Europeans, which European country do you dislike the most? It can't be anything to do with the refugee crisis or Islam because then everyone would say Sweden or Germany. It has to be something about the country's culture, history, people, etc.
Europeans, which European country do you dislike the most...
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Depends on the country you live in. Historically Russia has been universally hated because of their aggressive and expansionist history. More recently Germany because of the world wars. UK has been see as the Island jew nation that only looks out for it's own interest.
Italy, probably. Obnoxious, loud, annoying. Like their design, cars, yelling out "look at me".
France. Pompous pricks.
Albania, no contest.
Another vote for Albania.
Britain probably
On the other hand I'd love to be anglo
Sweden or Romania
Denbtsland and Tatarstan
Germany as they cannot admit fucking up with the refugees, also as the leader of EU they should have thought of securing outer borders of the union which they completely neglected, the right wing there is pretty much non-existant as the 70 years of brain-wash makes German perceive right side as fucking nazis lel
Sweden is loltier, don't hate them just laugh at them
Albania is pretty much non-european, no idea how they didn't get genocided yet
Also anyone from V4 is a bro
Now this ia retarded name. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to name a country "Former something". Former a thing that don't exist. wtf i hate macedonians now
England, bunch of inbred niggers
Well in that case...Sweden and Germany
The Welsh. Because fuck those sheep shaggers.
Seriously Russia, because 140 Gopniks don't make a good country.
>I hate FYROMs now.
At least we are relevant.
I guess I'll go with Albania too.
We have a few Albanian owned bakeries here, they are constantly fined for having worse hygienic standards than Chinese roadside fast food places.
The owners also abuse their workers in every possible way, including sexually.
Lived all around Europe Albanians no question
Yeah but the Welsh fuck sheep.
France and Spain, two beautiful countries with wonderful cities but some of the most annoying people I've ever met.
The nordic countries because of all the degeneracy
Hah, you're only relevant because you still haven't paid your debts. We're the capital for fuck's sake, the NATO HQ is literally 30km from my house.
Germany never forget, never forgive
At least they fuck things that are alive and not potatoes
Germany but only because they border against us and their retarded decisions have a direct effect on our country.
I don't have anything against the average hanz.
>Been this ecstatic for been USAs fuckboi
Germany, Sweden, France
This, Albania for the bakeries.
They came here, committed tax frauds, broke hygienic standards, molested worker... Like WTF?!
I hate Albania now!
Potatoes are far to valuable to fuck you stupid spic!
>France calling others degenerated
Britain. Anglos are the ugliest group of people on the planet and are unable to respect other countries. The mongrel swine are an abomination that should have never been allowed to exist.
Poortugal, because they hate us because they ain't us
Fuck off, you want to fight you inbred ginger cunt?
I'll fuck you up
I don't dislike any of them.
TFW the Irish look exactly like the English.
Said the French guy
>t. country whose population still hasn't recovered since the last time the English gave them the goofballs
What's it feel like to live in the biggest meme country on Earth next to Israel?
I suppose you're white? Right?
If your answer is anything other than Greece, your answer is incorrect. Protip: Turkey isn't Europe.
They have top notch traps though.
ireland is like the canada of the UK, but not as bad
England, not even the United Kingdom but England specifically. They are always in the way for other peoples greatness.
Better than being broke. You gotta kiss ass and suck dick sometimes to stay above the water.
t. loser
>What's it feel like to live in the biggest meme country on Earth next to Israel?
I dont know mate i've only ever been to the USA once.
How does it feel to have actually elected the Green party?
Im a mix of different euros, so yeah
isnt it time to surrender?
We fought for the better part of the middle ages to make sure we WEREN'T you.
So that sounds pretty wrong, my man.
Englan. A bunch of lying, backstabbing assholes.
At least they gave us you so not all bad.
Belgium is a much better country than Greece ever will be
Sounds like you are describing my ex from Lyon
Coming from someone coming when at the end of any war and steal on the glory of others (especially the Soviets in WW2)...
>tfw the Irish look exactly like the English
Only the race traitors. Native purebloods are good looking. The west of Ireland has plenty of good looking girls that were untouched by Anglo influence in The Pale
>implying im murican
im legal immigrant from europe sandnigger
I have lived in Belgium for one year. Lanaken if you are interested. I actually got depressed and suicidal from all the boredom and the lame antisocial people. Had to leave and party hard in Greece to go back to normal.
Me too! We might be cousins!
kys alberto
Nah dude literally the only noticeable difference are the accents.
Albania, after that Romania because of gypsies.
Stay mad.
Kek, yeah come back to dance some fado to your cove
God damn dude, life is one hell of a ride.
Whats good my distant cousin?
maybe you just didn't belong there and no one outright told you that
England; Inbred and arrogant. The rest over there aren't that bad though, do love me some Scots to celebrate Oktoberfest with.
Anyone got those ARYANDIED photos
>Only noticable difference is the accents
Only in certain parts of the country are we that bad. Dublin in particular is bad due to historical Anglo presence there so you may have seen one of the worse spots.
>Kraut only likes the most cucked country in the UK
Why am I not surprised
Dunno. I hit it of with the Germans I met. Cool people that actually went out and did shit.
France. Before Germany, was known as the destroyer of Yurop. The reason Byzantinium fell was due to the frogs siding with Ottomans and attacking the Holy Roman Empire when it was going to join the war against the invading Mudslime hordes
>ho the fuck thought it was a good idea to name a country "Former something"
That was the Greeks actually
Everyone else just calls it Macedonia
>A country
Can you guys just go back to calling yourselves England already? The other states don't even get to decide anything in regards to policy and are just there for the economic bonuses.
I've been all over this wee country and you are simply wrong sir.
Did they think you were a refugee?
Turkey- dirty muslim Turk kebabs
Albania- dirty muslim Albanian kebabs
Muslim part of Bosnia- you get the idea
Sweden-leftist cucks
France- I had to learn French in high school and it's the shittiest languafe ever and I hated it
Belgium-Belly of the beast(EU)also half French
Netherlands- The Hague tribunal
Austria- Former imperial power that attacked us but broke the teeth on us and fell appart LOL fuck you.Long live Gavrilo Princip!
Ukraine- Long live independent DNR and LNR! Crimea is Russia!
Azerbaijan- Naghorno Kharabah is Armenia!
And finnaly Bulgaria- Turkish bastards mixed with slavic tribes, claim to be great but they are so shitty. Also backstabbers.
Thought we were on about culture. If we're talking overall politics of the countries I'd definately side with Wales. Literally fuck sheep and be irrelevant, they're living the dream.
Dunno. They didn't offer me to rape their sisters though. So probably not.
They were waiting for you to take the lead. Women don't ask men out user
I am talking about their brothers.
England biggest bunch of faggots since time began
It's the same thing. They were waiting for you to take the initiative
Anglos the scum of europe.
They were using every single european country for their own use and backstabbed every single nation one planet earth expect Portugal.
This Fuckers don't give a shit about any life expect their own.
They are absolute extreme when coming to Realpolitik.
They comited so fucking much war crimes, genocide etc. in history and got away with every single one of them.
But the most disgusting thing is that they pretend to be "friends" "noble allie" "honorable opponent" but when the dust settles they immediately backstab you.
Bismarck would be fucking proud about British.
And in the end their "son" (Murica) went in his father's steps and ultimately betrayed British Empire and ended British Imperialism.
Tbqh England if I look at it from a continental view. Don't get me wrong England is the best nation that ever was and will be but due to our unique position in Europe our foreign policy is almost entirely designed to make sure the rest of Europe is so shit it cannot make a navy and invade our island. I wouldn't say it's immoral because all other European nations would do the same in our position but it has come at the expense of a united Europe and we do often ruin other nations shit to protect our own.
>Only picking Albania because they are Africa poor isn't good enough
>Ireland are the niggers of Europe but some of the blame is on England because of my pervious point. A strong Ireland is bad for our homeland.
I'm sorry Europeans if it's any constellation we do often help the smaller countries tell the bigger ones to fuck off and we're not into the Unified Europe shit that the Germans and French are obsessed about.
Sloveninas, refusing to investigate "The Black Hand" nshit...
Fixed map
They are still pissy about Trieste I believe