>"Black people can't be racist."
Somebody actually said this to me today.
Sup Forums, how can people in America actually believe this shit!? Living in a liberal state is causing me to lose brain cells by the minute.
>"Black people can't be racist."
Somebody actually said this to me today.
Sup Forums, how can people in America actually believe this shit!? Living in a liberal state is causing me to lose brain cells by the minute.
Racism is a system that encompasses economic, political, social, and cultural structures, actions, and beliefs that institutionalize
and perpetuate an unequal distribution of privileges, resources and power between White people and people of Color. This
system is historic, normalized, taken for granted, deeply embedded, and works to the benefit of whites and to the disadvantage
of people of color.
call them a marxist
thats what they are
Simple, really, they've been trained to doublethink Jewish lies.
Racism means you have members of a race. Doesn't matter what race you are or who you hate, anyone can be racist.
Just call them a racist.
Obviously anyone can be racist. It's logical that anyone can be racist, but how can people straight up deny this? It's like saying 2+2 only equals 4 for white people, for black people it equals 3. It's a logical fallacy and it boggles my mind that people would buy into this idea at all.
>>"Black people can't be racist."
They are the victims, not perpetrators, of racism.
It's a rhetorical trick designed to make you feel like shit. It's a redefinition of the term "racism" that is such that it sanitizes white hatred and makes whites more vulnerable to attack.
It's just a device.
Not if you re-define racism to mean those with power oppressing those without power. Blacks have no power. Ergo, blacks are incapable of being racist.
It seems to me that at this point, there are so many social benefits to being a minority like scholarships and getting a job with less qualifications because of diversity quotas, that white people actually have it worse... Are white people the new victims in society and is in't it racist to assume that just because you're white you must be well off?
No user, you don't understand. None of that matters.
Liberals don't care about opportunity. They only care about outcomes. It doesn't matter how much opportunity blacks have in America, as long as they are doing worse than whites, then racism exists.
Tell them to define the term
racism = power + privilege
Oh and by the way, this is what they teach in sociology classes.
The people who say "black people cant be racist" are the "educated ones" in your country
Shalom goy
Maybe but it doesn't matter. We're not really at a point where we're conversing with honest interlocutor interested in the pursuit of justice and the truth. Rather we're confronted with ethnocentric tribesman who equate the word "justice" with "what's good for my group". It serves literally ZERO purpose to talk to them as if they were interested in fairness in the sense in which whites understand that term, that is on individualistic / rationalistic lines. There is thus no point in trying to discover who is "really" disadvantaged, as reality is not what matters. What matters is who can gain what.
Calling white people racists has been an effective tactic for a long while at a political level and it will be used against them until such time as they tell minorities that they don't really care anymore. When a black person hit me with "whites can't be racist" I just tell him to hate whites more. I don't really care.
0.05 leafbux has been deposited into your account
So in an argument a logical appeal has lost all meaning in favor of an emotional appeal that doesn't have to be educated or researched at all but just sway people in a certain direction through extreme examples/cases/claims that might not even be real!? Now thinking about it, we've come to a point where fighting for the rights of white people or for the rights of men, would be deemed racist and sexist respectively. As a white man I'm literally fucked and things are only going to get worse, aren't they user? This is a frightening realization. We're completely powerless and hopeless I guess...
>blacks can be racist
how? they don't hold any form of power you fucking idiot
It's not an emotional appeal but a tribal one. Non whites (not all of them) are currently operating on a narrative of retributive justice against whites.
Basically white people did so and so in the past and they never paid for their crimes so now they have to pay.
Yes, they don't really give a fuck. They're just here to bleed you but they have to do it with a rational. White privilege is one of the most important conceptual component of it. It's the idea that white people built up structure to oppress non whites so as to gain advantages (privileges) which were unearned.
Whether or not this is true is irrelevant. The point is merely to demonstrate that what you have DOES NOT LEGITIMATELY BELONGS TO YOU AS IT WAS STOLEN. This then justifies the idea that you should give it back or that you should pay for that theft. You are, of course, blinded by your privilege so that if you argue against the concept that's just your own privileges talking.
It's a text book copy of the rational that was used against the bourgeoisie. It's neo-marxism applied to race. It works really well. You die at the end of the story.
Sure, you think it's just some crazy lefty mumbo jumbo spouted by SJWs at universities. "There's no way this will become a mainstream definition, it's just too far-fetched. I mean, racism changed so only white people can be racist? Ludicrous!"
They've been teaching this at our universities since the 70s. Slowly but surely it will trickle down to our high schools and elementary schools. In 50 years I guarantee you it will be the official definition of racism.
Fucking kikes, man.
if racism is about power and privilege, then why are jews never considered racist?
And only the poeple they are trying to weed out of existence are ever considered racist?
or privilege for that matter
Till whites stop being racist and give blacks the same privilege and opportunity. They can't or never will be considered racist.
Just victims. By seeing your daily threads on Sup Forums this is far from happening.
So because black people refuse to use the opportunity life gives them by living in the already established system that happened to be built by Europeans the system has to be working against them? That's the idea? Because they don't put in effort they should be given handouts? And it's all banking on the fact that they used to be slaves kind of like how Germany will always have to be liberal as fuck or else they'll be called Nazis?
It doesn't seem like there's anything white people can do to save themselves, to make a comeback, or to regain total power then I suppose. Just give up inch by inch in apologetic shame, never mind the fact that a majority of the racism against black people might not have even happened during our life times, white people will continue to be blamed until we've given up everything we can. Right?
And white privilege just disarms any counter argument from a white person so there's absolutely no chance at all?
You don't understand. Whites don't want to live with blacks or with anyone else for that matter. There's no "justice". Ever.
There's only minorities who want to invade white neighborhoods and who say whatever it is that they need to say to make that happen.
Gee golly willigers. It's like Minority need places to live to something? We need people around to are jobs but don't want to give them housing close to said area to do job. Wow excellent logic racist. Two thumbs up to you friend.
Example of a group of blacks being racist?
But, black people are a minority...
To be racist, you have to come from a position of strength, superiority, and power, like a white man.
Nah fuck niggers 14/88
But, you can counter-argue that blacks actually have the power due to favorable treatment over white people
So in effect, white people can't be racist
>So because black people refuse to use the opportunity life gives them by living in the already established system that happened to be built by Europeans the system has to be working against them? That's the idea?
Not really. At the basis of it there's this idea that they want what white people have. What I mean by this is that they want a country like white people used to have, with the same "privileges" that are given to a people in virtue of the fact that they constitute the demographic majority in the country. So in a predominantly white country you're gonna have white politicians, white CEOs, a white president, white movies, white music, etc. They want all of this for themselves.
The problem is that white people stand in the way by the mere fact of their existence. How do you then justify the fact that you want to displace white people and replace them in everything that they have? You have to have some kind of rational. This situation of demographic inferiority furthermore creates resentment among those communities that are at the margins of society, especially if it happens to be compounded by real inequalities in average income, incarceration rate and so on. This whole situation ends up creating a mix of resentment and desire for justice, which manifests itself in rationalized hatred.
The underlying impulse of it all is envy (it may be legitimate envy) and a desire to eliminate the bad white people who have the audacity to do things for themselves. They need to be destroyed at all level. It's an extremely aggressive program the components of which cannot be separated from the underlying hatred. The feelings of grievance, the envy, the desire for destruction, for retribution, the rational that attaches itself unto that, it's all linked together.
>works to the benefit of whites and to the disadvantage
>of people of color.
racist as fuck
you cant define something using circular logic.
the definition of racism is racist in itself, because it tells that niggers are bellow the whites on any and every situation kek.
They can live in their home countries like they did for thousands of years.
At least there are no fucking racist whites to contend with there.
You forgot the point that we expect more from white people so when you do crash and burn as a white man, you are made to look like a complete ass. Basically every talking point that comes from the left about race is true for whites half the time and blacks half the time.
off by one
Looks like someone swallowed a Redpill today
No, racism is a large flightless bird native to Africa, the only living member of the genus Struthio, which is in the ratite family.
See I can do it too.
Underrated post
>Gee golly willigers. It's like Minority need places to live to something?
That's utterly irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that minorities don't want to live with each other. They systematically want to go where white people live under the pretense that they need a place to live. The fact of the matter is that every minority that came to the West had a place to live which they decided to forego in order to live with white people. But that's not enough. Now they want to eliminate white people because they do not find them convenient. But since they're not willing to outright massacre them they invent a language whereby they guilt white people into giving them what they want.
This is not about truth or justice. It's about ethnic interests. Nothing you say is relevant to me. I trust nothing I say is relevant to you.
This is so retarded. We should have never started with the whole "all races are equal", civic nationalism meme because it was absolutely the gateway drug to this hell. Now saying "I don't see color" in the US is considered racist. In Slav countries saying something like "niggers are subhuman but maybe we shouldn't kill them all upon sight" is considered tolerant and progressive.
Racism of low expectations is truly the ultimate redpill.
All you did in your entire post was affirm white supremacy by projecting envy and hatred of whites onto minorities.
Way to go "anti-racist".
It's time for the rake.
> At the basis of it there's this idea that they want what white people have. What I mean by this is that they want a country like white people used to have
then why didn't they develop defensive technology to keep the evil (((white man))) from taking them into the slave trade.
I agree with you but I felt compelled to make a point
>he called me a white supremacist, surely this will work
Still don't want to live in a diverse society. First rule of tribal warfare: don't let the enemy define you. Second rule of tribal warfare: don't let the enemy define itself.
Hey, what's the point? The jews? I don't care for the jewish stuff.
Can we get at least 10 replies into a thread without leaf fucking it up?
The handouts won't stop until we ourselves become slaves to the black people serving their every want and they don't have to lift a finger for it.
Shit might as well make a comic scene of it at this point: A black person asks for something, and every time a white person hesitates the black person screams: "RACIST!" and the white person complies. It's funny like a movie, but scary like reality.
They would have if they weren't forcefully brought over by the thousands as slaves.
If every minority left Americas economy would collapse.
Only a real racist cant see how racist he is, so if a black person says he isnt racist, he is clearly a racist.
>If every minority left Americas economy would collapse.
Doesn't matter. (1) The economy collapses anyway because of unsustainable government spending (2) economic collapse is a small price to pay to have a society worth living in, aka a home.
the point is that africans should have defended themselves and created a society which can actually put up resistance to europeans militarily.
>Hey, what's the point? The jews? I don't care for the jewish stuff.
you don't have a choice to not care about facts either, why care about anything if you can just pcik and choose what to believe. you stupid fucking leaf
Of course black people can't be racist (in America). White people are the ones with all the power, they are the ones making the law, even the orange people are more represented than black people. How can people who have no power and have been enslaved be racists? Go to the gym you fat fuck.
that argument never has made any sense
it doesn't matter if they are non white if they leave, there will still be an economic backblow
>if every white person left, americas economy would collapse
see it sounds just as fifty
Funny because thanks to the housing prices going up Whites are actually moving into Black areas like never before. Detroit, Brooklyn, Downtown La. It's now whites taking places from the minorities.
>the black person screams: "RACIST!" and the white person complies. It's funny like a movie, but scary like reality.
Do you suppose, after a mass awakening of the public to lies and distortions, that such a creature could survive?
>you don't have a choice to not care about facts either, why care about anything if you can just pcik and choose what to believe. you stupid fucking leaf
It may very well be that there are a disproportionate numbers of jew pushing for a certain ideology but it's no use saying JEWJEWJEJWEJWEJWJEWJEW all the time. They're just people with shitty ideas. I have better ideas.
I don't understand the obsession with the Jews, which I'm pretty sure is a self serving tactic that gives the illusion of an easy solution to our problems. It's a way to not face reality, because the scope of the task is actually bigger than whatever it is that the Jews are supposed to represent.
I've had this conversation too many times. I don't care about the Jews at all. I barely even care about the white race in and of itself. I just don't want to live in a diverse society where every non white around hates me and think I owe him something because muh oppression and shit.
Well then I take it that you understand how much that sucks overall.
Again, such is life in tribal warfare America. All of it could have been avoided but our leaders didn't care to sell their kids down the river, and now everything sucks and we all hate each other. I'm fine with it. Let's not pretend that we're friend or whatever or have anything to say to one another. You're part of some tribe, I'm part of some other tribe.
So I guess race wars will be an eternal seesaw and never end. Nobody will ever be on top forever, we just go back and forth every couple centuries or so, just long enough for one group to ask "Hey, how come they get to run shit?"
I'm not sure if you're serious but I'm the off chance I'd just like to point out that power has nothing to do with racism and it was blacks who enslaved other blacks and sold them to whites
Eventually culture will reach memetic escape velocity and change too frequently to be manipulated from the top down. At that point boundaries beyond what people believe and sincerely act towards will dissolve
lol tell them to go visit the black panthers.
Everybody's racist, sexist, hypocritical, bigoted. Everybody, some don't think they, but they are.
I wish I didn't have to have this conversation as much as I do
you cant fix a problem without a diognosis
>also jews have obviously had very good ideas
Yea sure, whites were just victims as they got there conquered the land and bought slaves to rape and torture and do whatever they want, right? Boohoo poor whites. So the slave is the racist one, right? Thanks God your country will be majority muslim in 20 years.
Christ. None of this is important. Whites who get baited in debating who's responsible for slavery have already lost.
>n-no m-mr. black man, we don't have to p-pay r-reparation
>haha it's the black who captured the s-slave
When they're engaging in that shitty conversation they've already acknowledged that it matters somehow. They've already agreed that the result of this discussion could determine current policy. It's fucking stupid.
>the society that exports jobs to brown and yellow countries and import brown and yellow people so that whites are a minority in every country works to the benefit of whites
the funny thing is black people are extremely racist to other black people and make fun of them for having darker skin
the LEAF has spoken
If you are going to base your social theory on institutional racism then why would you ignore a small enthic group that disproportionately dominates american and world institutions
Your own philosophy leads there. Ironic so many jewish people are the ones pushing this political philosophy
Must be on the west coast
I don't base my social theory on institutional theory. I always presume that social groups say the things they need to say not to fuck themselves over.
Prime example: an immigrant says America is a nation of immigrants.
What else can he say?
I actually agree with (you), i meant this towards those pushing cultural marxism, but i think it explains the emphasis on jews
Yeah I agree with you. I should have written that better
These people exist to have the dictionary thrown at them with their revisionist propaganda.
Only very recently that they've been earnest about pushing this doublethink, and thankfully, they're also part of the reason why even normies are getting fed up with their oppression olympics shit.
We call it canadough
Racism is prejudice plus power. Black people don't have power because they're an oppressed minority. Are you new to this planet?
Racism is hating someone because of their race. Nothing more. Stop being gay.
Black people are more racist than any race in USA
Civilization and natural law benifits the intellegent and strong.
Go back to eating mud pies in Africa nigger.
Just tell them whites can't be racist cause this is a country for white people
Day of the Rake when?
get it together, leaf. otherwise good posts.
I wish to live in your country, but since I only speak american I'd be hated and therefore haven't pursued a move.
We have to find a way to demonstrate that America is truly closed and will remain so forever. How do we do this?
Nuke war back to colonial times?
>tfw your great grandpa's successes are your curse