Eternal Portuguese-Iberian-Anglo Alliance thread. As usual, Brazilians, Spaniards and Brits are VIPs. Others are welcomed to join in and talk about our country. Let's talk about how we'll get rid of the filth plaguing our countries, share dank Salazares, post qt. Portuguese chicks, and tell Mário Soares to FUCK OFF.
/pp/ — Portuguese Politics General
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Fuck off Mario.
OC coming through.
can someone just give me a tl;dr of Portugal?
this is literally all I know
>mostly flat country
>natural mountain borders with Spain
>colonial power
>had some fascist ruler for a time
that's it
Shit tier Iberian country full of degenerate men and women. Iberia and France are unique in that they are the only western countries where the men are just as useless and degenerate as the average women.
I'm surprised their countries still function. I assume Jews are keeping them afloat to help flood europe with migrants.
>>natural mountain borders with Spain
Tl;dr is that the north of portugal is the best portugal
Further proof
Pretty much.
Good lad.
I'm stealing this leafbro.
isn't that right? look at your own map
the green shit is flat Portugal, the mountain shit is Spain
Have at it.
Not really. The only mountain between Portugal and Spain is the Serra de Estrela range. Iberia is a highland which transforms into a comparative lowland roughly when you hit the Portuguese border. There's no natural border constituted by mountains between the two, really.
What's the Portugese political system like?
Parties, president, dictator?
Socialist, Capitalist, mixed, command/free market Keynesian?
What are the biggest parties, what do people generally vote for?
Socialists (left), or social democrats (conservatives), like everywhere else in europe. The rest are fringe that onlye existnto help onenof those 2 to get majority when needed
>passive people always fond of the past
>always complaining but never try to change anything
>pretty liberal but still a weak sjw/feminist/tumblrgender wave
>country of services, over reliant on importations of basic goods (we got dem EU money who needs agriculture and industry amirite?)
>tourism keeps us afloat
>poor but manageable
>Mercedes-Benz and the like everywhere because "muh status even though I'm not really wealthy"
>expelled Moors and Spaniards to gain/regain independence
>started the Age of Discovery, found out the world wasn't flat
>had a monopoly on all maritime trade for 200 years
>kicked the living shit out of everyone who dared try to invade us
>experts at military and improvising (see Battle of Aljubarrota)
>some monarchical crisis here and there
>in the early 1900s, our king was assassinated
>monarchy toppled and replaced by (((republicans)))
>country goes to complete shit, everyone depressed and governments constantly dissolving
>elect António de Oliveira Salazar (pbuh) to drain the swamp
>eliminate the deficit
>largest gold reserves in the world
>no public debt
>tremendous GDP growth
>traditional Catholic values
>kept us neutral during WW2
>helped Spainbros and Franco fight the commies
>PIDE (secret police) exposed and exiled all the commie filth to an island off the coast of Africa (Tarrafal)
>USSR and the US try to undermine us
>USSR funds radical Marxist parties (PCP for instance)
>they start to gain traction in the South
>in the mean time, our African colonies start to want to break the leash
>UN demands we give them independence
>Salazar says "They're not colonies, they're ultramarine provinces :^)"
>Chinese and Russians arming the niggers
>we go to war
>war lasts for years, no progress
>power lock between us and the niggers
>at home resentment against the state grows
>commies and leftists gain traction among the youth
>public gets mad about war spending and no progress whatsoever
>Salazar falls off a chair, bangs his head on the floor, gets confined to a hospital bed for the rest of his life
>has been taken out of power but his officials still allow him to "rule" the country while in the hospital
>[communism intensifies]
>Humberto Delgado (socialist) loses a fraudulent election Marcello Caetano (Salazare's wingman)
>Caetano starts to chill on civil liberties, economic freedom
>damage has been done
>cue 25 de Abril 1974
Hello, new wallpaper.
>Eternal Portuguese-Iberian-Anglo Alliance thread. As usual, Brazilians, Spaniards and Brits are VIPs
This alliance is so shity we put the brits in just so people don't laugh at our insignificance.
these posts gave me saudade
Open a history book.
>socialists, communists and centre-rightists (read: crypto-socialists) gain control
>expropriate property from wealthy people
>businessmen flee the country en mass
>create Constitution that is tremendously left-wing
>use the gold reserves and the cheap labor price from the colonies' returnees to """grow""" the economy
>massively expand the state, create all sorts of welfare
>more public roads
>more public property
>taxes rising
>ride the wave until the mid 90s
>money all runs out
>never-ending deficits
>public debt is 133% of GDP
>unemployment at double digits
>young people leaving the country (brain drain)
>public funding of mosques and eminent domain rampant
>conservative, traditional values being wiped out by TV propaganda
>literally no respectable right wing party
>Constitution doesn't guarantee basic freedoms like in the US, doesn't serve to restrict state power but to enlarge it
>secondary education rampant with anti-Portuguese and anti-Western propaganda
>colleges filled with (((intellectuals))) and Marxists
send help
>Conservative party gets nine seats short of a majority
>Socialists become the government
What type of cuck system do you have to have to get this?
it happened after pic related
>foment a socialist revolution led by CIA assets in a foreign country
>proceed to mock said country for the socialism which you helped cultivate
There's always at least one American in these threads being a dickhead.
Fuck off, Mário
- Won many battles outnumbered.
- Treaty of Windsor was fundamental at WW II
- Like France, they eat snails
It's in probably in the guiness book of records, since it's still valid
De onde sois vós?
Fronteira do Sul reporting in!
Aveiro reporting in
Beautiful town. Looks like we're in one of those super comfy small American towns.
So how did the Colonial war end, how did the colonies gain independence and exactly what colonies did Portugal have that gained independence?
Bellic victory on Angola and Mozambique, stalemate in Guinea (with us controlling the only city).
We left because it reeked of commienism, but we had still won.
Fuck off, Mário.
A few questions:
>Is Portuguese difficult to learn?
>How's life there?
>You don't seem to be as messed up as the rest of the West, is this true?
Regards from greatest ally.
venham para aqui trabalhar por nós
e tragam as vossas chicas seus cucks de merda!
But why did you retract from these places?
Forced by UN or the fact that everyone was retracting?
Colonial war ended by us pulling off our troops, since the dictatorship had been overthrown and the (((communists))) wanted to transition to a democratic state. We had Moçambique, Angola, Cabo Verde, East Timor, Guinea Bissau, São Tomé and Príncipe, and a few other small territories. Macau was also ours and we actually kept it under our control until 1999.
"The possessions were Angola, Cape Verde, Macau, Mozambique, Portuguese Guinea, Portuguese India, Portuguese Timor, São João Baptista de Ajudá and São Tomé and Príncipe."
>Is Portuguese difficult to learn?
It's like Spanish on extra hard mode. We use almost all the sounds you can imagine.
>How's life there?
Bretty good.
>You don't seem to be as messed up as the rest of the West, is this true?
Only economically. Socially it has it's problems, but it's mostly pretty chill.
If you want to get drunk and smash shit, go to Spain instead, though. We'd really appreciate it. Portugal is to be quiet and proper. Unless at the pub, of course.
Forced by the UN and the coup. We were winning, but at the cost of men. Since we didn't have the UN support, staying there would become prohibitively expensive money and lives-wise.
They gained independence, in africa etc. because we (the communists and leftists) gave them to them after the revolution
Portuguese military victory in Angola and Mozambique. Portugal regains full control of the territory of Angola and almost all of Mozambique by the end of the conflict (1974); maintenance of the nationalist movements´s headquarters and its political bodies in neighboring countries during the war. Military stalemate or Portuguese partial defeat in Portuguese Guinea.[2][3]
Political, social and diplomatic erosion of the Estado Novo regime
Fall of the Estado Novo regime (Carnation Revolution)[4]
Subsequent withdrawal of all Portuguese troops from Africa under the Lusaka and Alvor agreements
pic related, and see the above comment
forced by UN, external pressure, and during the Coup they pushed away general Spinola which advocate us to keep the colonies
That's good to hear. Portugal has been on my short list of places to move to if disaster strikes, which are basically the countries that are either Anglo or culturally/historically the closest to us.
Make sure you go to the North, and to a small town. Almost no immigrants or shitskins there, no matter how many tax breaks our government tries to give people who move to the south.
>in a nice hot bath
>lurking in a brother thread
>you literally can't be as comfy as me
I'll take your word. It'll be years before I'm in a position to actually do so and who knows what'll be going on by then, but even if I was born too late to help save my own country I can do my part for her oldest friend.
What's the weather like up north user? Suggest an average small town up there for me to look up
>pic_related for your trouble
What is Spain doing here? They usually play the Indian role?
Or is this the Anti-French thread?
And we'll take you graciously best ally.
Last couple of times we cross-pollinated, we both ended up in Port Wine and Tea becoming the de facto drinks of our countries-
What's it gonna be next? Um Bongo is exclusive to both our countries, so that's low-hanging fruit.
Sauce, who is this cute boy?
gets rainy a lot during the winter and spring. rest of the year is more or less constant sunny days with cool breeze and not too much heat, but also not too much cold. Mountains surrounding you.
I'd suggest you look up the districts of Cávado, Ave, Bragança, Viseu, and Coimbra and then go over the surrounding towns.
Look up Monsanto.
Reconquest of Macau and Goa when?
thanks portubro
no prob. Good luck!
i fucking loved Coimbra
>tfw my family origins are close from there
Can I believe I have pure Lusitanian bloodline?
This is pottery.
She's beautiful.
SJW's a chorar que nem bebés no /r/portugal
Porquê o Pepe das tormentas?
Depois de o contornarmos havia de ser o wojack em lágrimas.
Personified cities are always female in English, no matter the gender of the word.
It would be the same for Porto or Portugal.
that's a lot of flour
My sides.
For you.
Typical portuguese normies. Want to look cool just like foreign countries and be SJW like cool kids. The detail is that they are late 2 years for it.
>t. Eça de Queirós
Fuck off Mario.
Mudo para Pepe da Boa Esperança
>Tu aí! Acabas de ser visitado pelo Pepe da Boa Esperança! Aventuras marítimas e tesouros perdidos virão até ti, mas só se postares "Boa navegação, Pepe!"
Should I do an edit?
Why do you even ask? lol
>eu partilho um país com esta vergonha de seres humanos
Do you know a catchier term than "Boa navegação"? Like a Portuguese equivalent of smooth sails.
When you have a sickness in your body, you start hating yourself as a whole or do you fight that same sickness?
Fight the Jew not yourself.
Bons ventos? Especiarias?
>most redpilled person in my class was a girl
>most bluepilled person in my class was a redditor
I did erasmus in coimbra. Amazing city. Que saudade. Now I'm back in the shitty usa. Can't wait to move back to Portugal :')
Bring money.
bons ventos yup
Sim senhor claro
As someone who lives in Coimbra as a software engineering student, i think USA is the best for programmers
what do you think?
same here
>Literaly saudades de Coimbra
Se os Conimbricenses não tornam Coimbra grande outra vez, ninguém torna.
Fica-te e constrói, senão os Lisboetas comem tudo. Até o fado dizem que é deles.
I study computer science (polo dois club bitches!!)
You'll make way more money here, and if you're into research you'll have way more opportunities here as well.
But I enjoy your style of life more. You guys really know how to party and chill.
I hope to work online for an American company to make american $$$ but live in your country as it is so unbelievably cheap and awesome.
Força portuguesa!
e quanto aos salários?
atravessas o oceano e podes vir a ganhar o triplo do dobro
Oh, Coimbra do Mondegoooo
Quantos somos de Coimbra afinal?
god damn!
i'm at polo 2 too, doing my masters in Software Engineering .
Os salarios de engenharia informática começam aos 90.000 aqui, deve ser muito mais q podes ganhar lá.
Desculpe meu portuguêso
Haha Boa sorte! Esta semana tenho todas minhas provas mas estou a shitposting no pol sobre Minas saudades haha
fun fact, most of independentist-marxists-SJW-retards that want the idependence from Spain are portuboos