Well, Sup Forums?
Well, Sup Forums?
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Circumcision is a medical procedure that helps a child, whereas abortion just fucking kills the child
Circumcision should not be legal.
>helps the child
In what way?
How does circumcision help a child exactly?
>Circumcision is a medical procedure that helps a child
You're not even asking a question you retard.
Yeah I agree. Get this kike shit away from babies
how does circumcision help a child?
You think the Jewish influence in USA would allow circumcision to be outlawed?
>protection from various diseases
>improved function and aesthetics
Gee I wonder who could be behind this post
>worried that a fetus might feel pain for 8 seconds
>wants it to be born and feel pain for 8 decades
They never got my concent for this unnecessary procedure
I say we kill everyone.
>>protection from various diseases
>>improved function
A fraction of the time it could be necessary but that doesn't mean it should be done at birth
>and aesthetics
There is implied consent for necessary procedures, not to mention you're parents most likely consented for you anyway.
what about when altering genes comes in. Will it be illegal to alter the embryo to not have a foreskin? What about the opposite so a 6 inch tiny flesh sock hangs off it.
>protection from various diseases
Which are preventable by just cleaning your cock
>improved function and aesthetics
Gee why don't we just give all babies a nose job while we're at it?
Well, actually, circumcision was originally introduced in the US to stop people masturbating, and it has stuck as a pointless tradition.
die jew
>You will never be a normal human either physically or mentally
>10 seconds of pain is equal to murder
God made this commandment of man
He gave his only begotten son so that we may have eternal life in the kingdom of heaven, you cannot do this one thing God has asked of us?
>every major medical study agrees that circumcision prevents disease
Nice argument.
>protection from various diseases
what diseases? are they easily prevented by other means, such as good hygiene? you can prevent tooth cavities by having your teeth removed and replaced with dentures, but people don't typically do this
>improved function
how so? you're removing a lot of the most sensitive nerves
>improved aesthetics
that's subjective
its at the bottom
go ahead and link them
No there isn't, and even if there were benefits circumcision, it still wouldn't be considered necessary.
I was circumcised against my parents wishes and without their consent. It's a shameful medical scam.
>feel pain for 8 decades
What? I'm not questioning it being a load of BS to force on people but what lasting pain?
well you see, denying one would be a breach of one's religious freedoms
And the other is denying dumb sluts the right to murder their newborns.
literally google you retard
Actually now that you mention it fluoride being put in our water to force retards who don't floss to have better dental hygene is pretty analogous to how doctors cut our dicks so retards who don't wash themselves don't end up with diseases. Really it's all just a bullshit excuse to sell something, and harms smarter people at the expense of helping stupider people.
i think it's just sort of a junk science/fashion trend at this point. i'm reading a p good article right now that you might find interesting:
fluoride in our water was a scheme by the phosphate fertilizer industry to dump their waste into our water and get paid for doing so
Yeah why do you think the Catholics went silent when the truth about them was revealed? It's their freedom of religion, of course.
Guess you can't fight against Satanic baby sacrifices either, since that's a religious right.
>protection from various diseases
By what? 0,001%? Many who are pro-dick butchery seem to be of the opinion that mutilating a dick seems to have any signifigant impact on their healh, as if it means immunity. Fucking someone with an STD raw is still going to give you a high risk for catching it, cut or uncut. And in case you're saying that it gives better hygiene, cleaning a uncut dick is the easiest fucking thing and if you can't do even that then you probably have the IQ of the average toaster.
>improved function
Exactly how?
>improved aesthetics
According to who? Is that something you tell yourself to be able to compensate for the fact that your dick is unreadonably tiny?
>no concern for the life of a future human
>displays heightened concern for the foreskin of a babby's penus
Even if there is a reduced chance of disease is that worth the brain damage?
>protection from various diseases
Wash your fucking dick.
>improved function
>and aesthetics
Depends on the part of the world. Girls here think, and I quote, that if you are cut it "looks like the head is about to fall off".
who cares what women think? Why not find a wife like Zipporah who will follow Gods commandment?
>brain damage
completely untrue
>>improved function and aesthetics
Circumcision is as Jewish as it gets. No Jew would ever say its mutilation.
Wait, their are laws to prevent abortions?
Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks...
It's a commandment from God, God is not exclusive to Jews it's for all mankind
The bible is not the literal word of god. Christianity was adapted and combined with European culture and traditions when it spread to Europe.
Are you wanna die, leaf?
Blasphemy! The bible is Gods word, combined with European culture?
Mark 7:8
For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.
Gods commandment comes over the commandments of man!
Do you not trust the Lord to know what is best for you?
Quoting the bible doesn't really matter to me man I'm a recovering fedora lord.
Murdering a baby vs cutting off its foreskin. Obvious false equivalency. Liberal indoctronation detected. Dispatching right wing death squads. Thank you and have a nice day.
literally proven that it has negative effects on the brain
kill yourself you fucking kike
Infants don't practice religion. You can have all the religious freedom
In the world but You don't have the right to practice religion on others. A persons religious rights end where another persons right begins. That's why human sacrifice is illegal even If it's part of your religion
I too am born again, I struggled with much of the bible but I realised the word of God is the truth
Gods word exists in all of us, this is why those who've done good but never heard of God can still go to heaven
It's a commandment to Abraham.
10 This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised.
11 And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you.
12 And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger, which is not of thy seed.
Abortion is one thing I don't get while most of Sup Forums supports, you legalize it and give it financial incentives to do so and "poof" nigger problem solved.
Becuase murdering an innocent child should give you an automatic death sentence
This goes for the doctors and the mother
Jesus is now our covenant with God.
Salvation lies in living a Christlike life.
It's the same reason we don't sacrifice animals to God anymore.
Jesus's sacrifice was so perfect that it has satisfied the ritual covenants with God until His return.
You take the word of man over that of God? Jesus himself said until the heavens and earth pass not a ONE law will be abolished
>Circumcision helps a child.
>doctors remain divided whether infant can feel pain
Really? If you stab a baby will it not cry?
>Write paper in college
>Professor fails me for not citing sources
>Write another paper for professor
>For source I write "google it"
>Professor fails me again
What the fuck man?
I agree that abortion is morally wrong but it is eugenic for the nation. Also outlawing it would not end it. It would go "underground" becoming potentially more dangerous and there would be an increase in infanticide of born children.
die when coffie time in english
Then the woman shall die and that should be her punishment for trying to murder her child. I say nothing wrong except that the poor child should have a whore for a mother who cared not for his life
Marko wills it
itt. anons with dog dicks jelly af
>A bunch of cells/an embryo is a human being
Lmao ok cuck
You have a strong point there.
I am definitely not as versed in Scripture as you are and definitely cannot argue in that arena.
It is my personal belief that the best way to gain admittance into God's presence in His Kingdom is to lead as Christlike a life as one can.
In this view, I don't feel like my being uncircumcised or not circumcising my sons to be sinful.
I know and teach my children this: we are made in God's Image and are his most perfect creation. As such I feel the way I was born is as perfect as God's intended.
I understand your position, and it's a stronger one than my own, backed by a more concrete reading of Scripture. You won't be able to convince me against my own views. Me and the ol' lady had a grand time at this but I put my foot down.
Have a good one and God bless, leaf.
Thank you for being polite about I respect your opinion just like you respect mine
i don't think you can pick and choose whichever part of scripture you like. it doesnt work like that
Wow I never thought of that point and it's a killer in a debate lol
The whole of the law is good, God gave us these commandments. Who are we as man to say that we know what is right and wrong? Does God not know what is best?
In the middle ages. Everyone cleans their dick now so it's not a problem.
Aesthetics - Completely subjective. I'm not cut but my foreskin doesn't cover my entire head, I would prefer that it did. However some people have very sensitive heads behind foreskin, or experience more pain in sex.
So you do raise a good point, I think it should be optional though. And the boy should get to decide when he's older.
Jesus said that there are laws more important than others.
Love God. Live your neighbor.
These are most important.
> twelve (12)
> (20)
From retards for retards.
Love*, excuse me.
One-posting gets you saged.
They remove umbilical liquid from your throat to help you breath when you're newborn as well.
They do that without your consent.
So what part of the bible explains which parts are important and which are throw away?
circumcision is a barbaric practice that needs to be outlawed until the patient is of consenting age
>Jewish influence in USA would allow circumcision to be outlawed?
they're not in a position to be making demands right now
we should kill every kike doctor who does this procedure
to send a message
Dylann shot the wrong people
Don't put words in my mouth, bud.
I didn't say any laws should be thrown away and conceded tge argument of living lawfully to a more well scripted user.
What I said was just a paraphrase of Mark 12:30-31
30Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’31The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]There is no commandment greater than these.”
None, we as man have no authority in deciding this. every commandment that God has given us is good for us, should we obey man or our Lord? Our Lord who loves us so much he gave his only begotten son for us so that we may have eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven?
Cutting off foreskin to sacrifice to the devil isnt exactly what Id call helping a child
Gospel of Thomas Jesus:
His disciples said to him, "Is circumcision beneficial or not?"
He said to them, "If it were beneficial, their father would beget them already circumcised from their mother. Rather, the true circumcision in spirit has become completely profitable."
It is not beneficial to the body in anyway, it's not why we were asked to circumcise our sons. When God asked us not to eat pork he said that it is unclean to you, he did not say that of the foreskin.
It's done for spiritual reasons
>implying that in between having a fertilized egg and birth of the child that the growth is anything except a child
...Yet doctors who performed late abortions have career changes when the hand of the child grabs their finger. I'm sure a bunch of cells and embryos are capable of spurting limbs spontaneously.
Keep telling yourself that. Don't get mad because you're an immature faggot who can't raise a child yet thinks he's man enough to plow pussy.
reminder circumcision stunts dick growth