you know grant from mythbusters?
this is his long time girlfriend and soon to be wife
you know grant from mythbusters?
this is his long time girlfriend and soon to be wife
I'm happy for him but calling this "riced" is racist and mysoginistic. Saged.
Asian men are the most undesirable men in the world (small dicks, short, ugly) so any guy who is alpha enough to woo a white girl deserves it desu.
implying he isn't prepping her for me so i can B L E A C H her
I have an 8/10 blonde wife also, but I don't have a t.v. show or any money.
So basically you have to be cream of the crop asian, or a fat stoner white dude to have a blonde 8/10 wife.
Grant is a rather European looking Jap though.
he is even shorter than her, looks like manlet isn't a death sentence after all
Fuck off to r/asianmasculinity faggot
How wealthy are you pajeet.
Well she isn't pretty at all and he's a nice guy so who cares.
>white women in 2016
also i like asian people
Well he helped make starship troopers so who wouldn't want to suck his dick
>another muuuh dickk is bigger vs asianmasculinity thread
he deserves it.
true, and hapa children don't cause any trouble unless they can't get laid
>Wealthy gooks get gold diggers
Color me surprised.
You guys really know your subreddits for hating reddit so much
That fucker is so annoying, I don't know why but I just wanna punch him so hard
grant's asian?
Amerifats are cucks by nature, not even a surprise.
>a 9/10 Asian man and a 5/10 white woman
Looks about right.
RICE'D, how can western bois even compete ?
What was the chick's name on that show? I wanted to fug so bad when I was a kid
Grant is a cool guy, I dont watch Mythbusters because the B-team arent on it anymore.
I always thought they should have taken over after the main two got sick of it
Nah mate, it's
Farm the Rice Pay the Price
Farm the Rice
Live in Paradise
And it's al thanks to his sweet robot winning robot wars.
Fuck off chink
Kari byron
Kari (((Byron)))?
> bleach her.
But she is white.
checks out
Whites so cucked even the asians are cucking them
Grant is a respectable Asian man.
Jesus Christ you Nazis are retarded, he could impregnate a million white girls for all I care.
Sorry, chang
Grant is a White Man stuck in the atrophied East Asian body.
And a million more fins produced, great
she is taller...
>I wanted to fug so bad when I was a kid
>implying you would not fug now
That'd be indian men
>yellow fever threads
>AMWF threads
>australian blacked threads
Every fucking day.
No-one has yellow fever. Asians are frail and gross
No one likes muslims, Abdullah.
Whatever ever happened to that one guy that would always post asian guys with white girls? he hated negroes
Alpha has nothing to do with it, it's called being rich.
Honestly good for him. I've always loved mythbusters, on of my fav shows from the 00's.
>Asians whine about imaginary yellow fever
>I tell them the truth that it isn't real
>they're still butthurt
You pretty much described Mexican men.
she looks like a jew. i actually like kike pussy though
I tought it was: Eat the Rice Pay the Price
White people are the standard of beauty. This is why everyone who is successful tries to marry white. Just like every black rapper/basketball player tries to get a white wife.
I don't mind this
>I have selective attention
Figured, you'd only see the muslim threads.
i don't care as long as it's not with a subhuman race.
yellow-white mixing isn't too bad in my book. It's not ideal, but it's not a big deal.
In terms of most to least desirable.
1. by far is Blacks.
2. Arab
3. European Whites
4. Asians
5. Hispanics
6. Indian Asians
7. American Whites
Look closer. She's already exhibiting facial features that show a genetic influence from Eurasian ancestors. Probably scandi.
Sorry not sorry to burst your bubble, leaf.
>dyed blonde
>not actual blonde
not white
indians wish they were asians
Why are you butthurt? I have dispelled the notion that Asians are attractive to westerners so you can rest easy.
Real list:
1) European Whites
2) American whites
3) Hispanics
4) Indian Asian
5) Black
6) Arab
7) Asian
Calm down, Abdul. I'll leave you to your daily conquer Europe threads.
>all Asian males have to do to get pretty white women is be charismatic, intelligent, fit, rich, and moderately famous
Lol and you think this is something to brag about? Dumbass white Chads get the same quality women with 1/100 of the effort it takes for Asian males. I'm Asian myself and you ridiculous r/AsianMasculinity people make me sick. You're delusional. Instead of indulging your weird fantasies, you should be angry at the Jews who make us look like weak beta providers in every single TV show and movie.
hes smart, successful, famous, and not bad looking at all. why are you guys so mad?
I literally don't get it. You /asianmasculinity/ guys are always bitching about westerners going for Asians and I am telling you that is isn't happening. You should spread the news .
>Indian Asian
Holy shut, that's that German pornstar that made a video where she ate out some guys ass while talking about how she use to force old people to drink her piss and suck their dicks while she worked in a German nursing home
>Implying he's not an insecure faggot.
>implying I go to reddit
You idiot, I don't give a shit if every white guy starts fucking all the asians they see.
You're sperging out on the wrong guy.
Fuck off leaf, shit posting as usual. What's the last part of Caucasian?
Stop getting so mad, chang.
Why are white qomen universally desired by all races of men? You wouldn't see white guys bragging to asians about getting an asian woman
Sure thing, Abdul.
they literally do all the time
it's their version of BLACKED
Their kids will look like pic related.
gross af
Nope you've just been going on too much Sup Forums. It'd be nice if you stopped being such an insecure deluded faggot.
but in reality, their kids would look like this
Basic bitch with makeup?
How can we even compete?
By posting anecdotes.
fun fact no one knows...
He got her from his old PUA times
Yes leggit PUA when the 90s boom started. Kept her ever since. He is one clever cheeky bastard.
By existing
>(small dicks,
>cuck also believes in le bbc
Wtf is this then? My hos? His daughter is one of them?
Is rather fuck a black chick over an Indian desu
black women smell like cocoa, indians smell like poo and curry