The Stormfront Invasion

I am so sick of storm fags.
I remember back a few years ago when Sup Forums was a chill hip ron paul board.
then stormfront invented racism and targeted Sup Forums and now everybody is racist
pisses me off

i'm not an sjw. race jokes are fine
but all this race and IQ bullshit is getting really annoying

lots of small weenie'd whites on this board

Other urls found in this thread:

Are you non-white by any chance, Tyrone?

Don't worry OP, they're a psy-op and half of them are CTR and other shills pretending to be them.

Best thing you can do is not respond and sage all their threads

My ancestors are from England and Germany, so I think I'm white but you tell me.

Thank you. I can't wait until Sup Forums can go back to the good days before it became a racist board.

>Sup Forums wasn't racist a few years ago
Tippity Toppity Kek.
You are either new or were beyond delusional back then.

Oh fuck off. Hate to break it you, but even before Sup Forums there was a very racist element to Sup Forums that went beyond 'lol edgy black guy watermelon jokes'

This. I remember back in 2013 when we used to try to find solutions to stop systematic oppression against our African American brothers.

Now we make fun of blacks non stop.



"race and IQ bullshit"

sorry kiddo, but it's true, Lynn's studies are very good, not Stormfag but this part is really true.

stormfront really did ruin everything. i would like to know why they targeted Sup Forums of all places. We were a strong bastion of racial egalitarianism.
In 2015, people started to say the n-word with no hesitation.


Low quality bait, OP

Fuck off nigger. We are in charge now.

Do people unironically believe that Stormfront actually invaded and introduced racism to Sup Forums?


>i'm not an sjw. race jokes are fine
>but all this race and IQ bullshit is getting really annoying


fuck off with your revisionist history

nigger nigger nigger

Fuck actual racists.

How come people started talking about the Jews out of nowhere?

Stormfront told them to.

Fuck Stormfront.

>I remember back a few years ago when Sup Forums was a chill hip ron paul board.

I don't remember and I've been here since its inception. It's always been a cesspit of national socialism, white "nationalism," and racialism.

I realize you're from /leftypol/ but I'll use this imag anyway

Sup Forums Is the New Stormfront now,

PD:its a shit i know

>How come people started talking about the Jews out of nowhere?

>/LEFTYPOL/ the post

>says the newfag

This was a lefty board before you underage reddit faggots flooded it

>the n-word
What did he mean by this?


Do you feel in charge?

Obviously not, all of your threads get derailed. Railed like a white girl at her first party

There are a lot of Sup Forumsacks who hate stormfront and it is bizarre seeing as Sup Forums is much more racist and also more obnoxious than stormfront could ever be.

Where did this anti-stormfront may may start?

Off to the ovens with you jewtard.

>race and IQ bullshit
That's pretty sciencophobe of you.

Blacks are objectively subhuman. Eat shit nigger lover.

Fuck off nu-pol

>revising history this hard

Sup Forums was always racist. There used to be more discussion on how people's rights are being taken away by government/corporations/etc and less racial politics, but users were still racist. It's just that racism now plays a more central role to Sup Forums's identity.

Lol. K Leaf.

Go suck off Trudeau

The anti stormfront attitude started when a democrat came here and started spreading it. Of course it makes no sense. But seeing as most Sup Forumsacks are dumb as fuck, they weren't going to let go of it but instead had to try to think of reasons to justify their nonsensical attitudes.
So they say 'uhhhh... Stormfront is autistic... th-that's why we hate it" which is laughable since Sup Forums is literal autism

Then anti semitism is seen as stormfront when plenty of people are perfectly capable of being anti semetic without stormfront's help

Sup Forums is not a safe place for you faggot.

Go find some cocoa and a bankie

You're the fucking invader, nigger. Well, technically I am too since I consider myself under the rather contradictory term of "nationalist libertarian," though despite this the fucking board has been like this since /new/.

Speaking of /new/, you really should go back with the big goys in plebbit you fucking autistic faggot


Thank G-d for President Obama's influence with that. He surely red-pilled the masses. And infuriated everyone who was already partially there.

>Goyim! Y u talking about us? Let's talk about Arabs and Chinese chinks instead!

Hasbara, JIDF, CTR, whatever the fuck, BTFO!

Stormnigger logic
>Whites are the master race
>Controlled by a small group of Zionist Jews
Honestly, storm niggers have a serious "WE WUZ" complex.

>bluepilled redditor doesn't think theres anything to IQ or cultural differences

Let me guess, Jews are great people?

>not realizing racism is what made mootles detete /new/
its been here since the start pal

>"I have no branches in my family tree."

I'm not controlled by anyone. its the governments,banks and corporations you stupid fuck.

>I remember back a few years ago when Sup Forums was a chill hip ron paul board.

Pol has always been packed with stormtardz, newfag.

ive been pretty "left: most of my life and have been on this board since... '11? Yeah. its always been a home to racist stormfags, thats why it got shut down in the first place.

this is a shill thread

Careful not to choke too hard on that BBC


You're a lying fuck.
It was basically libertarian early on, not leftist.

the only germanics who aren't white are ironically the germans

You're clearly a newfag

race realists =/= wehraboos

you pathetic fucking cuck kill yourself


Remember the shills?? You should, your one of them.


Go back to R e d d i t.

>People who don't accept my bitching and moaning are living in a safe space!

That's really ironic of you to say this is a safe space for simply making a statement, only for you to go on and bitch about it being one. Listen, gaylord. The reason you werent banned the immediate moment you posted is because this is not a safespace. With the exception of the occasional shit mod from /r/Gommunism on plebbit, nobody will try to ban you here, as dissent is key.

On the adverse, that does not mean that you can just come here and bitch to us - about us, and expect us to be all fucking hunky dory about it. You are a genuine retard if you think we're going to listen to you if you
1) cannot even make an argument to back yourself up

2) cannot even make a fucking post without going "Muh storm weenies/gommunists/etc" unless your goal is to act like a retard and shitpost. But really, who needs to act like a retard when we got people like you laying around?

>believes that stormfront is constantly invading Sup Forums and that anti semitism was created on stormfront and nobody else can ever reach anti semetic feeling without the assitance of stormfront and calls anyone who is anti semetic a stormnigger or stormweenie because Sup Forums shouldn't take reaponsibilty for it's own anti semitism and terms Sup Forumsnigger and Sup Forumsweenie shouldn't be created but instead we should blame everything we don't like about Sup Forums on one website who seems obsessed with invading us and talking about Jews
Your attitude to stormfront is like some anti Semites attitudes towards Jews; you give them way too much credit

Stormfuck.cum is a honeypot anyway. Why waste your time there when you can just continue to post here, with a lesser risk of identity exposure?

You fucking wat m8

>Small Weenie'd

What you got against facts, bro?

> n-word

Fuck off you cuck

>implying chink moot isn't feeding data to the fbi

This, ironic shitposting brought stormfags

Nigger detected

No doubt about it but desu whites aren't exactly the great race they are made out to be here. I see a lot of whites being degenerates and not giving a fuck about their fellow (white) men and it ain't exactly filling me with optimism.

>inb4 you hang out with the wrong people
>inb4 back to plebbit etc.

You haven't been here long enough. SF was here from the start. Its an unfortunate part of us, but lately the shilling is getting intense.

>My ancestors are from England and Germany, so I think I'm white
This used to be true.

>what is filtering

Fucking newfags

1488 we're here to stay, nigger kike faggot

my point is that the issue is negated through a VPN, and it's already common knowledge that the FBI surf here all the time, brah
>Shilling is getting intense
From who? There's always been nazi threads. And really, why shouldn't we let them post anyway? They make some great points

This so much

It's funny but it ain't even funny anymore.

Based Texas!

We're gonna show the stormweenies that racism has no place on our board!

Kill yourself you fucking KIKE

>I don't like when people say facts that go against my feelings

Maybe reddit is more up your street

>But race isn't real, goy! RACE ISN'T REEEEEL

Nu pol is triggered

It's not unfortunate. Stormfront keeps the normies away. Also I tend to agree with them.

Shilling from both sides, seeing as how this board is too influential. I have no problem with stormfags here and im brown. I support free/hate speech. Ill only argue opinion based shit.

Nice try commie fag, you arent welcome here.

>but all this race and IQ bullshit is getting really annoying
The truth is uncomfortable, yes.

Nigger people have been saying Nigger and kike on Sup Forums since it was created. Just go back to tumblr

>your country literally helped the jews win and spread their power to this day

May change with Trump

>Sup Forums
>Ron Paul
It was a joke. He was great for memes the same way Trump is.

Sup Forums goes where the memes are, always.

Nigger, This board has been red-pilled as fuck. Nigger hate genrals have been constant staple of board

Get out you butthurt nigger kike.

Its just commie newfag bait.

"but you tell me"

he feels nonwhite so he is attacking racists. but if her knew what he was he wouldn't be so mad.

but it is an image board. if you don't like it, leave.

Joachim Bergowicz and Anna Disraeli by chance?

good goy

Even /new/ was racist

>He doesn't know that Jews sunk the Titanic

Fuck off you dumb jew

Prove they sunk titanic

Funny how you put up a graph making white people look good, when in reality chinese/indians dominate them in every way intelligence wise.

only newfags and underage into natsoc
you get over it after a while

was natsoc during the zimzam days, turned a leaf after being bombarded with their threads over and over.

How the heck am I gonna get back up to date on Space Station 13 faggot, without muh reddit? I'm not denying the existence of ss13 threads on this board. But are there constant threads or must I create my own? What is fundamentally wrong with reddit? The main page is likely to be full of garbage but it hosts so much ametuer porn only a faggot wouldn't have a seldom visit to gaze upon the vast sea of flesh.

All this Left vs Right bullshit is proving how shallow your mind is. It's like the shark net at the beach, keeping you away from the treasures beneath the waves. You can have opinions that are strong in both sides of politics, good and evil, light and dark.

We call black people niggers but we gauge each one on a one on one basis. You can assume the majority of african americans are dumb, but there are also some pretty smart ones. White people are fucking dumb too. I'm not. I'm not dumb. But I do dumb things sometimes. The duality of man is so strong. It may not encompass you all right now and you might be swaying on one of it's axis alone, but you might experience something different later on.

Lastly. You called someone a Kek. Kek is alot of things. But not something you call someone, dickhead.

That's funny, because I was a Sup Forums tard like 10 years ago and we all used the word nigger just as much as Sup Forums does today

Newfag piece of shit KYS

I bet you don't even NEET