How badly is Trump going to fuck this country up?
How badly is Trump going to fuck this country up?
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Wait and see.
Nothing the next democrat administration can't deal with.
>literally hitler
So bad. I dont wanna have to go to work. Hes gonna take away my gibmedats and make me get a job. I wanna love in mom and dads basement forever. It's not fair!
prepare your anus for another 2008 style crash
stock market is the highest its ever been and he's not even in office yet
hes going to uncuck american pretty fierce
No really though all memes aside I think he will do alright. As long as he puts term limits on congress (or at least tries, and ousts the congressmen who don't want it), and doesn't start WW3 I will deem his Presidency a success.
The system is designed so that some one like him can't come in, and completely turn it over on its head. I didn't expect much out of him to begin with.
You realize he could sit in his office all day doing nothing and he would be better for the country than Obama has been?
If that happens there's like a 1% chance he would have anything to do with it, or even the ability to stop it for that matter.
You need to take economics 101, and then come back to talk with politics with the big boys.
I wonder how Seth is doing these days, David.
Hillary and her cronies wanted WW3
So nothing close to what Clinton would have done.
So much for draining the shit swamp
He was a piece of shit candidate
And he'll be a little bitch president
He'll be fine. He's not actually Republican so he can't fuck it up that badly
Considering that his pick for economic advisor is a vice-president from Goldman Sachs and his pick for the treasury chief is another Goldman shill, I'd say prepare your anus, the Jews are taking over the USA.
At the end of his mandate, you will gain a few hundred bucks worth of tax cuts, they will gain tens of billions, and this will be touted as a successful policy from which "everybody wins".
I agree, Obama's really doing a great job in his last month.
Pretty funny how many of these threads I see now that Sup Forums gained popularity from pizzagate. Basically going to have to take a break from all the paid trolls coming in here.
>he can't handle truth
>he takes a break
Bush x 100000000
Right now, the best case scenario for Trump is.
>>Republicans try to eliminate medicare/social security, but Trump prefers being popular to conservative orthodoxy. Many Republicans abandon conservatism entirely.
>>Border wall is build as a stimulus project. Tax on remittances passed, but doesn't come anywhere close to paying for it
>>Trump mostly spends his time using the office to make money for himself, ignores most of his promises
>>Federal government runs on autopilot, similar to the last six years
>>Russia conquers some country in Eastern Europe
>>Trump loses re-election bid due to breaking his promises, various scandals, and the recession we've been overdue for hitting under his watch.
>>Normal order begins to re-assert itself.
Lots of scandals and corruption but no lasting damage is the best we can hope for.
>Republicans try to eliminate medicare/social security, but Trump prefers being popular to conservative orthodoxy. Many Republicans abandon conservatism entirely.
Lol like their donors would ever allow that.
The other scenario I deem likely is that there's basically a coup in the White House and Trump becomes president-in-name-only.In which case, the "real" president is either
>>Pence, the VP
>>Ivanka, who has Trump's ear and he just does what she says
>>The deep state, collectively just doing whatever they want and ignoring the White House.
sensible chuckle.jpg
I'll never understand the border wall...its the 21st century for fucks sake. Walls have been officially obsolete since 1945....seriously, how byzantine of you.
so far he's played it exceedingly safe and if he just lets his cabinet run things it'll just be a transition back to bush or reagan economic and social policy without much else
that said the (((fed))) decided to increase rates right after he got elected so they're probably trying to punish America for voting a Republican and fucking up Obama's commie push
You have to be 18 to post here
>it'll just be a transition back to bush or reagan economic and social policy without much else
Which would be a fucking disaster considering that GOP Congress is so far to the right they will abolish the social safety net.
>How badly
If they actually reduce taxes instead of just redirecting the money that'd be fine
Most of our safety net today is being taken from people who'll never receive anything back because the schemes themselves are discriminatory or the programs are unsustainable(social security)
>or the programs are unsustainable(social security)
But that's not true dou
>that said the (((fed))) decided to increase rates right after he got elected so they're probably trying to punish America for voting a Republican and fucking up Obama's commie push
Huh? The fed already raised interest rates earlier during Obama's term. Lower interest rates is good for unemployment and bad for inflation, and now that unemployment is low it's time to start guarding against inflation. There's no point in keeping interest rates low, and conservatives have wanted them raised for a while
Serious opinion here.
Trump is a fucking idiot. He has no clue what he was doing. I was legitimately disappointed on election day and I am not "leftist cuck" I'm a realist.
He is going to fuck over the poor uneducated people who were his base. He basically has already with the Exxon and Goldman Sachs guys on his team. They'll be paying more for everything and getting paid less, fun times ahead.
His foreign policy? It's a fucking joke. He says one thing but means the opposite. Maybe he's so dumb he doesn't even understand he's a liar. He said he would cut military aid to Israel, don't hold your breath for that promise to be fulfilled.
I just really fucking hate Trump and this timeline and this isn't a bait.
Considering the Republicans control all 3 branches again. Expect to see them piss off a lot of people by destroying Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, not to mention they're going to kill Obamacare and just kick the can down the road for anything to replace it which will cause premiums to skyrocket again as opposed to just steadily increasing.
Between fucking with those programs, (and that's not even getting into the disastrous trickle down economic policies they're going to be even after Republicans tried to implement and see it fail, twice.)
If Sanders succeeds in wrestling the Democratic Party away from the Conservative Clinton faction, holy shit, 2020 is going to be fun just because he'll be the populist and Trump will be the system who will use everything, regardless of morality to hold his office.
>the programs are unsustainable
Remove the cap and unless Russia came up with new math for people to run by, Social Security would remain solvent indefinitely.
Expect to see the Republicans run a divide and conquer scheme between the generations like they did last time. The current people and baby boomers still get their benefits and everyone else gets fucked over.
Yeah, about that, it's actually going up TOO FAST. People are banking way too much on his presidency being amazing for the market and pricing it in too high. The current stock market level is unrealistic so the rebound is going to happen eventually and, when it does, it might cause a reccession.
Stock market going up is good. Stock market soaring up out of nowhere really, really fast is bad.
>If Sanders succeeds in wrestling the Democratic Party away from the Conservative Clinton faction, holy shit, 2020 is going to be fun just because he'll be the populist and Trump will be the system who will use everything, regardless of morality to hold his office.
If Sanders ran against Trump the Democrats will take over government for 100 years. Trump could not run on anything populist and would be regarded as a billionaire plutocrat after his redneck base is fucked over.
If America can survive 4 years of Trump, America will literally survive anything
No worse than Hillary would have.
He's gonna fuck it up bigly. Beleaf me
They have already proposed the Social Security Reform Act of 2016. It is a marker bill, meaning it currently exists only to go to the floor when the new congress sits.
It will cut social security benefits 30-80% across the board to fund a tax cut on the higher income earners. It mostly affects the middle class.
Better pray Trump things this is too much or the government will essentially run off with all the money they took in SS. Well, worse then before I mean.
Those damn fuckinG seals up to shit again
>It mostly affects the middle class.
Aka Trump voters.
To continue that thought, it's going to pass for sure as Republicans are framing it as saving social security. In actuality, it bascially makes the benefits so small you might as well not even have it for all the good it does.
It's a ebic new pizzagate meme
He'd have to turn it over to a Satanic child exploitation ring to do worse than the previous clowns.
>Thinking Trump is bad for the country
>Experienced 8 years of Obama
nigga wat?
The people who are getting the worst out of a Trump presidency are not mexicans or muslims or even sjws. It's the very people who voted for him.
They're gonna get fucked in the ass by all their economic policies and oil wars.
Good riddance.
>It's the very people who voted for him.
Yup, it's like pottery!
But there's a 100% chance he'd be blamed for it.
Check out this bullshit SJW PC soup commercial. Don't forget to thumbs down! Do your part POL
>Muh ww3 meme
not significantly more than any other republican would have.
Your opinion is respected, but calling yourself a 'realist' while 100% siding with the pessimistic view on Trump instead of having a reasonable amount of skepticism for every possibility, positive and negative, while still holding true to your gut, that's pretty stupid.
Your post consists of nothing but sheer assumptions, there's not a single piece of proof for you to back up all of the accusations you just made.
Both sides are jumping to conclusions. We've yet to see anything.
he's gonna throw us all in FEMA(death) camps, I'm down with it tho atleast I'll be laughing at the thought of all the terrified liberals while I'm thrown into the oven
Yeah, except the market has been pricing in the interest rate hike for 2 years now
these cucks are only interested in money now, and Trump is going to give it to them
I like to think that the POTUS does not have enough power to fuck things up. That said, Trump is surrounding himself with morons, will run the country like one of his bankrupt businesses and has the potential to be the worst president so far. He is in way over his head. America may become a fullblown vasal state of Russia soon, and their economy is not doing so well. America is also close to bankrupt: people live way above their means. Trump should be walking on egg shells and find a way to keep the war machine rolling. But his demeanor and Putin loving don't bode well.
Lets just see. As of now he is not even president yet, but a single tweet is able to vaporize 799million market cap of American businesses.
You all get the leader you deserve though, and America deserves to feel what it is like to be a 2nd or 3rd world country. Trump could be doing us all a favor.
Yup, Trump's America will look like Brazil in the 1940s with iPhones. It's gonna be a fucking disaster.
He already said he isn't building the wall. He isn't jailing Hillary. You're getting conned.
trump is going to make the us look like brazil circa 2016
why is Sup Forums 50% shills post election? people shilling for bernie? what the actual fuck?
I feel sad for my Sup Forums bros. I really hoped you guys would get what you wanted out of Trump.
It seems more likely that you'll become a 3rd world Russian colony now, ruled by big oil.
I'm really sad you got conned by that orange man. I wish you'd get your wall a muh jobs and everything you wanted.
Kek trolled you.
stop using shill buzzword
No matter what side you're on it's a retarded conclusion. Especially if you mentioned nukes. Every world leader who has enough brain function to move their limbs knows that if you resort to nukes it's game over for all sides.
who knows. It's a wild card. Everyone who's either positive or negative is fucking kidding themselves. He hasn't even taken office and done anything and yet it's super polarized. In any case, it has to be better than obama's last 4 years.
Except Trump is going to Make Anime Real and he is actually doing it.
America is going to become more like Japan.
Not as bad as how democrats will fail
At least I still get my freedoms and not become a drug-war infested shithole with designated shitting streets and ISIS members as far as the eye can see.
The modern nukes is cyber warfare. And Trump knows less about cyber than his 10 year old autistic son. After Iran Stuxnet and the retaliation on financial systems in US who knows what will happen with this dino at the wheel?
The irony here is the Republicans are playing reverse Robin hood by taking the money that was put in by the poor and middle class and just handing it over to the rich.
It's going to boil down a propaganda war, of the Republicans calling it 'shared sacrifice' to keep the system running. Verses the democrats saying it's the rich fucking over the poor.
Although the real question is how much they're going to blow up the filibuster since that's the reason they were able to cripple Obama even when he had both chambers of congress. Since if they abolish it, it's going to bite them in the ass when they are in a position of weakness next time. Which is why Reid was very reluctant to mess with it.
Not 100 years, but enough of a blow back that all those 'socialist' programs he wants would be pushed through. As I said, it really depends on if his faction can wrestle control from conservatives that have run the party since Clinton took charge in 1992 and has been pushing the democrats further and further to right since then.
But that's wrong. You won't get your freedom. You're the cuck while Russia fucks your wife, niggers riot in your streets and sjws mindcontrol your women.
Then maybe Barron should be Secretary of Cyber amirite
Can confirm that since he won the election the coal industry has picked up here in Kentucky and west Virginia. So there's a lot of good men getting their jobs back.
Is the EPA scared of the orange tyrant?
While you're full of gigantic shit, because you're just some butthurt irrelevant spic, even if that were true, better it be white Russians than filthy shitskin Syrian scum.
how the fuck could it get worse than it is now? cmon m8
Invest in gold today!
I'm not. I was wishing for the best for my alt-right US Sup Forums bros until you showed up.
Also not sure where you get Syrian from this but alright.
Good luck with your Exxon leaders and BLM rise.
>how the fuck could it get worse than it is now
It can be far far far worse. You think people are living poor now? Boy wait till Trump and the tea party faggots get their way.
I'm just gonna sit back and watch as libbies cry cry cry for 8 years. Fuck you.
>14 posts by this ID
Damn Patton, chill out.
Big League.
At the minimum we'll have another housing crisis leading to a great recession
Judging by his cabinet picks, he's looking like GWB 2.0.
>Lots of scandals and corruption but no lasting damage is the best we can hope for.
Hillary lost
This country is already fucked up
OP, apparently people in the USA are soo fucking dumb that they though Bush did a heck of a job and wanted to double down. Of course once Trump and the Republicans destroy everything they touch they'll stick their heads up their asses and blame Obama despite the FACT that he saved the USA from going into a depression while the Repukes did nothing but fight him every step of the way because they wanted to see the country fail. These are the same cocksuckers who are trumpeting 800 jobs saved at Carrier while ignoring that 1300 are still going to Mexico while Obama saved over 1,000,000 jobs with the stimulus package that helped auto-manufacturers which EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTED AGAINST because they're the scum of the fucking Earth!
Hillary is more Bush than Trump is you fucking retard
He'll Make America Great Again ...
>Great Recession (Bush)
>Great Depression (Hoover)
This is why every Republican should be lined up against a wall and shoot.
Stimulus saves no jobs. When the government pays 1,000,000 people to do something, 1,000,000 private sector jobs must be eliminated to compensate. And, the added jobs are non productive, whereas the eliminated ones WERE productive.