What are your thoughts on vaccines, Sup Forums?
What are your thoughts on vaccines, Sup Forums?
They work.
I think if you look up the contents and side effects of vaccines, and you agree to give them to your child, you should be charged with child abuse.
fpbp /thread
If you think they cause autism you were probably vaccinated.
i don't think they cause autism but considering all the claims maybe we should study it more
Vaccines are fine. A lot of them are probably unecessary and contributing to viruses evolving into superbugs, so on a holistic level probably not so good for society, but they don't cause any serious harm. If you vaccinate your kid for harmless shit like varicella you're a retard, but there's nothing wrong with vaccinating for the more harmful things like meningitis and polio
Tumblr claims that there's more than two genders, but that's obviously not the fucking case.
*they don't cause any serious harm to the individual. The whole autism thing has been throughly researched. It just happens to be around the same time of vaccinations that the symptoms of autism start to become evident
They caused my autism
ok but not related to what i said
no parent wants their child to be autistic so they only make the claim if they genuinely believe it
gender oddballs make the claim because they want to be accepted
Many such cases.
Also autism is caused by women over 49 having kids. Nothing else
Necessary evil.
The bullshit is strong with this one.
You can't say "Vaccine X against A is good and useful but Vaccine Y against harmless B is stupid".
It's always important to consider the environment before giving such advices - flue shots may seem unnecessary due to many different kinds of flue, but for a person working in medical institutions it's sometimes mandatory - you have contact to a lot of different people and probably spread such may harmless looking flue to someone with a weak immune system who dies due this flue.
are you saying the rise of autism coincided with the use of vaccines or are you saying our ability to diagnose autism coincided with the use of vaccines?
am assburger pls no haterino
You should not trust the government to not mess with you. Unless you chemically analyse the vaccine yourself it's not worth it. Also weak genes should die out.
Not all are good. Not all are bad. They should be scrutinized individually.
Thoroughly researched by the company that made the vaccine. Ffs the FDA still hasn't finished the human trials on prevnar yet.
well obviously you're retarded
and I suppose you chemically analyze every bit of food you eat? what nonsense. typical pick and choose what science to believe conservative bullshit
You don't want the sauce, my friend. It'll make you cum way too much.
If it's not HRP therapy turning young boys into shemale fuck toys then it should be illegal.
Standard autism party
now i want the sauce
CDC say it cause side effects
Humans have autism and when you take a vaccine the vaccine gets autism.
RAN -> SEM. I guess.
This is correct