Daily reminder that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay.
Daily reminder that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay
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>1 post by this ID
Not anymore
no one cares
Yes, there is, fags should die. Men are gross, little girls is what's good.
What is with this bullshit? It's not funny.
there's literally 6 posts you faggot holy shit
>no reproduction
>one of the men must be feminised for it to work
People can live how they wish but lets not pretend there's nothing wrong.
You keep making these. Stop shilling.
so is it ok to be a lesbian? asking for a friend
Bi sexual fag here. Yes there is.
I started experimenting with other guys when I was very young. It started with tame stuff like showing off our dicks, but it quickly graduated into stuff like humping and full blown anal sex.
I had done anal with several boys by the time I was 15. My sexual experimentations with guys lasted until my late teens.
Being gay has brought me nothing but sadness and suffering. If there was a cure I would gladly take it. I've known enough gay people to realize that their lives are shit, and so is mine.
Having homosexual instincts is nothing but a curse. It robs you of the greatest joys in life all for a few moments of pleasure. You put yourself in tremendous risk too. Gays are pathological liars when it comes to their STD status. They will deliberately infect you and not give a fuck about it. There is also a lot of violence in the gay community. A lot of drug abuse and alcoholism too.
Nobody ever made a kid by dropping a load in a faggots ass. They do make AIDS infected turd babies though.
Pic related
Aids cures fags
>gays are sterile
No homo
Since all fags are irreligious degenerates, lets use the whole argument of evolution against them. The whole point of evolution is to inherit traits and characteristics that make you survive for longer and reproduce. Because degenerate faggots cannot reproduce naturally, homosexuality is not natural and it can also be seen as a mental illness because it attracts a person to the same sex which makes them unable to reproduce. It also can be seen as a physical disability because of that reason. It also goes against evolution because of the high risk of getting aids from degenerate faggot acts.
It also contributes to white genocide
Anyone can catch AIDS it's not just fags, anyone at all, any age and once again, gays aren't sterile.
> literally afraid to have sex with anyone because AIDS
Homosexuality is wrong.
Why aren't you dead yet?
disgusting, kys.
You may be trolling, but spreading heresy like that is a grave sin.
Not only because people can't always tell if you're serious or not, but you are making light of a mortal sin, one that plagues many people.
Sage and reported.
Hillary hasn't noticed me.
those fags need a BBC between them lips
It's not a daily reminder unless you post it everyday.
Learn to shitpost.
Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that Daily reminder that
Condoms. Dont be a skank. Heterosexuality caused the fall of man. Can reproduce. Science is advancing. You have your own mental illnesses and diseases and straights get hiv and are pedos and all diseases are invented in labs now. Is this board filled with five year old women on their periods? OP is horny who gives a shit. Plenty of gash and milkbags on here
It's more likely to happen to fags because of thier degenerate life choices
You're a fucking tranny. Kill yourself.
Nope. You guys think about penises too much. Women are threatened and phobes. Nobody else. Only blacks get hiv pretty much and we're not possessed retards. You guys are the sodomites. Cherrypicking defence mechanisms. Men love eachother and getting to know one another. We set up all our secrets in society this way. It's our number one best topic. A taboo for fuck all reason. Bring on the male space colonies
Thread theme. 'Take the rainbow down'
I dont listen to the whole god is a woman bullshit. Extended further by saying Adam used to be a tranny. Rabbis and plato fucked straight boys' asses. Stop playing with boys. "Grow" your vagina "back". Thats all it is. Bye
Take down the sign of the covenant. Nowhere did it say we make any sense because angels have no gender and "fags" were accepted by Christ and nobody said rainbows are for everybody but them. See gays in discourse? Watch rainbows appear. Muh chosen warrior messiah muh Christ never said that muh I am my own Messiah. Where is third temple. Christians are cows blah blah
>mortal sin
Holy shit, found the real faggot.
Found the REAL faggot
other than HIV, aids & a higher propensity for pædophilia, hebephilia & ephebophilia, yes. you are correct.
Listen bud. Being a real Christian on the internet and by using electricity is being the real shunning rapist asshole sodomites. Prisoners etc. What are they? The good is preferable to any intimate relationship and be fruitful and multiply means to be good. No weapons. No self defence. No killing. No racism. No capitalism. And to top it all off? A form of sex. A form of your sex. Destroyed the garden of eden. Not mine. You edgy liar
Add "is to do the difficult things and not to be..." to the first sentence. Whatever
You're right, faggot.
He's one of the most terrible faggots out there.
Replace his picture with Alan Turing or whatever.
Pence will have you faggots fried till you're straight. MAGA~!
Gene editing satanist memeing prick. You are what you eat and you eat vaginas. Im outie
If you don't think that's funny you're the faggot.
go fucking kill yourself
I honestly don't know what you think you're trying to say. I also don't care.
I'm not a christian if that's what you think but I can't really tell as you're rambling and not making sense.
pic unrelated
Where you at, I'll fuck you up.
>Where you at, I'll fuck you up the arsehole
There are dating apps for that you ugly poof
I meant I would beat you up faggARD!
Post boipussy
ur not even cute. cocks of Sup Forums thread WHEN?
except it's degenerate and destroys civilizations. outside of that I'm sure it's fine
Pls user. My granny could smash your girly head in
yA FOOKING poofta!
I'll smash yer head in m8.
Homosexuals have a mental disorder that they are refusing to recognize as not normal and cooperating with bad people who are trying to engineer society into accepting and even celebrating as normal. This is dangerous for civilization and humanity as a species because it alters the correct understanding that the reproductive faculties and drives were selected for by nature for the purpose of propagating the species and if these drives and faculties are not understood as the glue that holds families together, civilization will fall apart. This is why acceptance of homosexuality has always gone hand in hand with decadence and the fall of once great civilizations throughout history.
Homosexuality arises because the part of the brain that recognizes a potential reproductive partner and then initiates the program of behavior that makes the reproductive act happen was not formed properly and therefore the homosexual's brain is misclassifying individuals of their gender as potential reproductive partners. The mistake they make is trusting that their brains are not providing them with false information. They know from experience that the brain is sometimes wrong but they are refusing to accept that it is wrong about this thing and they are doubling down on it by embracing gayness as an identity instead of rising above their primitive animal urges and acting as rational human beings.