Why do white men care so much about their heritage?

Is it because they have no personal accomplishments?

Non-white people don't give a crap about their heritage because they don't have one.

Butthurt whiteys can't stop living in the past ayyyyyyyy

Dude if you wouldnt hit that you might be gay.

Sage, Report and Hide all division threads

>saying sage and report
tsk tsk new user

Not just whites, anyone, including WE WUZ ANYTHING is guilty of this.
>"The man who has nothing to boast of but his illustrious ancestry is like a potato,—the only good belonging to him is underground."

- Sir Thomas Overbury

>making off topic Sup Forums tier threads

tsk tsk new user

>policing Sup Forums as if there was any sort of integrity to this board
Why are white men so angry all the time?

You can almost see the spaghetti coming out of his gay shorts

High IQ brit user gets it

>>policing Sup Forums as if there was any sort of integrity to this board

Trump was elected.

>Calls me "angry" when his entire thread is full of projection


sagey sage sage


becuase they are pussies who have nothing else to rely on. It all stems from massive insecurities.

oh, and

>thinks Sup Forums is the reason Trump was elected
>popular vote


>doesn't understand projection

Let's be real user, the only butthurt one ITT is (You)

Says the nigger crying about muh slavery and muh racism

My butt is sore from taking a huge shit


Its just a backslash because of sjw, blm, feminists, leftists saying white men should hate themselves.

What happens if you take a teenager and tell him that he should feel guilty because of the color of his skin? And he owes others something because of things that happened years ago?

You make them fucking hate you. A lot. And this white pride/herigate comes from that .Its self defence. Whites are tired of this white guilty crap.

White guys on their 30s to 50s dont care so about this stuff. But now racism is growing in teenagers and 20 years olds because of all the bullshit this new generation of white men are going through.

Its hilarious, leftists are trying to end racism, prejudice whatever crap they say by creating a new generation of nazis.

Congratulations cucks.

Because we actually have heritage to be proud of.


>Says the nigger crying about muh slavery and muh racism
And when did I say that user?

>Why are white people so angry all the time?

Whoops, forgot this was a safe space. Are you ok user?

This isn't a safe space -- it's a SAGE space




that was the cringeyest shit i ever seen

ITT: White boys unbelievably blown the fuck out


Usually a factor with any person proud of their skin pigmentation or heritage. If they can justify their attachment to a group well enough they can make believe that the accomplishments of the group say something about them.

Post BP pls

look at that dude in the foreground hottub, just listening to this chick talk her head off so he can bone

This thread again? OK we get it, you like posting that webm of a white beta getting embarrassed. Get some new material jamal

>tfw been there too many times
How do we fix women?

>Non-white people don't have one
so im guessing your education is this low. or you are just really fucking stupid

me on the right

So, when the fuck are we getting audio webms?

>Non-white people don't give a crap about their heritage

Is that why they call themselves African-Americans? Never heard a white guy call himself a European-American.

Because until extremely recently, "white identity" was invisible because being white in the USA was the norm. It was in the 50s and on that the United States started getting overrun with brown people and chinks.

That's not a white dude, dude.

Only a cuck would not care about his heritage

Nothing wrong with being pro-White m8

Everyone gives a shit about their heritage. Everyone else is just butthurt because white heritage is clearly the best.

>tfw am now a cuck
feels bretty good family

I only care about the heritability of intelligence. My family tree got you monkeys OUT of the trees now be quiet I'm trying to read.

What's the point of giving a crap about heritage?


>popular vote
Doesn't understand the constitution. Nowhere is the popular vote mentioned. In fact the founding fathers specifically decided against a direct democracy.

>My team ran the most yards!
>But you didn't score
>B-but my team ran more yards!
>Didn't score fucker

Milo, please.

It's because I am accomplished, and have a BWC. My family got really into ancestry when I was young, and following both sides my mom came from Scandinavia and my dad from England, with Sotch-Irish in there too. What the fuck is not to be proud of? We started the industrial revolution, we went balls to the wall in colonialism and imperialism, learning a buttload about science and technology in the process. We chimped out in two world wars that also advanced technology and the human race, in the timeline anyway, and now because of the white man you have the Internet and can get on a Boeing 777 or an Airbus A380 bound for Thailand to pound those ladyboys you love with cash you have created by wealth from the white man's economy and commerce.

>Automatic defense mode
Friend, I was only pointing out that Sup Forums didn't get donald elected

Because it was beautiful, orderly, civilised and we wanted to protect it.

Now look at that skanky group in the video. Yuck.

Funny how it's too easy how leftypol outs themselves like this

Bringing up the popular vote because your stuck on shitty lefty talking points. How does that prove anything?

I wont go as far as to say Sup Forums got him elected, but they had some effect. Most of the memes were created here, most of the wikileaks research was done through here and without that information getting out, people would not be as knowledgeable about what was going on in the election and Hillary's corruption. Most of the small journalist who perpetuated the information referenced Sup Forums.

So to pretend Sup Forums had no effect on the election is admitting your head is stuck up your ass.
>Automatic defensive mode
Actually, I was attacking you for being a retarded, faggot.

Wow I've been totally BTFO how will I ever recover?

everyone cares about their heritage.

>Why are white people so angry all the time?
>Why are black people so needy and not self-sufficient all the time? And lazy?
>Why are jewish people so calculating and evil all the time?
>Why are pinoys sucking dick all the time?
>Why are mexicans so greasy and yeasty all the time?
>Why are chinks so cheap all the time?
>Why are middle eastern people jihading all the time?
>Why are central asian people herding goats all the time?
>Why are slavs squatting all the time?
>Why are gypsies begging and throwing shit and casting pagan curses at you all the time?
>Why are pacific islanders surfing all the time?
>Why are russians so based all the time?

It's a European thing. You wouldn't understand. Come back in a thousand years if America still stands, then we'll talk about heritage.