Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?
I hope you have a good rebuttal because you've unleashed a true monster.

he would have made germany great again if he'd just slowed his actions down a little and consolidated his power and hold over the lands he won.

it really was an amazing trick to get all of the german descended americans to destroy germany.

>wanting to make your country great makes you hitler

> 11 million
come again?

>A rich former TV star is going to start WWIII because he called Rosie O'Donnell fat
You faggots are the reason Trump won, nobody buys this hysteria anymore

the situation is more that the actions hitler took were largely necessary then, and will be necessary now
Undesirables need to be purged


>literally avoid the candidate that wanted WW3
>still get called war-mongers by leftists
it never ends.

it's a shame hitler lost.

Of vey don't forget the 11 gorillion goy!

I don't get it. Is he trying to say the far left is full of time travelers?


>says he'll bring back water boarding and "much worse"
>says you have to go after your enemies families
>says he'll have stricter libel laws so the press cant insult him
>blames an entire religion of people on his nations problems and wants them banned from the country
>wants to physically round up and remove millions of undesirables
>uses racism and the promise of returning the nation to former glory to rise in popularity
>says rest of the world can get fucked and wants to break previously made military alliances
>gets elected by saying the democratic system in his country is rigged and he will change it radically
>obvious sociopath who says whatever he thinks will let him manipulate people in the moment and flip flops on every issue that isnt about him gaining more personal power since thats all he cares about
>such a narcissist he can barely be fucked to pretend to be a christian
>literally says jews like their candidates bought and paid for so they can control them
>people dont take any of this serious because he is le funny hair silly loudmouth man

"huh, why do people say trump is like hitler?"

I'm absolutely ok with this.

*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*
Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your political views, I mean. They're not bad. A good first attempt. They're plenty dank... I can tell they've got some thought behind them... lots of aspirational material...
But having political views isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're smart... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a pundit? To join those esteemed commentator ranks? To call yourself a member of the politically wise?
Political views take talent, that much is true. But more than that they take heart. The world-class pundits - I mean the big guys, like Cenk Uygur and Bill Maher - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight politics-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big observation.
And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new observation fails. Someone dismisses it as rhetoric, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they save/post the latest shitty image macro dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate shitposters over at Twitter. The views game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan political view you craft in your opinion bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to.
Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.


Nazism rhymed with communism, now get the fuck out

>hurrr a billionaire businessman whose daughter is a Jew = LITERALLY HITLER

Except for the fact that Hitler DID make Germany great again except for that whole Holocaust thing.

If Trump's like Hitler without the genocide he'll go down as one of the best presidents in history.

Daily reminder if you actually believe the 6 gorillian, you are not a real Sup Forumsack

>you've unleashed a true monster

>obvious sociopath
thanks mr psychiatry man

What the fuck?

I hate Doland Trump now.

>obvious sociopath
He can't be a sociopath: he's obviously affected by what others say/think about him. Sociopaths aren't known to have inflated egos. If anything, he's a chronic narcissist.

>holocaust thing
It's 2016, how can you still fall for such (((fake news)))?

20 million people died in the Holocaust. Why is Reddit so anti-Semitic?

So because there was a leader in Germany who did certain things, it means the new USA president is also going to do the same things? I don't get it.

>everyone I don't like is Hitler

Today on my way to school I saw a truck full of klansman drag a black student out of class saying "no school for niggers" then hanged her from a tree and forced Mexican students to beat her lifeless body with sticks at gun point saying "here's your piƱata beaners". I ran inside where I saw men in MAGA hats lining up the lgbt students and shooting them while Donald Trump himself raped a muslim student to death then feasted her corpse. I'm literally shaking. P.S. I filed a police report but they said everything I witnessed is now legal.

Not an argument

>11 million

>11 million


Nice repeating 37s

This is honestly the stupidest fucking text I have ever seen. It does nothing to show how Trump and Hitler are similar, except that they were both elected and people liked them. Fucking ok? You could make this about Hillary, and nothing would change.

If the Holocaust happened, comparing Trump's presidency, his plan to deport people who are ILLEGALLY in America, stopping illegal immigration and not allowing certain people into America, to Hitler and the Nazis exterminating millions of people, is utterly atrocious and trivialises the suffering of the Holocaust.

Also, comparing everyone you disagree with to Hitler is a bit old, isn't it? "Y-you're Hitler!" does nothing to refute the other person's arguments. Actually tell us what's wrong with Trump. Tell us why his policies are disagreeable, instead of just lambasting him with unfounded insults.


Some idiot lefty or Nigger is bound to try this.

That's some meta level repeating numbers. Kek confirms a purge is required.

think of the shitty websites that provide a forum for people to express their opinion. Tumblr, Kikebook, Youtube, even the comment sections on garbage "news" sites like Huffpo or The Daily Mail. None of them compare to what's going on reddit.

>paranoid fatuous comparison

no rebuttal needed for stupid bullshit

My rebuttal is that this is such a broad generalisation of half a century of history that the post is pointless. Even in the shit about people's perception of Hitler at the time is wrong. There was an entire civil war during WWI that people often neglect along with hyperinflation and many other factors.

Nothing Trump could do can ever be equated to Hitler because he was essentially a product of the time. Almost everything he did wasn't a stretch for the time. People were dying of fucked up diseases we have cured, work camps were a thing before and after Hitler, half the lands Germany occupied were essentially German lands 20 years beforehand.

There is so much misinformation about WWII and the Nazis because our life is so incomparable to it nowadays.

Who the fuck has time & resources to waste on reddit and on bullshit like that? for real now this looks like the work of some fuckface who doesn't have to worry about money tomorrow.

Im fine with that