to Truman.
At least you got to vote for a draft dodger
CTR stops paying the trolls end of this month, right?
It can't come soon enough.
Look how many Sachs employees are in the Obama cabinet.
Little late to complain, trump has two. King nigger had thirty plus. But, IT'S ONLY BAD IF TRUMP DOES IT to low information voters like you.
All of the donated money is going to fight liberal causes, not into his pocket, unlike Trump who used money from his charities for his own personal reasons.
but she won the popular vote
she was a bad candidate but Trump isn't the people's president, he has the lowest approval rating of any president-elect in modern history.
Really though, what is your basis for thinking they can't run the country?
Do you disagree that they understand how the economy and entrepreneurship work?
Seriously what does Bernie know about anything? I mean like what has he done to make his opinion valuable?
You literally sound like Tumblr spouting half baked theories, and complete false hoods.
Bernie is rich because he is a conniving jew with no real conviction that took a bribe to endorse Hillary after tricking a bunch of college aged retards like yourself that he was anti establishment, and to send him money
Hope you learned a valuable lesson about jews. Never trust them. Especially the socialist ones.
Actually all that money wen to the Clinton campaign after he endorsed her.
Btw yes he did take a check out of that donation money. All politicians do.
>took a bribe
[citation needed]
if anything I learned not to trust rich white elites, like Trump and Hillary. Trump is going to collapse the economy and our standing in the world, it's already happening and if he isn't impeached we can expect a lot of our freedoms to disappear as well.
>All politicians do.
Trump took money from charity, just a reminder
Chelsea lives off of Clinton Foundation money, what's your point? lmfao
(((Donald Trump)))
My point is Trump is the swamp
Bernie was the only good candidate we had but we were stuck with two criminals
>he actually fucking voted for Trump
What's it like?
Yeah the only ""good"" candidate who did a big 180 on his principles for a fat DNC paycheck.
Just stop man, you're embarrassing yourself.
The only "wall" being built is on a street in NYC
>Just stop man, you're embarrassing yourself.
>a fat DNC paycheck.
[citation needed]
Again, he supported Hillary because Trump is a fascist piece of shit and he felt that he could at least get things done under her administration whereas Trump is going to send the US into a deep dive and why would anyone want that
you forgot the hiltler bit
Where da refunds at, Bernie
I knew there'd be something that didn't add up here
>regular, media-friendly president has over 30
>new, media-unfriendly president has 2
>omg new president has TWO WHOLE financial people in his cabinet?
nothing to see here guys, just jews being jews
>the cabinet is corrupt and inept
>the cabinet has yet to take office
-1/10 concern trolling, user.
Trump is a fascist because he put a Jewish banker in his cabinet?
You had better cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.
>all these kike names
kek, one of them even has the same last name as the current president of Israel
That's the plan.
These crooks are taking charge and WILL parade pedo heads around on a stick to occupy law enforcement resources while they cover their own crimes, which the public won't even care about when they learn the truth about what team Hilldebeast has actually been up to.
>All of the donated money is going to fight liberal causes
>Bernie bought a beach-house with it
No he's a fascist due to his fascist statements and tendencies
>with it
No, with his book money
he made a lot of money from his books during the election to be fair.
>No he's a fascist due to his fascist statements and tendencies
[citation needed]
>implying I voted for Trump for anything other than liberal tears
Trump, D. J. (n.d.). Speeches 2015-2016.
Lol the country is going to shit no matter who you elect or what you do. Hilldawg would've made it go to shit more quickly is all. At least Trump will build a wall, trigger fags like you, and make the country whiter.
>At least Trump will build a wall
he said he will not, maybe a fence at most
>and make the country whiter.
how's that a good thing when asians are the ones innovating?
>parade pedo heads
Isn't Trump the one with pedophilic tendencies?
Also why is it now a thing to call everyone you dislike a pedophile? Pizzagate is a joke
Just as I thought, no sources for anything you say.
You lefty brainlets are hilarious.
now kill yourself
A bunch of fake news sites, mind supplying a reputable source?
>this site says something I disagree with therefore it's fake news
as I said, kys
Yep, nothing but tabloids and fake news for your sources.
Maybe if you stopeped looking at nothing but Fake News sites you wouldn't be in such a panic over Trump.
>Maybe if you stopeped looking at nothing but Fake News sites you wouldn't be in such a panic over Trump.
lol welcome to bizarro inverse world, what did I expect from Sup Forums
reminder that breitbart is fake news
reminder that climate change is real
reminder that our country's problems aren't caused by mexicans doing the labor white people won't do, but the elite like Trump
When will the autistic commie reddit berniecucks finally kill itselves?
>reminder that our country's problems aren't caused by mexicans doing the labor white people won't do, but the elite
Again with the anti-semitism... disgusting.