Jewish endgame

I've been redpilling friends and family and have surprisingly found that most people seem to have an instinctive distrust of Jews, and are surprisingly open to the fact that they are secretly running the world.

My question is: what exactly is the Jewish endgame? Destruction of the west? Weakening of the west then takeover? Control it from the shadows? Revenge for Nazism? Do they hate whites because we threaten them with the perfect mix of intelligence, aggression, and in group preferences?

It's obvious they hate the west, but what is their endgame?

Other urls found in this thread:

>what is their endgame?
World peace

Kek, good one kike.

There is no proof for a jewish conspiracy

Really makes me think...

In this NEW WORLD ORDER, ISRAEL will furnish ALL leaders without opposition.Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will FALL INTO THE HANDS OF THE JEWS. It will then be possible for the JEWISH RULERS (bankers) to abolish private property everywhere to make use of the resources of earth. Thus the promise of the TALMUD be fulfilled, in which is said when the Messianic time is come, JEWS will have ALL the property of the WHOLE WORLD in their hands.

Goyim exist only to serve Jews as slaves. Goyim were only born to serve us. Without that they have no place in the world. Only to serve the people of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They are only here to work. They will work, they will plow. They will reap. We will sit like effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.

Ok, so pretty much what we all thought.

A swindle, a sale, an extra shekel.

Their genetic destiny is to make a sale.

Money, power, control.

It's like playing CIV V. When you can't achieve military victory, you strive for cultural.

To be successful. Like every other race.

Picture a giant jack boot stomping on the face of humanity (Your race, kin and descendants) for eternity.

No justice or law, Slavery and pain. Picture the holodomour on a global scale against every gentile with a 60+ IQ.
"""Their""" book is very clear on this "The best of the goyim need to die".

Whites ARE Objectively The Best


Those Jew Gold Caves dont fill themselves

Also complete Genocide of West Asians (Who are IRONICALLY ENOUGH genetically the real Jews)

Satan would win, atrophy and decay as humanity collapses in on itself.

On the brightside Skypes have very low spatial intelligence so they won't develop further. They're inbred as fuck too so without genetic engineering they're fucked and doomed to extinction without us.

This cancer will die with the host, small comfort I guess. A silver lining. Chinks are redpilled as fuck on the JQ.

is is difficult going through life being this butt-hurt that people are more successful than you?

Power, they want to dominate the world, everyone shall be their slave

They hate everithing bc satan is their master. The lord of hate.

You kikes really need to come up with more original lines to insult the goys. This one is stale

>are more successful than you?
Is child raping the succes?

no i get it, theres just no possible way that you just objectively suck; it must be a global conspiracy against you... good eye Becky

Nah. You basically just realize you're not special, smart, or quick and assign yourself to an ignoble death 70 years out.


do you find your shoulders start to hurt after wearing such a big tinfoil hat all day?


This is true. They delight in filth and degeneracy. They mislead women by appealing to their weaknesses (Greed) as they indoctrinate children and go against every natural order in existence. COMMUNISM, FEMINISM, SOCIALISM ETC ETC ALL DONE BY """THEM"""

That's your only excuse Shlomo ? How come we don't have this problem with East Asians ?
You're derailing this conversation with your subversive misleading toxicity. Go eat shit (Like so many of your inbred insane kind do)

I have a Jesus in my heart.
He is stronger than your moloch.
He can order you to jump off the rock and you'll obey.

The whole Jewish conspiracy needs qualifications. The entirety of Jews aren't "in on it", it's a small group of Kohens who have been running the show for millennia. They use Israelites for labor and convenient genocides to further their own agenda.

the Jews want only two races to exist. the Jews and the obedient nigger. they are not satisfied with good goyim so they are trying to breed the best goy


to bring in antichrist

Sure seems like every culture you've parasitized/encountered throughout history has reached a different conclusion....

>Implying the pleb tier skype woulden't be doing what Soros is doing in a heartbeat if he was smart enough to.

Don't be so quick to neglect the ground from whence that accursed tree sprouted. Chop it down and the roots remain intact and will grow into another tree in a few millennia (Even more inbred and evil).

That was the mistake your ancestors made. learn from history

>yfw with all of their Jewish intelligence (which totally isn't a meme goys) the only way for them to be a masterrace is for every other race to be even more subhuman than them

They try to make prophecies come true (see: The Holocaust, coincidentally this isn't how prophecies work, but when have Jews ever let rules get in the way of what they do?) and use these irl memes to further their agenda. The best part is that the only people who are guaranteed not to have their sins forgiven are those who change the word of Jehovah (basically liars, which is exactly what Jews have done. See: "G-d's chosen people") and those who deny the Jesus was the son of God (again, Jews don't believe Jesus was the saviour which is why places like (((Wikipedia))) refuse to list Jesus as Jesus Christ due to Christ basically meaning saviour).

Think of a super viro-disease like cancerAIDS, now think of it personified (human appearance, not charateristics) and you get Jews.

Feel free to check anything.

jesus (a jew) isn't in your heart, nor is he giving any orders. please try to be less pathetic

> NO BAD GOYIM you aren't supposed to say fact's that are against the narrative

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Jesus is the original destroyer of Jews. He completely BTFO out of their religion and took away many of their people.

Jew here, there is no over-arching global Jewish conspiracy, just a constellation of smaller, repetitive clusterfucks.

Kind of how wolves don't conspire to eat livestock, they just do it instinctively.

you get that you sad pathetic white people are a minority right? the overwhelming majority of white people aren't pathetic conspiracy nerds like you right?

There is no jewish endgame. Your hatred of jews stems from the same reasons blacks hate whites.

whites where kicked out of almost 2 entire continents. What is your argument again?


You can find the people who created the Holocaust at the top of the smoke stack, re-condensing the gold that was unable to be retrieved initially. The fact jews are stupid enough to believe it was anyone but other jews means they are out of control.

Wow, the jews really are everywhere.

I don't believe in Semitic superstitions although I respect based Christianity.

The Holocaust is just one of many, MANY times that Jews have been BTFO'd therefore lending credence to the theory that Jews are NOT some kind of superhuman force but merely another tribe of humans trying to get our piece of the pie and often failing to the amusement of others.

That's assuming you even believe in the official Holocaust story.

have a snickers, you're not you when you're hungry

> gets kicked out of every country in Europe for behaving like parasites
>"maybe jews don't see themselves as white and therefore only have the interests of Israel in mind"

More Jews in Hungary than you might realise, Magyar.

Maybe Jews have valid reasons for being particularly sensitive to accusations of disloyalty.

Which is not to say those accusations are always unjustified...

No wonder all the Ivans hate you

>> gets kicked out of every country in Europe for behaving like parasites
whites were kicked out of almost 2 entire continents

America was built out of people who were kicked out

you do understand that the reason /pol exists is because no one likes or wants to associate with you people, so you made yourself a nice safe space where you didnt have to be triggered by the big bad world that has rejected you.


>whites do something wrong
>yeah we did that. were sorry for the pain caused, but we feel the world is largely better because of it
>jew dose something wrong


Yeah, we were kicked out because we were enslaving the lower intelligence populace and taking their resources. Which, I think is what were generally accusing the Jews of here. I guess you're validating the hypothesis

sit down bob. go home

It's like our own little Israel!


you know it's true shlomo. no amount on non-sequesters will change that


Thanks for refuting the stereotype that jews are intelligent/clever lol




exactly, because e/pol and Israel are both filled with garbage extremists.

Most groups left for a variety of reasons, mainly freedom or opportunity. I wouldn't expect you to understand either judging from your flag

Now those 2 continents are now shitholes.

oh so they aren't true Scotsmen?


You're pretty much like every Jew I've met irl

Their end game is money. Same as everyone else's.

Their end game is ruling over a mongrolized, dumbed down, and complacent human race, while remaining the only pure bred sub species.

what a coincidence, you're pretty much every white guy ever. physically incapable of thinking for yourself and just cant comprehend the idea that maybe you just suck

The jews are somewhat insane, some of them at their high levels develop something akin to schizophrenia. Religious schizophrenia, where they must build or must not build temples to end the world or some dumb stuff like that.

Genetically speaking though, their DNA will drive them always to do harm, in their blood they have hatred of everything that is white and good. They wish to see everything destroyed, they wish to kill all opposition to them as well.

So white genocide, and religious masturbation (which also houses white genocide)

not an argument. Whites were kicked out

And many were kicked out because they were politically undesirable

you make me wish white genocide was a real thing

stop being crazy it's only a (((coincidence)))

Dont be stupid, that's a retarded view point they dont have that much control

What university do you teach at?

extinction of the white race and implementation of marxism

i dont, what pep-boys do you work at?


that is sadly the only logical end game.
Why else would they keep pushing race mixing, and the spread of "democracy" aka taking out sovereign nations and then place (((their people))) in control of said nations?

This need for degradation.......maybe this is why everybody hates you guys?

and they wonder why nobody likes jews


>Asks question about Zionist conspiracy/why everybody hates them
>Jew responds with you're all stupid and I hate white people
Guess that answers the question

Why are those cancers of history even still allowed to live?

I dunno about there being an overall political jewish endgame, but I did read an interesting article once on the history of why jews are matrilineal that explains why they're so intent on pushing their cuck agenda onto whites in modern times.

tl;dr jewish men literally and forcefully cucked for all of history, now they're getting their revenge.

They are envious of the white man, they want to destroy everything because they can't create
Also they are fucking retarded psychopaths

It's like the scorpion and the frog. They are screwing themselves in the long run. Suppose their plan works perfectly, the white race is eliminated with only mulattoes as a trace we ever existed. Now they will be the whitest people alive. They taught the rest of the world to hate whites. Dindus join forces with Muzzies and turn on Jew, Asians look on with apathy

Is Christina still our gal?

I wouldn't even try to redpill any of my friends and family on Jews.

Hell it's only a matter of months since I was still instinctively recoiling in disgust anytime I saw the Jewish Question referred to or any Jewish slurs used on Alt-Right blogs I otherwise didn't find remotely offensive.

The Anti-Semitism meme has been shoved down our throats so hard it's easily the hardest to overcome and become redpilled over.

Got 1 friend I could discuss the endless (((coincidences))) in history and daily life with but that's only cos he'd already finished swallowing the full redpill while I was still struggling to accept that there were (And always have been) good reasons for 'anti-semitism' despite having already happily accepted most of the realtalk on gender and race relations.

>you're pretty much every white guy ever.
>physically incapable of thinking for yourself and just cant comprehend the idea that maybe you just suck

Yeah...that's a totally accurate characterisation of White people over the last 1,000 years of history.

>David Milliband
Nah he's sound, my dad went to school with Ed and I've met him a few times and he was memey

>whites were kicked out of almost 2 entire continents

Eh? Which continents? We chose to leave Africa and Asia. We had the power to remain but the will was gone.

>America was built out of people who were kicked out

Fuck off. America was built by British colonists. The fact that some religious pilgrims chose to settle in the already established colonies pre-Independence is neither here nor there. The fact that the independent USA decided to let millions of great unwashed enter doesn't change the fact the country was founded and defined and almost entirely built by people descended from Anglo-Celtic stock with Germanic descended folk coming to some prominence about a century after the country was founded.

This "America is a country of immigrants and refugees dur!" meme is a lie.

Expound on why you said psychopathy please. In my personal experiences multiple jews have told me they can't feel empathy, and I concluded one was a psychopath before I knew he was a jew