At least I'll go down as a President
Well, @realDonaldTrump
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Muh legacy
Get em outta here
Muh legacy
Obama will be forgotten as president just as Dinkins was forgotten as the first Mayor of New York.
Dinkins' time as mayor was just a depressing period of racial strife and poor economic performance. It was all forgotten when Guliani became mayor and put the city right.
As Dinkins brough Gulinani, so Obama brought Trump.
Seeing that makes PIC RELATED all the more sweet.
>the worst president
Anyone who says this is either a child or needs to go back to their history class.
>a white landlord evicting a nigger family from his newly acquired house
The story of my life.
Somebody get this hothead out of here.
Never thought of it that way user, it's a good comparison.
Can Obama ever recover?
Mayor Dinkins is a lousy nigga
60 million illegal voters don't count shill
The company hired to fumigate the WH in 2017 will have a tough job
I wonder if he carved his name on the Resolute Desk somewhere
Why are Romanians so damn uppity? Your country belongs in Africa more than it does Europe.
he dindu nuffin
kiss your entire legacy goodbye you fucking black bastard!!!!
>Clinton did not get majority of popular vote
>trump got majority of electoral votes
The buttpain entertains.
The percentage of nigger-loving population among our countries is overwhelmingly in your favor, so...
Ameritard told!
>Trump won the football game 21-10
>Shillary: "B-b-but I got more offensive yards! That means I should have won!"
Press S to spit on his Legacy
Obama is probably the greatest president in american history. He saved you dumb redneck fucks from a depression worse than the great depression
>((((((The Fed)))))) printing extra money and buying "distressed assets" from sinking private casinos like AIG
>economy "saved"
Nothing extraordinary. It just proved capitalism is a compromised system, just like socialism/communism. Once the state intervenes in the markets using public money to save private money, that's not capitalism anymore, it's admitting capitalism never worked.
For once it's true lolololololol lmbo
Obama should've never get involved in this election, his retarded smugness about Trump getting btfo and shilling for the dumpster fire that was Hillary will forever taint his final year as president. People will remember him as a petty person who had to eat his own words
DeBlasio is a horrible mayor too. He needs to go.
There's still time.
>the person who gets the most votes in an election isn't the person who should win
How's the weather in your colon? Stinky I assume.
Tump: 306 votes
Hillary: 232 votes
Looks like s fucking landslide to me.
>muh p-popular vote
Fuck off and REEEE in libtard twitter.
Why doesn't he read actual mean tweets like ones calling him a nigger ?
Kek it never really gets old
could you elaborate?
Every time.
literally the most JUST president thanks to Trump.
>this meme again
It is mathematically impossible to win a football match but have less yards
>I wish I had a gun so I could shoot you.
I love prank calls.
>Muh direct democracy
Go back to highschool government class and pay attention this time. There's a reason the founding fathers established a Representative Republic over opting for mob rule.
Buchanan followed the Constitution to the letter and refused to use Federal powers to coerce the southern states. Statists see this as a sign of a bad president.
If the election was decided by the popular vote Trump would have campaigned differently, more people in safe blue states would have voted etc. Trump still probably would have won. Regardless your complaining about losing chess with a few more pawns
this is leaf tier posting
He's the guy responsible for your civil war by shitting on the South.
Confirmed for not understandings sportsball.
muh legacy
>Chapter 44: 8 years of shit
>Chapter 45: 8 years of previous shit undone inside 100 days
That was Lincoln, leaf.
The Civil War was all Lincoln.
He's right and it's not over yet, DRUMPFKINS
>Wah wah wah why does America have to be a Constitutional Republic? I wanted Shillary to win!
Dry those bitter tears, cunt.
years of previous shit undone inside 100 days
I bet he feels so embarrassed after that
At least he'll suck Michael's cock.
>making a meme out of the victims of Sandy Hook
Trump has stated he will undo Obama's executive orders. We will see...
>Burgersharts in charge of knowing their own election system
I swear that list gets bigger every time I read it.
Buchanan only fucked up one country
Obama has ruined several
Yes, Barry. We all know you go down on Michael every night.
It really ruined the persona he built up for 8 years. It showed that in the end, he was just a puppet like the rest.
You are dumb as a brick
Obama's legacy is going to be destroyed by Trump. And that's a good thing.
Barack Obama will forever bee known as the first and worst black president
First thing I thought of when Trump won.
How does one person completely destabilize the entire world?
Why do we even have the power to do that?
>Globalism was a mistake
Do you have the IQ of a 2 by 4?
Obviously obvious troll is obviously obvious.
I hope this pic helps. They are a made up country and that realization turns them into cunts. Just ask them for a map of Romania older than 150 years, lol.