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ITT: pic related
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Not that big of a deal desu
abortion should be legal for people i dont like and illegal for everyone else
mostly nigger and sjw problem
Normie problems.
Abortion is wrong and a sin against God.
An unborn baby is not responsible for the crimes of their race so the whole "muh nigger abort more" is a really stupid logic.
Abortion occurs prior to mind's identification with form. There is no problem.
>muh sins
>muh gawd
>muh murder
>muh heartbeat
If it's reasonable to say that when someone's heart has stopped they are dead, then it's reasonable to say that if you stop their heart you have killed them. If you abort a baby with a beating heart then going by that same logic that is murder.
Give pedos the right to adopt kids that are going to be aborted
molested > murdered
desu I don't really care if other people do it but if I were to get a girl pregnant and she just chose to abort my kid without my say in it I'd be way mad/ insulted
Should be 100% legal. If you're however free to think it's wrong and treat the mother like a murderer just not beat her up and use violence.
only thing keeping the nigger population down in america, if you are a christcuck who gets uppity about aborting a fetus that cant move, survive or think on it's own in favor of doubling the black population just shoot yourself so you save tyrone the trouble
personally, i am against it and i feel that it is immoral and a sin. but politically, i think that it should be legal. the gov shouldn't have any say in what a woman chooses to do with her body. i would never allow my wife or daughters (if i have) to do it, but it should be legal for those who wish to do so.
Should be legal for non-Whites under any circumstances even post-birth.
Should only be allowed for Whites if the pregnancy might kill the mother.
well it's not reasonable to say that, people survive that all the time, how you judge someon being dead is if they have brain activity or not, and it's already illegal in most jurisdictions to abort a fetus before their brain activity starts unless theres a medical reason
Nonsense. You can't say "treat them like a murderer" then about face and say "just don't treat them like a murderer".