the article is a series of
CLAIM: ...
followed by either just an explanation of the claim or a half-witting "debunking" using strawman arguments, except for one or two cases.
I hope people are screen capping these articles to catch the news networks covering their tracks
I ain't giving them no clicks nigga
holy shit the jews are scared of pizzagate. they're all child fuckers
Sup Forums is too busy replying to threads about racemixing, circumcision, and the metric system right now
They're now planting their own story within the story, the basement thing was all them, creating a message they could refute. That's the distraction, plant a fake story in the real story, ignore the real parts, call it professional journalism, call anons whackos that need controlled. They think they're so smart, but it's always grade school shit.
like the #killroom part, they totally ignore that "#killroom" is literally written on the instagram post, and instead focus on there being a basement or not
Ministry of truth. Ignorance is strength. These fucks are so guilty.
This is what gives me hope. They are scared and their suppressing tactics are all over the place. Given what we know about pedo rings in the upper echelons of government the world over it is inconceivable that there isn't anything going on in Washington at all, but that is what they want us to believe.
A major pedo bust in Norway is ignored because they don't want anything pedo-related in the MSM headlines.
But MSM is dying and they cannot control the alternatives without severe draconian restrictions which even the ignorant masses would not accept (yet)
If they haven't figured out the Streisand effect after a year of constantly getting fucked by it, they deserve to be talked over tbqh.
Funny how they totally miss the Marina Abramovic links, or explain the "weird art" they collect.
This kind of edgy explainings are the most suspicious thing.
>Cecilia Kang
Back to /x. Can you just stop spreading this stupid cuckspiracy shit.
Stop making us look bad.
There is no straw manning. They are just presenting the facts and letting other people make up their minds whether you retards are retards or not. I'm betting most people will think you retards are retards like I do.
Your game is near to the end jew buddy.
>making us look bad
Because pol had a spotless record before this
Pussy bitch ass faggots didn't even show the picture of the girl taped to the table. Cock sucking troglodytes didn't even bother to mention voat.
They REALLY want people to stop looking into this don't they?
1. so what is the handkerchief about? IF your sure its not about pedophilia, what is it about?
How can a handkerchief be "pizza-related"?
2. Why did you pick the 2 least weird convocations about food in the emails?
Why not the one asking about "no hair on pizza"!, or hillary wanting "hotdog no bun"?
3. Why not look at the "comedy shows" they pu t on at comet pizza?
4. Only a fucking retard would think all that marble was in comet pizza.
5. Most people can tell that the very best "other common logos" are not at all as similar to the logos found by Sup Forums.
> MSN confirmed pedo ring!
> a reporter can confirm that there is no basement in Comet Ping Pong
kek. did they ask the owner?
7. completely ignore the "#killroom" "#murder"
8. Of all the people in the world to name a bar after. he picks the one that allows him to and does, wear a t-shirt that says "i love the child"....
9. the Madeleine angle was always bullshit. but super effective as a last minute pre election spin by Sup Forums... (well done lads)
So, AGAIN i'll say.
None of the above "evidence" MSM stated was considered "evidence of pedophilia" by me or possibly Sup Forums.
At very least the MSM has just highlighted exactly as we thought, there IS something weird going on here.
The very fact MSM are all so sure its bullshit, and dodging the real interesting points is only adding to suspicions.
Why didn't you cover:
- The gold statue of a beheaded women in john hall?
- The "acquired taste" of johns private gallery of art sexualising children
- Sprit Cooking?
- Lolita Express?
- Norway Billionaire Pedo Ring?
- South korean president being co-opted by a psycho cult?
From the tone and manner in which the MSM has covered this story gives the impression they are wilfully ignoring the facts in a desperate attempt to regain control of their narrative.
Unfortunately for them, even the average user knows enough about pizza gate to know they are missing out whole chunks and ignoring whats in front of their eyes.
> tl;dr....
> MSM is working for 4chin now
> Redpilling millions by their own misleading reporting
> MSM has already overplayed the "Fake news" card
> MSM is pissed Sup Forums is news now
Keep digging, i don't care if it comes across as tinfoil hat bullshit, we can destroy the MSM by forcing them to address our false claims.
The fact they even care what we talk about shows they are scared.
Thanks for the archive link.
a reporter saying "there isn't a basement" is not an answer.
i would have accepted, "we've been in the basement and had a good look around and nothing jumps out as weird"
> Hey do you guys have a basement?
> NO basement!
> Oh okay, thats cleared that up then
Doesn't count!
I think he meant (((us)))
Hostely, do you see NYT getting so butthurt over othe random Internet claims? Do they do shit like this for flat earth websites?? No.
They're just really making me think this shit is real.
he was talking about the investigation of planned parenthood by Project Veritas.
JK but some people are actually saying that now.
>Time-Warner Cable's logo.
Christ, they aren't even trying to be subtle any more, are they?
Not to mention that it is confirmed that Comet Ping Pong does, in fact, have a basement. Alefantis said so, in a mainstream media interview, before this story broke.
this is not subtle
>the shooting did not put the theory to rest
It's like they're literally admitting it was a false flag
Someone should reply and point out that all of the media sources for this CIA report are anonymous. Not a single identifiable source is being reported. They have literally ZERO PROOF except for their anonymous sources.
They get off by hiding in plain site and laughing at the whole world by remaining hidden don't they?
i call upon the power of KeK to make it stop snowing
i swear that St. Vincent de Paul used to have a very similar one, but they've all changed
STOP SNOWING FFS i'm sick clearing the driveway
lol fug :DDD
daily reminder that by giving jyt clicks you are supporting kid fucking
In the Order of the Phoenix, wizard community's MSM, (((Daily Prophet))), was pushing Harry's claims that Voldemort returned as Fake News.
Normies have to see it in their own eyes to believe it.
at first i trought that this was all bullshit, but after soo many debunking articles i an quite sure that theres something happening.
really why would NEW YORK TIMEs write a fucking article about a minor pizza place?
come on this is streisand effect
faggot. DO NOT make fun of canada
one thing i resent IMMEDIATELY is the
>secret signage???
that's one of the most unambiguous pieces of evidence. two restaurants across the street from each other BOTH have KNOWN FBI-IDENTIFIED pedo logos on their sites. both removed them. it's not proof of shit except that something smells
Muriclaps BTFO. They can't EVEN compete against Canada!
lolita exprex? i dont saw this can you post it user?
First NYT article to actually screenshot Sup Forums. AND A FUCKING LEAF GOT THE HONORS.
TWC logo is supposed to be an eye and an ear combined.
Rowling accidentally wrote some pretty redpilled stuff towards the end of the series. Emphasis on accidentally.
>Shit starts going down.
>The government is acting like nothing's happening.
>Worse than that, they're actively encouraging it.
>90% of the population either thinks they're the good guys by being useful idiots, or are so pacified with their lives that they just don't care.
>What does Harry do in the face of it all?
>He builds a militia, rallies around a charismatic figurehead, and burns it all down Fiat justitia ruat cælum style.
No I'm aware that "Pizzagate" is utter bullshit but it does serve the helpful purpose of calling attention to the Podesta emails as well as to Sup Forums (and Sup Forums more specifically) as well.
did anyone actually read the article? it seriously seems like a redpill masquerading as a "debunking"
Yeah, why don't they just ask Podesta. Though I suppose by now he has a pizza map handkerchief all printed up.
Hubris has always been our greatest ally.
hum this reminds me of the old MSN mensenger
i mean that shit was full of pedos and the icon was an butterfly, after soo many years we discover that butterflys are used by pedos as a signal.
I first saw this image a few days ago and new it was planted bullshit.
I notice they didn't show the posting where James Alefantis calls a female baby a "hotard".
I agree. Does nobody else find this newsworthy that this is the first time (to my knowledge) Sup Forums has been screencapped in a major paper?
i think he was calling his friend a hotard, honestly
that's a fucking stretch of logic. MSN was full of pedos because pedos found out how to abuse anonymity. the logo from the FBI report isn't a butterfly, it's a big heart/little heart cross-thing
i wish the article had mentioned that each star happens to be exactly upside down
That is a pretty lame article. I don't even believe in #PizzaGate but that article itself is making me second-guess now. That is the best debunking they can do? C'mon.
>How can a handkerchief be "pizza-related"?
Handkerchiefs are used to eat food. Pizza is a type of food.
>Why not the one asking about "no hair on pizza"!, or hillary wanting "hotdog no bun"?
People usually don't like hair on the food that they eat. Some people don't like eating a lot of meat, so they just prefer to have the bread.
>completely ignore the "#killroom" "#murder"
Some people like to joke around.
>Of all the people in the world to name a bar after. he picks the one that allows him to and does, wear a t-shirt that says "i love the child"....
So? Some people love to be around children; that's not necessarily indicative of pedophilia.
>hillary wanting "hotdog no bun"?
>Some people don't like eating a lot of meat, so they just prefer to have the bread.
I don't think that turned out the way you think it did.
Article was written by a kike and two gooks.
There is no evidence that there is a pedo ring connected with John Podesta. Get over it.
Podesta group linked to child sex trafficker
actually the map on the hanky is pizza-related
there's no need to specify that you don't want literal hair on your food
sure, but you don't ignore the #killroom when it's central to the point you're "debunking"
three partially nude gay guys that like to hang around kids? OKK
he was just talkin about you getting the hotdog and bun mixed up lad, slow the bantz
This right here.
Jesus christ, fix your font rendering.
Can't argue with the core values senpai
one of the symbols is in fact four hearts shaped into a butterfly user
butterflies are an mkultra thing too
>actually the map on the hanky is pizza-related
Your point?
>there's no need to specify that you don't want literal hair on your food
If someone wants to tell a joke, then yes, there is a need.
>sure, but you don't ignore the #killroom when it's central to the point you're "debunking"
Most people would take those hashtags as jokes. So there is no need to mention them.
>three partially nude gay guys that like to hang around kids? OKK
How do we know they're gay?
>Implying they hang around kids when they're partially nude.
Nice misleading language, buddy.
are you a pizza pedo?
Is there anything pedophiles don't use as a symbol? It's now butterflies, most foodstuffs, basic geometry like triangles etc. Is anything safe?
>implying the FBI document shows an infinity of symbols
nice try boy lover
There is a notable time gap between 2016, and the early 1990s.
why do you post like this? is this some kind of syndrome
Funny none of the three journalists cited on that attribute are actually investigative journalists at all! Two are graphic designers and the third wires about technology regulation!
So yeah they literally picked someone who would be involved in writing about fake news on the internet!
Spin the baby with #whatwhatinthebutt
Now fuck off shill
Also convenient that they left out out that image of him in drag and covered with blood. Or Podesta's "dominoes on pizza or pasta" email. Not disturbing or suspicious at all.
Honestly, I think many people are going to look at this article and see something wrong with it. There is NO way any normal person can look at the basement photo with the hashtag #killroom and #murder along with those comments and NOT sense anything wrong or creepy about it.
Hahahaha, NYT BTFO.
Oh and the German baby with a price tag on it.
Fucking kill yourself you God damn child rapist apologist piece of shit
>pedophilia will not be socially acceptable in your lifetime
>The Podesta Group negotiates with the Moldovan Democrats in 2016
>A guy closely associated the Moldovan Democrats was accused of child sex trafficking
Weak argument.
They way the media is attacking Pizzagate so aggressively gives huge weight to it being true.
>i swear that St. Vincent de Paul used to have a very similar one, but they've all changed
youre right i remember it too, was very very similar. creeped me out even when i was a child
so they work with FORMER child sex smugglers
and hang with Hastert
nothing creepy here
Of course it's true, global blackmail-focused child pedophilia rings are completely real.
What about his personal friend dennis hastert?
>so they work with FORMER child sex smugglers
Only one person who was apart of the Moldovan democrats was accused of child sex trafficking. Moreover, being accused of something is not evidence of a crime.
look at the post
joewills calls jimmycommet a hotard first, and jimmycommet is just parrotting it as a hashtag
my interpretation at least
shouldn't be saying that in a post about a baby though, sure