So whats the appeal of being American?
So whats the appeal of being American?
It's mostly the same as Europe as long as you aren't a poor person. A few added benefits are broader freedom of speech and various civil liberties, and also the right to bear arms.
Being able to say the holocaust didn't happen but I want it to happen again.
Being able to roll in your flab chariot to the docs to get yer diabeetus meds at $5000/pop. Get shot on the way home by nogs. Call po po. Make suspicious move. Get shot again. Get to hospital. Credit card maxed out. Get dumped in gutter.
Castle doctrine. Constitutional carry. Not hate speech laws. Where i live is economy is doing fine despite the liberals constant bitching. Tech releases here first. Im jelly of your internet speeds though..
For me the most important part is the culture.
American culture lacks refinement and sophistication.
Also, the social interactions are hard to figure out , for a European at least.
Do you really have to ask?
america is GOAT so long as you aren't some beta queer delusional kike puppet.
No shortage of jobs, no shortage of terrain or climate diversity. Something for everyone so long as you're willing to work for it and get after your dreams.
Tough if you;ve been brainwashed by the jews to believe you're a victim though, like this faggot right here >
The world loves us and hates us, that's the American identity. People all over the world are obsessed with us. They love our culture, entertainment, and politics. Don't lie. Ya'll know this is true.
Free refills.
no muslim invasion
easier access to guns
no hate speech laws
Well, uh, technically, uh, nah.
>lacks refinement and sophistication
nice meme
That I can be anything I want to be. I can be the President of the United States.
>Be white American
>Be a mix of the most adventurous, ambitious, clever Europeans
>Be modern day European
>Be a descendant of European cowards that are content with mediocrity
what part of "Muh Freedoms" are you not getting?
We're like you, Achmed, just un-cucked.
...also guns. bitch.
Not European.
Not living in shanty towns you guys call citys
you litteraly have to post a picture from a university to make your country look sophisticated.
Holy shit it's embarassing
Apart from nigger culture like blues, rap etc. What culture was invented in the US. I mean originated there, not nicked from somewhere else?
Being fat and not being judged
Why would you want to be European? America EXISTS because people got the hell out of Europe
Funny that, because America actually has more jews than israel and higher gay % than anywhere in Europe.
The bill of rights.
I don't think I would fit in to german society, since I'm a 6'4" white guy with a 9 inch cock.
Do you guys even have your own movies? Lololol
>in america
>insecurity thread
Not being in the European Union. Standard measurement, comedy, Chicago pizza.
i like libraries desu :3
There is nothing sophisticated about you, Pepe LePew
That IS our culture, you shit-for-brains euro. We take your lead and turn it to gold.
higher quality of life as long as you are not dirt poor
Fellow 6'4" white American with a nine incher here.
God life is good.
I'm a brit with a fucked net atm. I have no idea why I have a cheesehead flag. So yes we do. And we do a lot of yours, check out how much of star wars was done at pinewood for example. And yanks didn't invent movies anyway, try again. Some culture you actually invented, not adapted.
>Be """white""" American
>think it's because your ancestors were more adventurous and ambitious
>not realising Europe created the USA as a containment zone for the ugliest, fattest and most retarded sharters we had
>So whats the appeal of being American?
Not being a fuck-puppet for stinky Achmeds comes to mind...
I would probably say ability to own an unlimited amount of guns. Easy to carry gun. Even in California, if you illegally carry a gun, you just get a ticket. If you do that in the UK, you're going to the pokey for a long time. Say whatever you want and not get indicted for "hate speech". And although I don't agree with it, Americans never feel like they are perms-classed; they all think that they might become rich someday. They are very positive or deluded people.
>laughing tracks
>chicago pizza
Actually being free
The problem though is we let Slavs in and they are lowering the quality of the whites who are here because it does not count as race mixing to breed with a Slav. I have no Slav ancestry and am of full French and Italian descent and I think Slav ancestry fucks up a person far more than Jap or Korean ancestry does yet we still consider slavs white.
No migrants
I can buy knives with no ID and any gun I want with the right paperwork.
If I Post "Fuck Syrian Refugees" on ((facebook)) the thought police wont arrest me for hate speech.
you are thinking of stralia m8
>Being proud of his nigger heritage
Even there we had to sell the blues back to you as rock. Even fkn Jimi had to come to London to get famous.
The only culture you fuckers invented was feminists and SJWism and cuckoldry
nice id
thats what NYC and san franscico is for.
I will say that's its getting worse and degeneracy has become so hip for so long that its causing real problems....
We almost had another Clinton for president.. and much of the country are still kicking, biting screaming and crying their way to inauguration day. They're terribly upset that we didn't elect Al-Qaeda co-conspirators, make of it what you will.
Much of the country is still based though and we're still very forgiving and patient. Almost to a fault
>Better quality of life than Japan, France, and Italy
lol, that is obviously far from true.
Japanese, French, and Italians are Smarter, Wealthier, and Live longer than the Poles. How are Poles better off than these groups?
LOL go back to feggit. No one gives a shit about Germany. You fucking go to shithole africa and people dont know germany exist, but everyone knows who is the president of the fucking USA.
Front row seats at an armed madhouse.
No migrants? You're swarmed with illegal beaners etc, you've the cartels operating on US soil, sanctuary cities etc etc
>africans know who obongo of kenya is
what a coincidence
Hah when in reality it was Europeans trying to distance themselves from societies too far gone to save. American founders created civilization from scratch, then Britain tries to reap the benefits, and the result was the colonists BTFO the “greatest” empire in the world.
>Africa, knowing us president
Well they would know a fellow nigger wouldn't they
>Italian Žabar
>demolition derby
>cutie blonde hair, blue eyes Mormons receptive to the idea of sister wives
>beer pong
>best of cuisines from most cultures of the world (so long as you're in the northeast
>southern cuisine in the south
>triumph over slavery
etc.. etc...
theres more culture in the states than you can recognize
We're not the cowardly suckers of so much Islam cock, you literally pimp your own daughters out to them, making you Zeropeans that absolute FILTH of my race and gender. We're not the lowly little whores who crawl on their bellies to supplicate Pisslam whoremasters. You're such cowards you jail people for complaining out the Islam dick in your mouths, because you haven't the balls to even listen to a non-gov.t-approved opinion.
>American founders created civilization from scratch
Kek, you cheeky fkn negro. Your founders were brits. Your war of independence was basically a brit civil war
Fuck Cali
Fuck texas
Fuck new york
I can see bottom 10% being worse for all of them
>Bottom 10% are NEETs
>Bottom 10% are immigrants
>Having to live with Italians
>Bottom 10% are poor but are in a country where its cheaper to live anyway and they don't have to deal with immigrant riots or anything.
And what's the appeal of being European in this day and age?
Being proud of your heritage?
>I may be a wagecuck with a masters in EECS making 800 euros per month but at least muh ancestorz wuz kangs and conquered teh world and fought many warz.
Being proud of your cities/landscape?
>Slowly turning into ghettos or luxury condos, nothing in between.
Being proud of our European progressive mindset?
>Where everyone should think alike, otherwise you shall be labeled as a bigot. Make bridges not walls. We shall fight terrorism with love, not hate.
But wait!
>I can put a backpack on my back, take a train and travel trough Europe, watching criminals-infested cities like Rome, Paris, London or Berlin. Better yet, if get lucky I can experience other cultures and get mugged/killed.
Of course these american bimbos couldn't comprehend our advanced, intellectual and progressive culture.
The founders were British and Danish, toothpaste bro.
Do you know why you have good musicians? You have them because we killed your empire. All you had to left was gay shit like plays and songs.
Best principles upon being founded of all nations that I know.
destroy the alt-right. heil diversity.
>hurr he has to le post pikture of thing to look sofisticate lololol xD
What an idiot.
german OP is an idiot.
Kek. What did those poor euros do when they had to wait for the us to invent puppers, fishing, hunting and outdoor cooking.
And the brits got rid of slavery first 'the air of England is too pure for a slave to breath', anyone who breathes English air is a free man.
I guess demolition derby is breddy cool though.
Yeah, while you're listing that gay shit, don't forget to include the homosexual web you're using right now. Next time you're reading racial stuff here, remember the discoverers of DNA. Fly a lot? Frank Whittle. And the gay list just goes on.
what a shit thread.
How low is your self esteem Muhammad that you have to shitpost about having proprietary rights to forms of culture and entertainment?
Must suck pretty hard to be you.
>Hating on blues
>not listening to some slow, sleazy blues while cruisin, feeling the air blowing on your face
You're missing out brah
Hey I'm just responding to a list of cultural items invented in the us, which also apparently includes boxing. The marquis of queensbury must be spinning in his grave
It's all fkn bants anyway, I love yanks, just wish you'd keep the sjws contained more so they don't spread their poison further
Americans think they're uncucked just because they have guns that they're too scared to use
America doesn't even have Free Speech anymore, remember the kid with the gorilla suit who was arrested?
Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) have introduced the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act which according to a statement on Casey's website is meant to "to ensure the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) has the necessary statutory tools at their disposal to investigate anti-Jewish incidents" on college campuses......
Unfortunately, the bill also proposes the following as examples of hate crimes:
-Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust
-Demonizing Israel by blaming it for all inter-religious or political tensions
-Judge Israel by a double standard that one would not apply to any other democratic nation
it already passed Senate unanimously - FREE SPEECH NO LONGER APPLIES TO AMERICA
>inb4 hurr SCOTUS
Go look at the make-up of SCOTUS, three of the justices are Jews - Elena Kagan, Stephen Breyer, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg
>inb4 hurr TRUMP
Trump has every intention of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital
Just joking mate I love blues, Elmore James, muddy, wolf etc. You come across this? I about shit myself laughing the first time I heard it
your burn is poor and a bad reflection on the intelligence and wit of America.
The thing with American culture is that it's grounded on embracing innovation and the new.
The problem with that is we throw out the old even if it was good and clamour to the new even if its shit, i.e. pop culture
We also have half the population of all of Europe. You have it worse.
Should we start posting pics of the French Caliphate?
Real talk now. You just got to look behind the plastic facade. Eg I always hated country music, fake titted birds in stetsons and all that crap. Then I heard authentic bluegrass, amazing.
kek, its worse than pronouncing french things correctly to look cultured.
US are like niggers in the way they have no history
Rape-fugees can fuck off
Islam follows the teachings of an ancient warlord/pedophile
Faggots are degenerate
White skin is more pleasing to the eye
White people are more colorful than PoC
9/11 might have been connected to the government
JFK's death was connected to the government
FDR could have prevented Pearl Harbor
Both World Wars were needless
Commies should get nuked
Global Warming is exaggerated
And Assault Rifles should be owned by every citizen
you can be a full blown retard and no one will blink an eye because that's expected of you.
Listen up Aquafresh, America itself is the mark of the sheer immortality of the Anglo. We could leave are shit rauny little island, form a colony, and have that colony rule the planet. You guys had colonies, but we wont go into how those turned out.
Dont you got some migrants to be clothing and feeding? You wouldnt want the head of your church to scold you, would you?
Well said mate, I'm a fellow Anglo with a fucked net, idk what's going on with the cloggy flag. Just a little bants payback for all the teeth and nogunz jokes...
see here you dumbfuck faggot fuck america
good one timmy, i'm proud of you
Kek. Sup Forums summed up in one post.
You have to spend some time finding quality musicians in their genre because oftentimes the people selling the biggest albums are pumping out the safest/most inclusive music of the genre.
Really good artists make music just because it makes them feel good, and you can tell when they're good because it hits you. They dont have marketing teams behind them to shove it in everyone's face to give the illusion of confirmation bias.
I mean honestly most people who are into top artists simply do it because other people like them
thank fucking god i'd kill myself
who would want to be a lesser white anyway
>So whats the appeal of being American?
Guns, freedom of speech, etc...
You might like Texas Swing too. I've heard it described as country music's answer to jazz:
What about australia ?
In my opinion there is a gain of white people.
>U.S Obesity rate is lower than most European countries
>Medication isn't that expensive
>We have guns too, shoot back
>Doesn't happen if you're white
>Hospitals can't dump you because of no money, they still have to fix you
Get fucked snow nigger.
Tell your women to shave you nasty fucks