Huh, capitalism really does work

Huh, capitalism really does work

Yes it does, that's why you're able to make autistic posts revealing your inability to understand that humans aren't equal

>how does exponential growth work

>1920's everything is equal during Calvin Coolidge administration
>Traditionalist Conservatism shows its worth and ability

>2008 During Obama's presidency things start to change
>2016 everything is worse than ever before

What will obama leaf do now?

There isn't a problem with capitalism, there is a problem with Liberalism

>Everything is *great for the working class* during coolidge

>capitalism is great! Look how great our country has gotten with it!
>obama sucks! Look how horrible our country has gotten under him!

>yet another chart made in google docs with no sources

Real capitalism as never been tried.


trade 101

Is this chart actually real? Not even a Democrat but I'm pretty sure wealth distribution has only gotten more equal in the past couple of years (peaking at the recession).


You are the shit that the elites laugh at

Can you also provide a chart showing the WORK distribution?

i like the colors you used on the exceel file.

really standard.

This is a very nice chart.

What do you mean by "work"

The point of economics is not to redistribute wealth to people you like

Yeah. If the bottom 95% weren't a bunch of filthy commies we could all be rich.

Really makes me think

It does, the country was at its most capitalist at the start point of that chart.

>smartest and hardest-working get more money than dumbest and laziest
really makes you think

Just because there are wealthy people, it doesn't mean that everyone else is worse of.

Capitalism is the opportunity for everyone to make their lives better. This just proves how few are taking advantage of it now.

For you

Wow, I'm a #shillforhill now

maybe but just maybe its because the top 5% stays the same amout of ppl while the bottom 95% reproduce like bunnies

What the fuck did obama do during those 8 years to fuck it up so bad?

Big government rigged the system through regulation, subsidies, welfare, immigration and outsourcing.

>Wealth inequality is a problem
Fucking commies. Wealth is not a finite resource, even if it's not distributed correctly if a society gets more wealth everyone becomes more wealthy.
Also using some bullshit like "top 5%" is intelectually dishonest as fuck. Using actual income brackets is the only reasonable way to present this data since "top 5%" is every family making more than 200~250k yearly.