This thread is for the discussion of Islam, the only true religion in the world

This thread is for the discussion of Islam, the only true religion in the world.

Resources: - The Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad - Read and listen to Qur'an online. - Biography of the Prophet Muhammad

>Allah loves everyone [Open]
>What is Islam? [Open]
>How to revert? [Open]
>From Atheism to Islam [Open]
>Christian to Islam ] [Open]

>Islam website with everything you need
>Find a mosque and revert today!

Fuck Allah, fuck Muhammad, and FUCK YOU.

Spreading knowledge of the true faith.

>Allah loves everyone

Sorry, spreading the true faith over here.




>You guys pray towards a

The true faith will not be stopped but you have to check if your slave girl is pregnant before fucking her.

Mooslim Bikini model

not black dick unlike you guys..

Hmm I'm sorry the black cube is important because Abraham built it and there's black meteor stuck in it.

Don't shit toward the black cube you fucking kufr.

its funny because esoterically thats Saturn worship (black cube represents saturn and the mudslimes walking circles the rings) aka Moloch worship

People born into the religion who want to live it must be killed so says Muh-a-mad, peace be upon me.

I have a book about the historical origin of Islam. I don't know where they took all of their stuff. Some of it is nestorianism.

big white cock is one of the highest searches in pakistan m8

Help me. I need more true faith in my life.


>I have a book ...
i'm interested, what's the title?

/his/ is that way ->

go sleep, roach.

Hagarism: the making of the Islamic world

>This is a controversial study of the origins of Islamic civilisation, first published in 1977. By examining non-Muslim sources, the authors point out the intimate link between the Jewish religion and the earliest forms of Islam. As a serious, scholarly attempt to open up a new, exploratory path of Islamic history, the book has already engendered much debate. This paperback edition will make the authors' conclusions widely accessible to teachers and students of Middle Eastern and Islamic studies.

Islam IS a mix of Judaism and Christianity. It's a legalistic religion (Judaism) with a universal spin (Christianity).


cool. didn't have this one.


do you have part 2?