Sup Forums help, I'm disconnected from people as much as a psychopath, what do I take to gain sensitivity to people?
Sup Forums help, I'm disconnected from people as much as a psychopath, what do I take to gain sensitivity to people?
Realize that there are entire parts of your brain devoted to social interaction. They're just not being used.
I used to be overanalytical. I would be strict, formal, all about functionality and efficiency. I would judge everyone around me. I wasn't the smart around, I was just the one who was more in control of my body. So I thought. I was a walking contradiction, considering I'd go home and act like a complete shithead on Sup Forums and play vidya all the time.
I was forced into getting a job, which threw me into a social situation with all kinds of people. Not that work aquaintances and smalltalk is a valuable asset, but I was able to SEE that for what it is and other traits in people that I would normally overlook before. After all, previously I didn't care about social interaction. I wanted interaction, I even had an obsession with wanting to get laid (little did I know all the fine details inbetween that would've made it a literal cringe moment had I found myself having sex at that point of my life). Silly shit like that.
I had to find myself socially, then I started looking at myself inwardly and realized how many issues I have. I also realized what I've been doing with most of my life. I spent my life completely blind and essentially living by extremely vague principles. I wanted people to look at me and be intimidated by me and see wisdom. Like some powerful elder. I was such a little arrogant prick.
It really just takes throwing yourself in society, making an effort to understand your fellow man, and wanting to be a part of the world you live in. After all, this is the world you live in, not the abstract and invisible world you build around yourself.
nobody cares op
I somewhat care
Sup Forums is degenerate and it literally degenerates people who can't handle it well. If you started off in 2006 trying to fit in, then gradually became accepting of it. Whenever your favorite board falls in love with something, you either bash it or you try to reason yourself as to why it's good because you don't want to think outside of the hive. This is your community, your only community. This is when it becomes a problem.
(I mean the colloquial you, not YOU, btw)
think about self in same situation
i can socialize, but i just dont want to
Browsing Sup Forums on psychedelics is a huge redpill onto the site itself. You will seriously see how manipulated this site is and how downright retarded or brainwashed some of the people here truly are. There's seriously some shady shit going on in the backgrounds of this site
See yourself not as an individual but as a node in a network, bound by consequence and obligation, then give it time.
>what do I take to gain sensitivity to people
If you've lost it, I doubt there is anyway to regain it. It's hard to see people for people anymore when they act the way they do. I work a service job and am content with my pre-recorded responses.
Thanks and have a great night!
There's so many people who feel this way. Only a small percentage of them are actually antisocial, the rest are just those who don't really understand why they don't want to socialize. Most of the time it's because it's uncomfortable, and that in itself is due to anxiety or some other fucking reason.
You and me, we're the only people around who aren't fools.
It seriously seems like Sup Forums could be used to manufacture any kind of outcry. Sup Forums would not realize it, and would deny it up and down, even denying that there exists a hivemind here.
I could seriously see a group of people sitting down and manipulating the hivemind here, like they do with reddit, to think a certain way.
The rest of them doesn't browse Sup Forums, so that brings a question as to why we do. I do because I'm interested in politics but I also for some reason want to see Sup Forums's response to a lot of things. It's one of my few last remaining ties to Sup Forums. I mean it's like 10 or 11 years of me coming here, this isn't easy to let go.
i dont even have to initiate, people are drawn to me for some reason, 99% of my friends were them coming to me, so ive never felt like ive had to do shit. i even get approached by women all the time, so i dont even have to be the one asking them out. and i dont even fucking care about these people.
Or you know, you could have made friends growing up.
Maybe you're better socially than you realize. That's still an issue.. and it's even harder to see what people see in you sometimes. Or maybe you're just attractive. If the women who come up to you are clearly not interested in having a real connection with you other than dick to vagina, then you're probably hot as balls. Feel free to share pics of yourself buddy
I used to always have to initiate but now it's a mix and I think that's good. People seeing me as a human like them and having interests in me is cool
But I'm assuming no one here can go back in time
Although I could say your 20s is still "growing up" especially if you're trying to figure out yourself and your place in this world.
I think it's good I had many years of being a huge loner though, it gives me a different perspective on things. It makes me value people a lot more I think, especially since it's such a recent thing to me
If you have a child and they are completely alone, that's years of their lives missing out on the world they live in. That's a terrible thing.
Depends, what is it you don't like about people?
I hated other people's stupidity. This is an user place so I don't feel like a tool saying this, I have an IQ close to 140 and am a lawyer who makes tons of money. I'm smarter than almost everyone I socialize with. I used to have contempt for dumb people in college, but then I started to realize that I'm jealous of them in many ways. I'm jealous that half of them don't seem to care about politics, I'm jealous that their biggest concern is what bar they're going to on saturday. They live a much less stressful like than I do.
Now I cherish those people. My peers are all like me, they never turn their brain off. Always thinking. Idk where I'm going with this, but if you aren't trying to socialize its your own fault. Get out there, if you don't like socializing, why is it? Are you insecure? I used to be, and that's what made me avoid certain social situations in my younger years,
practice meditation and you'll eventually learn enough about yourself that you can apply to others
you're right and I've done it myself for fun, anonymous image boards lend themselves extremely well to priming people (bypasses the logical part of your brain that judges who an individual is as they're giving you information and if they're trustworthy or you know them well enough since there is no individual and skips straight to your emotional drive to accept new information if "the community" agrees, enhanced by visual thinking with repeated images) and we have such a big userbase that you could basically have anyone you wanted killed by memeing it well enough, we do it accidentally all the time
however beware the conclusions you come to from psychedelics since you see a lot of connections that aren't there when your brain is being drugged to see connections
I get the impression that most people are so social, when they see someone who's not interested in socializing, they figure it can't just be that they're fine alone, they must simply belong to a higher social status, and then ironically want to socialize with them even more to join them there
eg if you are a thirsty fucker begging women for sex they will not be interested since you're probably a desperate loser other women have judged as lacking, but if you turn down a woman hitting on you she'll want you even more since she assumes you must be very high quality to have high standards, and not just that you're not interested at all since that doesn't even occur to most people
Hey man, thanks. That struck a chord.
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