>exxon ceo, goldman sachs boss, anti minimum wage dude, soros shills, 3 old generals
>hurr durr trump is anti globalism
>hurr durr trump is anti establishment
>hurr durr trump is an outsider
>hurr durr trump care about the working class
Exxon ceo, goldman sachs boss, anti minimum wage dude, soros shills, 3 old generals
Other urls found in this thread:
So who should he of hired?
>So who should he of hired?
Literally anyone outside of these picks
I don't understand you autists. Did you expect Trump to hire random people off the street? Of course he's going to hire people who have experience in their field, you stupid cuck.
So, you're jelly you weren't picked?
non billionaires, workers activist, ''normal average'' people with degrees. All the people on his list aren't blue collars
Politicians, then?
Blue collar workers do not have the experience to run a country you dumb fucking retard, are you literally a communist?
>Op wants politicians
Go back to feggit.
Lol fuck off moron government shouldn't be "running" anything.
>hires businessmen and military leaders instead of career politicians
>somehow this isn't draining the swamp
Are you retarded?
>should he of hired
>government shouldn't govern
This is what libertardians actually believe
of been triggered much lately?
>he want bankers run a country
It's the opposite...
>trust businessmen with their merchandises
Good Lord
T. Bernout
Somebody is going to run things in the end, it's how it works, I'd rather have a government that at least tries to get things done on our behalf.
So this is the power of autism
Your cunt lost. Get over it, you fucking retards.
It's literally Bernie people coming here. They expected Trump to appoint Bernie Sanders clones - that is, clones of Bernie BEFORE he sold out to Clinton - whose only accomplishments are renaming some mailboxes.
It's a retarded thing to argue. Trump ran as a pro business guy with the motto of being too wealthy to get paid off and getting tangled in this bureacratic nonsense. For some reason people expect us to be upset when he applies that principle to the people he picks. Trump voters are getting what they expected, though I will admit I don't like the Cohn pick. The Exxon guy is a good choice.
We used their votes or we convinced them to stay home and cucked them hard
OK so you are retarded then.
Fuck Canada
If you keep saying it maybe it'll become real.
Kind of like belgium i guess
>workers activist
Go to hell you commie piece of shit.
What is your argument? The same military leaders who failed
>t. jew
Americans think they're uncucked just because they have guns that they're too scared to use
America doesn't even have Free Speech anymore, remember the kid with the gorilla suit who was arrested?
Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) have introduced the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act which according to a statement on Casey's website is meant to "to ensure the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) has the necessary statutory tools at their disposal to investigate anti-Jewish incidents" on college campuses.....
Unfortunately, the bill also proposes the following as examples of hate crimes:
-Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust
-Demonizing Israel by blaming it for all inter-religious or political tensions
-Judge Israel by a double standard that one would not apply to any other democratic nation
it already passed Senate unanimously - FREE SPEECH NO LONGER APPLIES TO AMERICA
>inb4 hurr SCOTUS
Go look at the make-up of SCOTUS, three of the justices are Jews - Elena Kagan, Stephen Breyer, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg
>inb4 hurr TRUMP
Trump has every intention of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital
His picks are excellent. Trump is about making America great again---for people who are middle class or upper class like myself. Stop whining, poorshits. Trump is going to make America great for the middle and upper class---humans that matter.
Barack Obama did literally the same stuff. Shouldn't you be happy about what he did?
Even before he was elected Trump always said he was gonna put in business giants. He's not breaking promises.
>Anti-Semitism Awareness Act
Well, they should start in the black community. 1 out of 3 African Americans are anti-semitic
>college campuses
Here's who he should of picked:
Secretary of State Kanye West
Secretary of the Treasury 50 Cent (He knows how to finesse a bitch)
Secretary of Defense Hulk Hogan
Attorney General Ron Paul
Secretary of the Interior Jay Z
Secretary of Agriculture Ben Garrison
Secretary of Commerce Ghost from True Capitalist Radio
Secretary of Labor Sargon of Akkad
Secretary of Health and Human Services Yiannopoulos
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Mike Duggan (savior of Detroit)
Secretary of Transportation Markiplier
Secretary of Energy Elon Musk
Secretary of Education Murder Mike (He made the nigga nigga nigga song)
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Ron Paul
Secretary of Homeland Security Seddique Mir Mateen (True muzlim)
just :stop:
Sorry, Secretary of Veterans Affairs was supposed to be Jared Grusd
hahaha man you CTR are hilarious
sounds like a shitty socialist paradise with a ton of poor unqualified people destroying everything
Ron Paul makes more sense in Veterans Affairs considering he doesn't have a law degree but did spend some time in the Air Force.
>Jared Grusd
Speaking in a serious manner, you are exactly right.
>We used them
But Bernie supporters are happy with the outcome, Clinton would have been worse or as bad as Trump.
Are you pro-oligarchy? Do you think that there are no people outside of goldmansachs-esq companies that are capable of handling these positions? There are plenty of people that are competent and don't work for corrupt big whatever.
>see post
>check flag
but reality tv hosts do?
fucking retard.
He's not a reality TV host, he's a demi-god like Hercules who is KEK incarnate.
Yes because the wealthy are always satisfied with what they have and never screw others in the race to get more.
>shitty socialist paradise with a ton of poor unqualified people destroying everything
Sounds like Cuba. I'm surprised he found the strength to post here. Shouldn't he be mourning Castro's death?
Nothing to do with socialism...