Hey Sup Forums what's a good non-cucked version of Christianity? I was thinking about purchasing a bible. (I'm not christian) Picture unrelated.
"Real" Christianity
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modern esoteric gnostic
You'll get a fight soon with Catholic/Orthodox vs Protestant.
Just get a good study bible from a good bookstore and go.
Get some background info on each book as it makes it better to read.
NIV study bible or something similar, inb4 KJV only faggots.
Each popular denomination in Protestantism has it's liberal branch and conservative branch really. And there is a ton of non-denominational churches.
Study the reformation to see where you come down and go from there.
You have to understand who Israel of the bible is. Adam = show blood in the face (i.e. blush). Jesus specifically stated he only came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel, who were taken into captivity 700 years prior, prophesied to lose their identity, & their language, but were to eventually be called "sons of the living god". There are many blessings given to Israel that are only fulfilled by the Western nations. Many churches write it off and say that "we inherited spiritual israel". If the Jews are God's chosen, then God is a liar. They are Edomites, Caananites, and Babylonians. They are not fishermen, farmers, ranchers, "god's battle axe", fair to look upon, nor based on their actions do they have the law of God written in their hearts. Look at the curses for disobeying God, given in Deuteronomy. It's happening.
Great newsletter on the tribe of Judah.
The "Judeo-Christian" lie began with the Scofield Reference, written by a drunk sell out to the Jew.
on queue, here are the CI faggots from Stormfront
>on queue, universalist faggots with mongrelized blood
>really made me think, such great theologians in CI, what impeccable thinking.
You can go through any of the links in my post. They are far more explanatory, and make far more sense than any church I've ever been to.
I also take issue with the idea that we think there needs to be a genocidal war to usher in the second coming. That is utterly false. What is happening is the flooding of the Adamic nations with mongrels and hordes of non-Adamites. God will smite them when it looks like all will be lost of our civilization, it won't be us, most of us are too blind and naive to what is going on. When God intervenes, we will finally know he is our God, and we are his chosen people.
Yes, please through out 2000 years of western history for CI.
Stop finding your truth on shitty internet links.
Pick up a book and read.
I'm all for racial realism, but taking Christianity into an Aryan history is just fucking dumb.
>muh fake news in the internets
If you've read the evidence, or you weren't a half-breed, you wouldn't be so against it.
The Bible begins with creation, it end with the New Jerusalem coming from heaven to earth to create a new heavens and new Earth.
The whole thing is about how you establish Covenant with God to take part in that new creation.
It is through Christ that we do that, nothing more nothing less.
Start with the gospel of John. It is very precise in defining who Jesus is.
I'm white as rice senpai, it's your religion that is the mongoloid.
Literally islam. But religion is retarded. Islam doesn't allow alcohol or pork for example, or even music in a more conservative interpretation. Why? Because sky daddy says its haram. Just be an atheist or a deist and come to your own conclusions on how to live in a non cucked way.
James only take 15 minute to read and is a good summary.
>muh anyone can have a covenant
Amos 3:2
You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.
1 Peter 2:9
But ye are a chosen generation (race), a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
Matthew 15:24
But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Matthew 10:6
But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Unfortunately, theres no way it can possibly be true, and its a myth.
There is no way the bible can be saved as 'true' when its creation myth is simply a myth.
Even if god himself were to appear before us, the bible would still be wrong.
Not even god himself could save the bible, without perhaps retroactively altering the timeline, Star-trek universe style.
Now the question is if god has the power to do anything, and he alters the timeline retroactively, do we experience the new timeline, or does our reality cease to be?
Adam was not the first man, only the first white man.
The second main unbiblical belief held by Christian Identity followers is that the end times and the return of Christ must be “ushered in” by a genocidal war. Interestingly, this belief fits more closely with the TEACHINGS OF ISLAM than of Christianity. The Bible teaches that Christ will return to set up His kingdom without the aid of mankind. The aforementioned passage in Zechariah makes this clear, and it is supported in numerous other passages. Revelation 1:7 says that “all tribes” will witness His coming. Titus 2:13 was written by a Jewish man (Paul) to a Jewish church, as they were all joyfully anticipating Jesus’ appearance. There is mention that “wars and rumors of wars” would occur before the end (Matthew 24:6), but there is no indication in Scripture that the Jewish nation would have to first migrate to northern Europe.
Furthermore, there is no biblical reason to believe that non-white races will ever be eliminated by the hand of God or by His true followers. In fact, the New Jerusalem in heaven will house all nations, and the kings of the earth will bring the glory and honor of the nations into it (Revelation 21:22-27).
The Lord has always protected the sojourner and the foreigner (Deuteronomy 27:19; Isaiah 56:1-8) and though He commanded Israel not to marry the daughters of foreigners, and so be tempted to worship their idols, He has always drawn, and will continue to draw, converts from other nations, tribes and tongues (Ruth 1:16-17; Revelation 7:9). What distinguishes these converts from those who reject God is not their skin color, but their acceptance of His offer of forgiveness through the shed blood of Christ on the cross. Favor with God is a matter of the heart, not a matter of race or nationality (Galatians 3:28-29).
>Be a faggot atheist
>Read ancient philosophy,Plato,Aristotle and the gang prove the existence of the Supreme God through pure reason.
>Jerk off to Dawkins Harris and the rest.
>Shitpost about Christianity being backward
>Find out about Christian scientists and philosophy.
>Hear about cosmological argument.
>Cosmological argument (done right )rekts atheism.(evolution,Big Bang,multiverse etc is all ok,don't take Bible too literal).
>Following cosmological argument you can easily argue that Infinite Being is Good and a Just ,,Person''.
>Now you have an Objective moral standard.
>Follow this and you have reward and punish before and after death.
>Realize that science might just prove God one day.
>Research all religions.
>See that Christ is the best guy that ever lived,never lies,does only good,is merciful,talks reason.Jews are expired,Mahomet is liar and a pedo copycat.Buddha is ok but no God.Jesus is still the golden middle.
>Defy Christianity because it has done shit in the past.
>Realize that doesn't means a flying shit since God is the Head and the Judge and all will answer for their crimes.
>Research Christianity to it's core.
>Find out Christianity is the best,greatest,most noble and loving off all religions.
>Cry for salvation.
>Get baptized.
>Become a Christian.
Orthodoxy,High Anglican or Catholic is fine.
Ruth the "Moabite" was not a Moabite. The Israelites had exterminated all of Moab about 100 years prior to her story, when they entered the land of Canaan.
Have to take Genesis in context. Yes it is myth by scientific standards, but what was it's meaning and what did it try to teach.
Conservative Protestantism is the right choice.
OC Crucifix Pepe confirms.
I just got a Bible today and I decided to read it and the history of Christianity with it. Why are the early christians so different than all the Protestants?
2000 years of history, culture, and change.
but doesn't that mean protestantism is false?
Orthodoxy is gaining support in the UK amongst Protestants and Methodists fed up with the PC lefty bullshit coming out of their Churches.
Best religion ever
Monotheism is not your friend.You must realize that Christianity is middle-eastern and merely a tool for (((them))) to control the goyim. If you are of proto-european origin the only sensible choice for you is Paganism, which is incompatible with Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Good luck user.
Read up on the reformation man.
Calvin, Zwingly, and Arminius had some things to say there are great thinkers after that too.
Catholic certainly have theirs, we all stand on Augustine, Origen, Aquinas, and many others.
You have to figure out what you think justification is? That is the main difference.
Fot the record, I like NT Wrights take.
Somewhere in there you decided to willfully delude yourself. You can make many good arguments for deism, but none of them translate to the bullshit in the bible.
I did. Calvin and Zwlingli are fatalists
The real answer is that christianity is first and foremost a social/political tool more than a religious one
If you want to know why it changed so much, it's simply because it incorporated many pagan and local traditions into its practices over the years, and what we have today is the practical result of this
Is Christianity false?
Honestly, for Old Testament perspective look into John Walton.
For new testament, look into NT Wright he is an Anglican Bishop of your nation's church and a fine scholar.
Both extremely sharp individuals. They will change the way you look at it all.
Both protestants.
For Catholic/Orthodox you have the whole catechism to go with.
I can't answer the question for you, you just have to choose.
Are you unfamiliar with apologetics?
Have you not heard an ISLAMIST try and convince you that the Khoran speaks in detail on Embryology?
Did you believe it even for a second?
It was ad-hoc argumentum with all basis in fantasy and no truth value whatsoever when the islamists did it, and if you had a more secular stance on religious education, I suspect you'd hold that same lens to the beliefs you're currently defending.
The mythicists and the religionists are at odds with reality itself, sometimes in a religion-for-profit capacity, where THEIR ability to make a living relys on you (the public)'s willingness to science up the myth of Zena Warrior Princess or whoever it is.
Why would you listen to a religionist on any topic of science?
Without exception, they attempt to gain scientific standing, in an effort to legitimize mythicism.
How long will this continue?
Its ridiculous, and I'm just getting tired of calling it out.
Then I will continue. But I agree, Wright is certainly based and I trust that Walton would be too
Christianity literaly stole "christmas". It's "Yule" faggots, we've been putting trees in the living room for a long time.
Calm down senpai.
Then show me that with empirical rational deduction and experimentation, that everything known (including morality and beauty) can be known through empirical rational deduction and experimentation.
I have no problem with science, just scientism.
Also saturnalia
>you only go to heaven if you believe a kike is god, being moral doesn't.
You tell me
Christianity is, it exists, it's prevalent and powerful so it's irrelevant to ask if it's true or false
It's a good proxy to integrate a community and interiorize a stable worldview
It may sound cliché but it does have a good and powerful message, one of love and generosity. They're precious things and non-christians could learn a thing or two from it
Yes! Saturnalia is way old though. Thanks for not being a christcuck.
Scientism... could concievably exist, but I think the fact that you even use the word betrays deep ideological bias in your own thinking that I have neither the passion nor the incentive to assault today.
I don't assert that embryology IS specifically detailed in the khoran. Thats not my position.
(They reference the 'breath of life' passages specifically, if you were wondering. I'm not going to stick this debate out, and you may have become curious about a rival religion, which is the slow path towards heresy and apostasy ;)
My position is that there exists NO holy document, anywhere, that does not depict a level of knowledge typical of that expressed in that area at that time.
Any holy document that was divinely inspired would have no competition and would not be up for debate, nor would it have the countless errors and conflicts with factual reality that we have with our current examples, of which there are thousands, and despite cult members assuring us otherwise, none of which stands out as particularly unique in its claims.
There could be some scientism in the field of climate science.
The only time scientism enters the debate of religion is when religion has a conflict with factually observed reality, and the religionists accuse those with the facts of being religious about science.
If you're honing your debating technique, and wish to fool/win against someone like me, never mention that joke of a word, as its a pejorative that will cause people like me to cease listening entirely.
The real faith is Torah observant followers of Yeshua:
A good Bible should include three:
The Scriptures for accuracy and authority
A King James Bible for accuracy to compare with the above.
And an ESV for ease of reading, but when there are differences, the above two should be consulted for genuine translations.
A Greek-Hebrew Concordance is also VERY useful:
True Christianity is about believing every single word of the Bible and if you disagree you have to change your mind.
>My position is that there exists NO holy document, anywhere, that does not depict a level of knowledge typical of that expressed in that area at that time.
I agree with you here. When I read the Bible I read if from a biblical theology perspective.
>The only time scientism enters the debate of religion is when religion has a conflict with factually observed reality, and the religionists accuse those with the facts of being religious about science.
I don't think the two are mutually exclusive, quite the opposite.
>If you're honing your debating technique, and wish to fool/win against someone like me, never mention that joke of a word, as its a pejorative that will cause people like me to cease listening entirely.
Not an apologist, never claimed to be, nor have I studied debate techniques. I'm just a dude on the internet.
I would agree friend. Check out these words:
"“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 5:17-19
Here is when "heaven and earth" pass away... it has not happened yet:
"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more." - Revelation 21:1
Torah is in effect. The law was never "done away with."
If you actually want to read that bible, pick Protestant.
My das is a minister and I've been raised in the church, and have also been to a service of the vast majority of denominations. I think the best thing that you can do if you're interested is to get a good study bible like another user said, and then just go to different services. You'll eventually find one where you feel like you really belong. It takes time, and you can always talk to ministers about it also, but it's a spiritual journey that will definitely help you figure a lot out. I hope all goes well for you user.