Why was Bernie's performance so bad among minorities? Hillary's was bad as well compared to Obama's but if Bernie went into the general election he'd get such little minority turnout it would be embarrassing for a Democrat. What did niggers see in Clinton that they didn't see in Sanders?
Why was Bernie's performance so bad among minorities...
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Name recognition with "Bill being the first black President huehuehue".
This is Bernie Sanders exploding on a liberal girl for questioning the racist apartheid state of Israel
Double standards?
But I've seen a sizable portion of the black community calling him racist and such, not just that Hillary would be better for them - but that Bernie was a racist oppressor
Because of brother Bill.
But who really cares? Democrats lost because they couldn't get white working class in the rust belt. They wouldn't have lost from low turnout from people that weren't going to vote Trump anyway.
Well it definitely hurt Clinton in PA and MI, possibly enough that they otherwise would've been blue if she had black skin
Funny how you can't criticize Jews or Israel in modern American political discourse.
I'm sure it's totally a coincidence goyim!
just because jews love blacks doesnt mean blacks love jews
Niggers haven't really trusted the Jew since Jews enslaved them, all of those centuries ago.
Non-whites like establishment democrats.
He's a white male.
Because those lefties are massive racists AND sexists, they absolutely don't want a white person, especially not a white male.
Does't matter how hard he fights for their interests.
Arkansas is in the South.
Bill, being a Southerner, resonated with blacks, because Black culture is Southern culture, and he knew this, and capitalized on his Southern-ness, and affable sonuvabitch mannerisms to win the black vote, while his campaign primarily was about the economy.
He's the kind of guy they understood. Even if they recognized him as being a kind of scummy and corrupt real estate democrat, they were fine with that, because Black politicians ALSO fall into that same category.
Most of the "free shit" Bernie offered was stuff blacks and Mexicans were already getting for free. College and medical debt are foreign concepts to them. At the end of the day it was a choice between Clinton, a Democrat they've known for years with a great "free shit" legacy, or Bernie, a guy who is promising to help poor white kids.
I need the titles and possible torrent links / megaupload links for said movies, for research purposes.
Because to dindus he was whitey, to mudslimes he was a weak old jew, and to the various Hispanics he was a socialist. Otherwise it was just because "Clinton" is a brand name.
>medical debt foreign to the most obese demographic in the country
I think you're wrong on that one, but yeah college is not something spics typically worry about, so it makes sense that his "hurr everything should be free" message didn't resonate as well with them as it could have.
Blacks hate whites and jews are the most "privileged" "whites".
OP meant Hillary, you silly person.
Blacks already get free shit from the government. Bernie wanted to give free shit to white people, which they don't want.
Because minorities are liberals and liberals vote according to:
In that order
This. The biggest irony in all this is that niggers are the biggest racists and Jews are the actual supremacists. Whites just want to be left alone.