Why do Americans think that college is the only method to become a 'success' in life...

Why do Americans think that college is the only method to become a 'success' in life? Wouldn't it be better to take a 50k college fund and invest it in a business that returns 90k annually than invest 50k and be in debt for 25 years? In other words, even if you say "herp derp college is an investment", you're still risking 50k with a very small pay out compared to the risk and time you put in. So for an engineering degree, you're wasting 4 years and 40k to get maybe 60k/year back (most engineers make 50k lul) , shit ROI if you ask me.

What I do is I'm a business broker, I sell franchises and I help match buyers for franchises. No college involved, my business haul is apx 30k per franchise sold. ALL i need is to sell 6 franchises a year to stay in business and make 90k salary.

>durrrr guyz doesn't something with a guaranteed 125% return annually make financial sense?

holy shit OP end your life

Accumulating a 50k debt to earn a job that pays 90k annually is a good investment and easier than starting a business.

this is now a black woman thread

Durrrr I love investing 4 years and 40 k to work at Starbucks for 9.50/hr for fucks sake leaf fuck off.









It offers financial security.
You'd have to be a fucking retard to take out loans for that much. It can easily be made working a part time job. Get fucked faggot.

Because the jews have brainwashed young people into thinking college is the only way.

This way they can brainwash nearly everyone with college (((education))) and (((degrees))).

Yea but where does a college student find a job that pays 90k? I can't even find listings for jobs that paid 40k in Texas. I was more or less forced to go into business, not much of a choice honestly.

College education is but a bourgeois fantasy, you're going to be working class wagecuck at best, or a piggy at worst.

How, are you high?

>40k at a part time job
i guess no one on here in the middle of a saturday has a job or knows how money actually works.

Just get a blue collar trade goyim, I know it's only 25k a year but you will reach 250k with some hard work, Mike Rowe said so, ehehehehe

And when you are 50, dying of cancer, with your legs broken by the union leaders, I will let you look at my giant white yacht. Once.

College is a scam ;^)

fucking retard

>hurrrr durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr guyz isnt 125% return better than a none returnz????

aim for the top of the mouth not the back of your throat you fucking loser faggot waste of oxygen KILL YOURSELF TONIGHT and let us take whatever piddling wealth you have to use to give to decent people like immigrants or women


Honestly though, the amount of people who go to college and end up being a manager in retail or something instead because they can't even find a job is pathetic. Spent all that money on school just to end up in retail anyway and still having college debt all the way until their late 20's. I got my education through service, so I didn't have to pay for mine at least.

Ouch so much butthurt, here hab sum black babes

My thing is, if you're a leader, then lead. If you're going to manage a big firm anyways, go do that. What is stopping you from being a real estate dev? Or a broker or opening a software dev company or whatever apart from your own wanting to "play it safe" and "muh college meme"

I learned that programming in college was a waste. 30k in debt and 6 years later I didn't start learning real life programming until I attended my first meetup.

The company I ended up working for ran an after school program for under privileged kids (Free government money for us). Ended up finding some solid programmers from the hood. Imagine growing up section 8/welfare then making 50k out of high school.

>he thinks college is about getting a job and making money

top kek. people go to college because going through higher education is the mark of the upper class and having a degree from a legit 4 year institution signals to the rest of the professional world that you aren't likely to be a fucking pleb. there is a reason why even people with nigh unspendable wealth send their children to college.

also, making money is easy if you have talent, you just have to whore yourself out and not care where you work. i could be making 200k a year in some shit hole town in south dakota, but who wants to fucking do that?


>implying college tuition is that much

lol no. the only people who go into tens of thousands of dollars in debt are the entitled faggots that want the "college experience" and insist upon going to an ivy league/private school for all 4 years.

if you go to a community college and transfer to your local Shit State you can cop a bachelors degree for less than 20k$. thats without scholarships and only using FAFSA and federal loans.