Ask a Hungarian anything
Ask a Hungarian anything
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Why do you have Croatian, Dalmatian, Slavonian and Bosnian emblem in you flag?
By the personal union they were kinda like part of Hungarian Kingdom
What country are you from?
Why do you hate romanians so much? All the romanian posters on Sup Forums are usually nice.
Alright I'll bite, my great-grandfather emigrated from Hungary with the surname Futovich. He changed it to Futo for easier pronunciation but for the life of me, I've never been able to figure out what Futovich meant. Is there any translation for that?
Hogg vagy?
100% Slav
aluggyá ikább buzi
Because they stole our land
My father actually is technically from Hungary, but all the sudden he "moved" to Romania, as the borders changed and engulfed his town.
Fuck 'em
Opinions on the Treaty of Trianon.
Personally I think it's the worst thing to ever happen. Long live the Austro-Hungarian Empire!
What is the proudest moment in Hungarian history?
my last name is Szigely what are my chances of getting a passport as an ethnic Hungarian? My great grandparents were the ones who left Hungary.
How did you see a bosnian flag in it?
Did you mean the hand with the saber pointing to the Rama canton?
Why do you have such a victim complex? All I hear from Hungarians here is how unjust the world is and how everybody is trying to hurt them.
Fuck off filthy Serb
being a romaninan crybaby. just chek out the trianon and romanian threads and you will see they are shit
Top kek that's upper Hungary.
You ever hear the Hungarian nation anthem?
It's basically "Why God? WHY?"
Serbia is south of Hungary?
Will Slovakia ever return Kosice to its rightful owner?
Aye,you insulted Slovakia which is north of Hungary and used to be part of Hungary trough history,which is why some call it upper Hungary.
Are your mainstream media mostly leftist SJW cucks?
I insulted Serbia, calling you a "filthy Serb"
No idea why, I actually have no problem with Serbia, no idea why Hungarians hate them.
what do hungarians think of admiral Horthy?
Half of the media is government propaganda, other half is leftist cucks.
But this post is Slovakian and u replied to it,plus there where no Serb posts before mine so you basically said "Fuck off,filthy Serb" to a Slovakian.Poor thing a literal didn du nuffin.
We hate everyone senpai. I personally do not hate the average Romanian, but I do hate those who try to generate conflicts between two nations that could live peacefully next to each other for hundreds of years
Probably this: Nincs kedvem, a kurva anyátok fonál meg mindig kihal ilyenkorra
I agree, I would really like to live in 1870s Budapest
Idk, my choice would be 1956, when Hungarians (even teens) fought the soviet invaders and communism.
Le we r ful meme. But yeah, as for the name, it could pass
Check out our history, we have constantly been bullied since 895 desu
Half of it is, and the goverment has the other half. But sjws are not typical here.
He was a great leader in my opinion, who always tried to choose the best option.
Miért nem bulizol valahol és iszod részegre magadat ahelyett hogy 4chinen bomlasztod az agyad?
Tell me about the Wall and how it keeps the brown hordes out.
Tegnap esküszöm voltam, de nem szeretek bulizni. S te, külhoni atyafi, miért nem?
Living the wagecuck life.
I think he was a cool guy in a sense that he was able to provide a hope for revision between the world wars (which did happen at the beginning of WW2), but he wasn't really a good politician, or a politician at all, he supported the backstab of Yugoslavia and sending hundreds of thousands against the Sovjetunion, which was fucking stupid because we had no beefs with them, and when in 1944 he had to choose between the life of his son or the county he choose his son, which resulted in a puppet regime and the destruction of Budapest and other cities, also hundreds of thousands civilian death.
He had a strong image but he was too old and incapable, say what you want about the dirty cockroach romanians at least they were always good at real politics, that is why they were able to steal all those lands.
Can I come for fall next year? Will any Hungarian Sup Forumsocks show me and my gf around and give us a run down on the history and the pride of your country? Maybe take us to see the migrant hunter?
Should Hungary look like this again?
when do you intend to lower your astronomical VAT?
Hungary can't even keep up itself, something like this would go bankrupt on the first day
One of the greatest if not the greatest hungarians in the 20th century imo
lol, you're american now bucko. quit LARPIng.
It does a fine job, but exhausts military
Szomorúan hallom család.
De jó munkád van legalább?
it is in their way how do you think it works?
Have you seen this movie?
>t. 11 year old
"Mr. President, the Kingdom of Hungary has just declared war on us."
"Really? Tell me about this king of theirs."
"Actually, sir, their head of state is an admiral."
"They must have a formidable navy then. How big is it?"
"Well... modern Hungary is a landlocked nation. After the Great War they lost 2/3 of their territory."
"Oookay... Tell me about who they lost their territory to."
"Their territorial claims are on Slovakia and Romania."
"So they are their enemies then..."
"No, sir. Slovakia and Romania are their allies."
l i t e r a l l y the walking dead IRL.
it can work but not in today's conditions ;)
Don't wanna bother you but that's the wrong fucking flag,you hun cunt.Post your current one next time.
Nah, but heard that it's good. Have you?
>we indeependenth nao
Coolest things to visit in your country outside of main tourist attractions and museums?
Give me a list OP.
Buzi irodai munka. Annyira nem rossz csak hétvégenként is folyamatosan a gépen kell írni mailt, excelt bújni meg minden szart.
De ma már kidőltem, további szép estét
Go see Aquincum
Yeah what the fuck man,you are giving him PTSD.
Country in general, or in the capital?
Jó éjt
Zh és vizsgaidőszak :(
General I suppose.
Pretty cool.
Mit nem adnék azért ha megint egyetemen lehetnék zh-kat irni meg vizsgaidőszakokat átélni.
Élvezzed ki amig lehet mielőtt megcsap a ún. REAL LIFE
de most már tényelg mentem jó éjt nektek
see the basilica in esztergom. It is the second largest cathedral in europe (after the st. paul cathedral in rome)
Sárospatak is great if you like hiking
What are your thoughts on us (Serbs)?
Do you still have the wish to take Vojvodina from us?
my grandmother's maiden name was Lukács
what are the odds she was a proud hungarian and not a gypsy?
also are we white?
Yes gimme
Dont think that Lukacs is a gypsy surname.
We have a similar one here Lukaš, bretty sure its not gypsy.
Lukács is hungarian the only surname you should worry about Is Lakatos and yes you are white
Filthy Hun, isnt Transylvania enough for you?
also why doesn't the flag have the double barred cross anymore?
No! We will not stop till the entire universe (which is rightful clay ) ours!
But in all seriousness it would be neat to have ww2 borders and it would calm our tits
Why were you so good at football in the 1950s and became so bad later?
It does have but they dont seem to use the coat of arms anymore which is weird because with coat of arms it looks waaay better.
Mi lesz holnap az ebéd?
dude, is it ok if i come for an extended visit
god bless your nation, i want a qt slightly slavisized Magyar gf
> it would be neat to have ww2 borders and it would calm our tits
and who would back you up this time? You dont have the strength to wage the war against Serbia, Romania, Slovakia and Croatia at the same time. Also
>tfw no German reich to help you out
a asked this in one thread but it got archived fast, so i'm gonna ask it here.
why are hungarians so prone to suicide? we have around 250 000 hungarians in serbia (almost all in the northern province) and the only major city with a hungarian majority has the highest number of suicides in the country, i just don't get it. also, they divorce a lot, hungary is 2nd in europe when it comes to divorce (only behind belgium). the divorce part i understand, hungarian females are unbearable and can explode with rage in a second, know that it's not your fault hungarybros.
Soros son, when you will both die?
>our land
No, we do not own land east of Volga.
>slavisized Magyar gf
pick one bro.
Idk I'm quite neutral with Serbia, they nowadays kinda try to defend Europe as well.
For Vajdaság, at least the Hungarian parts would be nice to have.
Slovaks stole it with our clay
Sárgaborsófőzelék fasírttal. Nálad?
for those that don't know, hungary has one of the highest suicide rates in europe.
Well right now because Dárdai is in Germany
I only said it would be neat but it aint happening anytime soon
Bro if you are hungry why don't you eat something instead of making a thread about it. fucking neo Sup Forums is cancer
Seriously? Subotica has the highest rate of suicide? The Huns? Why can't it be the Albanians, i mean they live waaaay shittier than the Hungarians, are poor as dirt and there is a shit-ton of them.
This kinda makes me sad.
i didn't realize that they never mixed over the 1000 year history with turks, romanians, bulgars, germans, croats, slavs
but they might race mix with a canadian kek willing
>For Vajdaság, at least the Hungarian parts would be nice to have.
So pretty much 1/3 of our northern provinces, including the second largest city in Serbia (Ujvidek-Novi Sad). Yea, i don't think its gonna happen any time soon.
albanians have the lowest, presevo, medvedja, itd.
Why your country doesn't make good music anymore?
Húsleves, csirkepörkölt :D
The termination is slavic, as a name.
However, if the root is from Latin, means "to fuck" (futuo - was preserved in Romanian quite close, and we probably use it 100 times per day)
Futu-i in gura de bozgori cu thread-urile si hartile lor
Oh, dont get me wrong, they did mix, but not as near as much like the Ex-Yu countries did.
when i move to magyarland should i support fidesz or jobbik?
i love that Hungary is so anti-commie
never change aussie
but they also (albanians) kill each other a lot, so it kinda evens it out.
Idk man we do have a quite depressed national spirit cause you know in the last century we were really fucked over not to mention the future doesnt seem bright
>presevo, medvedja,
literally the places where the lowest living standards in Serbia are. God, what is wrong with those goat-fuckers...
Romanian posters are annoying shitposters who piss out bait threads every second to make it seem like their gypsy land is relevant, but the truth is, it's not.
Too much jewry in the media. We always have to copy the west for some reason...
Don't ask me why.
>to have ww2 borders and it would calm our tits
I would also like Romania to have its borders extend to the Tisa river, but I accept that's dumb because more than half (way more than half) of its population is hungarian.
Same for Northern Transylvania, and for as much as I hate people from Trannieland... no.
>We always have to copy the west for some reason...
yet you have one of the most red-pilled people in Europe as your prime-minister
Pic related
The one you like. They are basically the same now. It's funny that they try to destroy each other instead of having a coalition, which would rule for like another 20 years.
Gib good Gulasch recipe!
Unlike hungarian shitposters, who feel compelled to post "DAE Romania shit XD" and "Muh Trianon was bad" threads every other minute...
..oh wait.
Ok, it's not like hungarians jump on every positive Romanian thread to repost shitty tired old memes... oh
>I would also like Romania to have its borders extend to the Tisa river
y-you would take our territory (Banat)?
You disappoint me Romanbro
If you're not planning on visiting gyppo towns then yes