Friendly reminder that Hillary WON the popular vote.
Friendly reminder that Hillary WON the popular vote
Friendly reminder that Trump won the presidency.
friendly reminder that you lost.
>Drumpf gets Russia to help sway the vote
>She still gets more people to vote for her
>Only due to our backwards, fucked-up electoral college does Drumpf pull out a victory even though most people didn't want it
Well thank god the US isn't a direct democracy
Post more shillary memes
Lol. You seem pretty upset.
There's no reason for me to be upset. Faithless Electors are going to pull through for us. They're not going to allow an orange bigmouth with literally zero political experience take office now that we've found that Hillary was 100% correct about the Russians trying to help Trump win. Count on it.
Better Russia than Saudi Arabia.
Those two will be unstoppable.
Shillary's pepe is so awful
this bitch kinda cute but her titties atrocious
How can she win something which isn't a competition?
And the more her popular lead grows, the more the Electoral College is validated. Trump won the Popular Vote in the non-California states by more than a million votes total, so no matter how many calidrones vote leftist, we can still have a president who represents the whole of the several states.
We have the electoral college because it was decided that plebs cannot properly think for themselves.
Deal with it.
Dead people and Illegal Immigrants don't count, Spain.
Trump won the Popular Vote.