You are given a Small Sand Island with no natural resources, and $100,000 to spend on it.
What do you do, Sup Forums?
You are given a Small Sand Island with no natural resources, and $100,000 to spend on it.
What do you do, Sup Forums?
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Make our dream of creating a new nation reality.
And then what?
with no further information i guess id try and sell it. $100,000 is a fair bit of money but I'd need a boat (and quite a lot of lessons in sailing) to be able to even navigate there, I can't very well quit working and I seriously doubt $100,000 goes very far even if you can use the whole amount for improvements on a piece of sand. most likely will just get eaten by the ocean or blown away in the next storm anyway.
Let's just say that the island is indeed Stable, and it won't get swallowed or blown away, to make it a bit more fun
Well.your options are to dredge it, or create a some sort of floating platforms moored to it.
Both could be washed away in a storm fairly easily though
Soil + Trees
Avocado Plantage
Invest. Profit. Buy military equipment when rich enough. Hire mercenaries. Make allies with either Russia or USA so I don't get bombed to shit. Invade a small irrelevant shithole for resources. Expand. Use resources to make shit/sell for money to buy other shit. Import a permeant population. Expand, expand, expand. If I have governance. If I'm still in someone else's country I buy something really cheap to farm so I won't starve to death and sell my produce to buy other things. Invest my money and try to become rich enough so I can just pay people for the stuff I need. Or just sell the island and take the money.
None except for the last one are realistic. But a chance is a chance.
>build straw cabin and dock like in fancy resorts
>leave a fancy battery powered satellite phone
>rent it to sillies for 10k a day or something
Build a wall
Impose slavery, buy a whip and 3 sheboons, start a coconut farm, and buy a helicopter.
I have a Canadian Boat License I got off of the internet. I'll be okay.
Make it a superpower by 2020
100,000$ worth of more sand
$100k is nothing for developing real-estate. I'd sell the island and invest $100k + island proceeds in low cost broad market index funds.
Build an array to tap into the ionosphere.
Fuck with the sedona effect globally.
Sand isn't stable, dickhead. How about you delete your post and consider suicide?
Smart leaf thinking about it economically and in a business manner
You're not - Asian, by any chance, eh leaf?
establish a bank and lend out my $100,000 at a high interest
Buy a double wide on an acre or two in Wyoming
>buy a helicopter
>start a massive ad campaign claiming the island is a communist paradise
>commies give you all their money to live on commie island
throw commies out of helicopter at 200 feet
Fuck up cunt it can be, stop being such a negative wankstain here
hookers and blow
Establish The Principality of SAND LAND
Then form a treaty of friendship with our bold brethren on glorious Sea Land.
China begs to differ.
Give me the money the island and the money first then we'll talk plans.
>yfw aussies shitposting near each other
If it's a coral cay, then it's not only stable but likely to continue growing. High surf events wash small pieces of dead coral onto the island, which are continually being replaced by coral growth in the surrounding reef.
>Rent sand barge to expand island.
>Build house + invest in high paying assets.
>Expand the island even more.
>Build society.
>Be king
Build my fortress of animu and vidya, surround the perimeter with weapons. No refugees allowed.
Population: Me and my harem of bodypillows.
There are more sensible options, but this sounds like the most fun.
You forgot black jack
Build myself a giant sand castle
Good luck building a house out of sand
Plant some shit on it to make it more comfy
make it self sustainable with salt water filters and food planters everywhere
make a small 80m squared house and build a bunch of solar panels/some hydroelectric plant to get shit from the sea, also lots of fishing rods for meat
maybe buy a small boat if money remains
Invite 500 syrian males.
WALL!!!!!!!!!!!! AND CANNONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then blow up the island and claim it was Tsunami?
Make a big hole in the ground and throw kikes in there
>$100,000 to spend on it.
$10.000 food
$10,000 beverages
$80.000 lollies
$100k is jack shit. You could pimp it for maybe 5-10 milli
Invite /k/.
Use the 100k to keep a steady flow of cosmoline, 54r, and mre's.
Create a band of pirates.
Superpower by 2020.
Lots of smart anons here investing the money and thinking about profit
Sup Forums is truly the smartest board
Then give each of them many German wives.
Use as base for pirate raids against (((merchants))).
Spend the money on an advertising campaign to lure over as many niggers as possible.
Leave them there and get a boat back home
All you really need is to buy a server and some sort of satelite internet. Then set up a offshore bank for rich corrupt people.
Yeah but who'll come?
Pacific Islanders?
Create a shell company
Spend it all on sand at inflated prices via the shell company
When the market panics thinking sand has suddenly become worth more than gold sell all the sand i bought plus all the sand from the island at the inflated price
Start a scuba diving/snorkeling business based there, only way to make money off that shit
You never said where the sand island was.
Maybe it's 5 miles off the coast of Florida.
Fucking kek
You could probably just invest the $100,000... the sand island would probably be a waste of time with only $100,000 though.
Let's say the Caribbean, seeing most ppl here are Americans
Use that money to make the island bigger.
Then create a nation. Let tax dodgers have bank accounts here with only 1% income taxes.
Use tax money to further increase the size of my island. Then invest money in defense spendings and infrastructure.
Let companies build factories and such with only 1% income tax.
Then become the center of the worlds economy.
Also no minorities allowed.
Sell it
Take 100k + what i got for selling it and wait for the market to tank
Rush in buy bluechip/dividend stocks
What the fuck am i going to do with a shitty sandbar?
In that case I make a bermuda triangle tourist trap.
Blow 50k on landfill land to make it bigger then put the rest of the money into a shelter.
Open a sweat shot. Gotta make $$$.
I would:
>Register as a Democrat
>Make the maximum donation possible for an individual
>Ask this gentleman for some piece of advice about ludicrous investments and leisure islands
>enjoy life
*as an individual
>sweat shot
Turn it into a party island with rides and shit organized. Normies love shit music and drugs, no cops on a tiny ass island + you can have parties day in day out, no neighbours complaining about the noise.
Plant 100k worth of landmines on it.
Stay off my fucking island.
Really? A typo gets you bothered? Are you autistic?
This desu, i'd do this. Good business.
>Bit of coral comes up ashore
>Lands on mine
>Chain reaction of explosions
>Whole island gone
>I make a bermuda triangle tourist trap
>thinking bermuda is in the caribbean, sad.
Buy a large and fast ship. And weapons.
Proceed to defend the oceans around my sovereign land and taxing unannounced shipping. Sell fishing rights for money to supplement my taxation. Eventually use money to build a large light house like structure. Turn it into a data center and sell servers for those looking for a free internet.
Cake the money become filthy rich and start building up the island or searching for off island resources
Do your turds just float out near your dock or what?
If it's long enough to land a c130 on build an airstrip and fuel depot.
The US might use it for smuggling heroin or guns..
5kW solar panels+battery system
small prefabricated shed or tiny home
small sail boat (Catalina 22 Capri? $25k)
satellite internet and receiver
sailing lessons and training
additional materials for simple foundation
starting food and living supplies of course
Start fishing or harvesting things from the reefs I guess? Even if it's selling shit to tourists there has to be some way to make money and it will probably involve a boat.
The T is fucking far away from the P how'd you even mess that up
You may be the autistic one here
how does he leave if there's no boat in dock
someone could sneak up and steal his boat and then he dies
Build a town center and start creating villagers
Found the Republic of New Falklands.
Clearly he's not there at the moment.
Are you serious? You type a word similar to the one you're thinking of.
lock up the boat I guess?
you realize that a tricked out new ford truck costs about that much. your island is bombing material.
catalina 22 too small. 35' or better.
>tourist traps have to be factually correct
And that's why you always go through and check what you just wrote
Republic? You saying you're gonna make a sovereign country or will it be Argentina controlled ?
Kek well played
Build a house with an entertainment center, stockpile on groceries, and live till those 100k dry up
wait until someone offers $100,000,000 to build on it
84k base then add tax and lic and shipping, its now the price of your island budget
Ignore the island and keep the 100k
Brits are gonna invade and kick you out.
Hmm. Let's make it a puppet state.
Why? Copyright laws for the name? Last time I checked it wasn't Falkland Islands™.
So close to 66666
Sale the island and keep the money.
>be Germoney Chink
>build plane
>get TÜV certificate
>build boat
>get TÜV certificate
>build dock
>get TÜV certificate
>build house
>get TÜV certificate
>build plantations
>get TÜV certificate
>build desalination plant
>get TÜV certificate
>build wastewater treatment plant
>get TÜV certificate
>build airstrip
>get TÜV certificate
>build bunker
>get TÜV certificate
>build garrison
>get TÜV certificate
>buy noodles with rest of money
>stay home in Germany and play island building simulator
Check your flag.
>all your falklands are belong to uk
Build Kame house.
Put it all in my bank account and say I didn't want to do anything with the island.
invest the money and forget about the useless little island. maybe sell the fishing rights, if any.
And be thankful for it. TÜV and other regulations are the reason you are unlikely to get killed randomly somewhere.