Answer me this
Answer me this
There is one you fucking leaf
Commies in a nutshell
>your money should be limited despite whatever stratospheric success you achieve
this is what libcucks believes
>why is there no one telling me i can't earn more money
pinko shits
what about people who are self employed?
I agree, lets do away with minimum wage.
Not an argument
>Invent a cure for HIV
>Sell it for 5$ each bottle of pills
>The cost is 4$
>1$ pure profit per bottle
>Make dozens of millions each month
>Duur huur you can only make 1.000.000 per month, sure you saved 10 million lives but fuck you
Because fuck communism
How is that not an argument?
>why should people put effort into anything
Because there would be no point in pursuing a higher education if you would be earning the same amount as somebody who is not as intelligent as.
Fuck off, comie.
Why isn't minimum wage competitive
because when you get to the top, there`s nobody to pay you - just the fruits of your own labours.
I understand that it would confuse a communist to suggest that human natureéreality doesn`t accommodate immaculate regulation and distribution of resources and power, so this discussion is over.
Textbook commie - it's not enough that you fail, you want to drag others down in your misery as well.
*hits bong*
dude, what if there were like a maximum wage?
shieeeeeeeeeeet bro
>not an argument
Pretty much a meme now. Just say it and then, with a flutter of a trench coat, you disappear back into the interwebs.
Not an argument
In Eastern Europe we actually had such a thing, it didn't turn out so well. People simply started selling their goods and services on the black market or play the system in other ways.
Not an argument
This is an argument.
And I see OP has pulled off this trick in his own thread before he really got his ass handed to him.
Maximum ammount of money one can own should be set at $50,000,000. Its absolutely ridiculous that rich white greedy old men have trillions of dollars meanwhile we have sick and poor living out on the cold streets.
Any money that they make past their limit should immediately be given to government so they can help make our communities better.
Woah meta
>reach maximum wage after 13 days
>close business for rest of month
it's like you're not even trying to think, also stop posting the same thread every few hours
Because the government is so great at making communities better. Oh and also incredibly efficient.
Money can go to welfare programs to help get the poor back on their feet
Taylor swift made almost 4 times that this year.
Hell I think Judge Judy made almost that much this year.
Because MONEY is a religion
and saying you shouldnt make more than some already insane amount like a few million every year - well thats heresy
FUCK people...
Put in a goddamn maximum wage.
If you make more than 20,000,000 per year, dont matter where the fuck it comes from (wages, investments, rental, whatever) the rest goes back to the public.
> get caught hiding or sheltering your assets or not paying up, your ass goes to jail For Awhile.
If you're making more than you could reasonably survive on for the rest of your life in practically 1 fucking year then you're becoming a damn weapon against society.
> money is a fucking weapon of mass destruction.
If fame and achievement arent enough to go along with your 20 fucking million bucks a year then there's something wrong with you.
Kalashnikov the inventor of the most ubiquitous assault rifle in the world never got paid more than an average inventor. He was happy enough as it was for making such great shit. And Millions of bucks is a hell of alot more than he got.
What do you use THAT much money for?
> This is how you fund a living wage, everybody gets the equivalent of 12,000 a year
> That sucks but it pays for food and maybe an apartment, clothes, keeps you alive. Doesnt let you be stagnant.
> But also doesnt make you have to work at shit you dont care about, like if you're writing a book or designing shit and cant be bothered with menial labor.
> You can also get rid of the minimum wage, because a shitty 2-3 bucks an hour may pay for booze money or non-life essentials. And it challenges you to do better.
> Bums can be arrested for panhandling because they already get a check like everyone else.
> Encourages living AWAY from the city because everything is fucking high there. Go out in the country and live in 300/month rent house.
Because it wouldn't be fair with people around who don't make a wage.
The whole moderate leftist worldview that justifies progressive taxation is retardation.
Rich people and poor people don't follow the same logic as the middle class, rich people can live off their investments without even having a wage if they want to, effectively avoiding a lot of taxes, the poor on the other hand get handouts so their tax rate is (effectively) zero regardless of what the law says.
The Idea that progressive taxation does anything but reward people for making 60k a year and punish people for making over 150k a year is laughable.
Not that I'm 100% against other taxation schemes like net worth tax or whatever, but the current leftist idea of progressive taxation are self defeating.
"Why is there no maximum wage?"
Because some people work extremely hard so that they can support their children & their children & their children & so on. Sort of like this commie bastard's parents who paid for his liberal arts degree. Who went on to live in the city even though rent is higher because he wanted to live in a 'diversified area'. Who decided to use his wages on twisting his hair into braids like a nigger to be edgy. Who can't get a decent job because he moves like at slug pace due to his lack of testosterone. Who stood up to a police officer that was doing a routine traffic stop but this fucking guy protested & called him a pig & was shot to death.
>Invent a cure for HIV
>implying that this is a good thing
We need fewer niggers, not more of them.
And if they're reinvesting that money in their company to hire more people, up wages, fill new positions, expand? You'd rather that just go to big brother so they can spend 5 mil on a hairbrush for an immigrant? You're a fucking retard
>"why should there be?"
>"because...uhhh... I... uhhh, it's... i-it's u-unfair!"