What will you do when the retarded clown crashes the US Economy Sup Forums?

What will you do when the retarded clown crashes the US Economy Sup Forums?

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Republicans always crash the economy

Bye Bye Juan

These right wing retards will do what they always do. They will blame others for their fuckups.



Make a lot of money.

The same thing I'll do if the economy goes well.

The same thing I would have done if Hillary had won the office.

are you making fun of disabled persons?

>Meanwhile the dow is at an alltime high

You all lost
Youre all losers
Youre all pathetic

Keep crying

the obly thing crashing here will be this thread

reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep

Go back to your favela Thiago.

Fucking idiot you actually believe the unimployment numbers

When you have to comment 3 times in a row so you can prove your point

Deny its happening, use very specific niche statistics to try to look better, blame it on Obamas last 8 years, say the plan hasn't had time to work yet, say it's still better than war with Russia, say it's because liberals in congress, or just say fuck the economy we hunter gatherers now.

That's why Obummer racked up more debt than literally every single President before him combined right?

>Meanwhile the dow is at an alltime high





You're talking about Reagan, not Obama.

un frijolero .... get the fuck out illegal

>implying Trump won't get inaugurated right after the crash

Lmao it didnt skyrocket until after Trump was elected you stupid fuck

also roll


Says the guy that comes from tacoland,a place where you are beheaded if you don't pay the ''protection''
Seems like you need to go back to mexico and make it great,at least for one time


Explain how Obama did anything if the economy is just controlled by jewish speculators?

Hes just mad him and his family have to go back to the shithole known as mexico

>Washington Post
Just end my life right there senpai

Stupid spic, like you have any fucking room to talk. Stay in your shit hole.

No. Its obama. 9 trillion debt from every president to bush and obama added 11 trillion.

It nearly TRIPLED under Obama.

That's a chart from Jan 2009 to present. You're literally a right wing retard.

Wrong on both numbers. Please go back and learn how to do math.

The economy will already crash because of obama and bush you dumb wet back.

7 trillion to 17 trillion under Obama.
But yeah, lets blame Reagan.

Stupid fucking leaves.

I can at least take solace in the fact that I'm not Mexican.

>can't challenge the facts so whines like a bitch about the source.

Nothing new from right wing retards.

Youre literally a fucking leaf


Day of the Rake, when?

>Start in 2009
Yeah don't show 2008 when it crashed from 20k

ok, syrup nigger

>7 trillion to 17 trillion under Obama.

Right wing retards dont even know what the national debt was the day Obama took office.

You right wing retards obviously dropped out of high school. You don't even know when presidents take office.


>Washington Post
The same outlet that said Trump had 1% of winning and that Wikileaks were Fake news?
What a wonderful source you got there desu

buy stocks and real estate at a great doscount

we are the jews now

>we are the party of the working class
>dow is high fuck middle america who cares if they are suffering

The Dow is adjusting for the new Dollar and all new consumer optimism boosted by Trumps election.

You don't work on Wall Street, I do.

Fuck off.

Republicans fuck things up
Democrats clean up the mess

The way it's been since 1929.


LOL. 0.72%? That's it? Went up 180% under Obama.


Yellen will raise interest rates soon after Trump gets in office. The economy tanks and Dems blame Trump. Obama blamed the slow economy on Bush for eight years although the crash was not Bush's fault.

Blame the pedos. Blame the drug cartels. Blame the Islamists.

Oh, there are so many heads to roll.

>all these right wing retards are too stupid to see that's a chart from Jan. 2009

Since 2009? Holy shit you're a fucking retard.

The Dow nearly tripled under Obama.


The US DOLLAR BOOMED under Obama as well.

Get triggered, retards.



This is the biggest redpilled truth there is.

Like the Magic Negro had anything to do with that. Stupid fucking Leaf.


>thinks pumping the stock market with artificial money is a sign of good economic growth
keynesian retard detected, the day of the rake can't come soon enough.

I would rather have been a worm in a dogs bowels than a fucking leaf.

But wasn't the wall supposed to stop the Drug Cartels? Because obviously a perfect plan by the best president of America ever MUST work, right? :^)

You can't just say "wrong", and expect people to believe you.
Anyone can google it, and see the numbers for themselves.
Obummer has been an absolute devastation to the United States.


lol right wing retard mental gymnastics

Don't pretend your economy is any better Jose, All trump is doing is keeping your drug cartels and other bean nigger's from entering this country. Now go back to farming your beans

>give everyone a house
>it crashes in 2008
>starts to recover from crash
>"it was all obama guys"


Obama didn't double the debt as long as you know how to do basic math. Reagan did though. What was the national debt when Obama took office? CMon retard.

They actually have both been doing a really shitty job consistently since before that.

It hasn't been built yet, spic.

The drug cartels, for the most part, are your fucking problem. But your government is too fucking corrupt to do anything about it.


>can't even defend his point
>deflects with nonsense
i'm convinced most annoying canadian posters at this point are just proxyfags, they were never this terrible before.

Yeah Republicans crash the economy and Democrats fix it? What's your point?

George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want.

inb4 right wing retards are the biggest dindu nuffins on the planet


>What will you do when the retarded clown crashes the US Economy Sup Forums?
what we always do - LOL !!!

i wouldn't know

So you are implying that the demand for drugs in the USA has NOTHING TO DO with the drug cartels crossing the border?


Because it started long before Bush with Clinton you dumb fuck

Establishment-fuckers all around are garbage kikes

You right wing retards are just triggered that the American economy is thriving under a black president.

That's why you can't wait till Trump crashes the economy.

Canada is still trying to steal Straya's thunder, despite the fact they'll never top the Aussies for expert shitposting.

Clinton was actually a very large factor in the deregulation that helped lead to the burst of 2008
Learn your history.

That's completely contradictory though, can you at least come up with a consistent insult?
>uses one's own bullshit source as a primary source
get fucked nigger leaf

you're just shitposting in the most unfunny way possible. at least when people made these threads back in 2012 they were wiling to defend the asinine things they said with real arguments and contribute to the level of discourse on the board, you just spout nonsense and non-sequiturs like someone who just escaped the mental ward and is farming for reactions online. truly shameful.

wew lad you think Obama took office in 2008? You really are fucking retarded.

>Clinton was actually a very large factor in the deregulation that helped lead to the burst of 2008

Like I said, right wing retards are the biggest fucking dindu nuffins on the planet. Nothing comes close. George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want.

Even if he did a good job with the economy , he did a fucking terrible job with race relations. People say that trump will destroy 50 years of racial progress in the US but obama has already done that.

>Obama saved the economy, look how great the GDP is!
>Middle class only shrank and quality of life only decreased
What do idiots even mean when the economy was saved?

Not one filthy autistic right wing retard can answer a very simple question.

What was the national debt when Obama took office? CMon retard.

They see me rolling trying to get aborted.

>he did a fucking terrible job with race relations.

>Here's my birth certificate..., by the way I just killed Osama Bin Laden.
*drops mic

>Middle class only shrank and quality of life only decreased

Largest increase in median income on record last year.

Right wing retards btfo

have u make me tacitos speedy

What exactly are you trying to prove? Are you implying that white and black race relations aren't absolute shit thanks to BLM which your beloved king nigger supports?

Bush played a large part in it too. I disliked him even more so than I disliked Bill.

Look at the chart I posted. It literally proves you wrong about Obama, and his debt.
Get fucked, retard.

>I also saved America from another Republican Great Depression, created 15.6 million jobs and reduced the real unemployment rate to 4.6%.

*drops mic again

>inb4 right wing retard autistic screeching

Republicuck tears

>>he did a fucking terrible job with race relations.

Typical right wing retards. Absolutely zero personal responsibility.

The chart proves you're a retard who thinks that Obama took office in 2008.

What was the national debt the day Obama took office?

Young people are still poor, nobody cares about baby boomers