How many weeks/months/years have you been browsing Sup Forums? Has it had any affect on your day-to-day mindset (despondence, depression, lack of engagement etc. as negative examples? Do you have friends/family/colleagues you can discuss your views with?
How many weeks/months/years have you been browsing Sup Forums...
General interest, Brazil. Looking to compare to my own trajectory.
Three or two years now.
Yeah, I've lost a lot of people.
I got a great-grandmother who's surprisingly still alive, we rant about niggers.
Ironically it has motivated me to start lifting and trying to improve myself. I can talk about Sup Forums stuff with my dad.
2 years soon
of course ive more concerns now but overall id say im happier
3 years.
I can say I'm happier now that I have an outlit for my hate that I've kept up for all these years.
Sup Forums makes me happy in so many strange ways from it's jokes to it's culture.
Get out, all of you.
Data mining is forbidden. Saged and hidden.
Maybe you're right. After all, the influx of new posters has only increased the quality of posting here.
Around two years, was pretty clued up on race when I first joined but I didn't really feel validated until I came on Sup Forums.
im a black guy, and when i first came here, i was bluepilled and thought of all of you as backward racists. now i browse here everyday, and ironically, Sup Forums made me a better man, with its thoughtful discussions and logical explanations, as well as shitposting from time to time. some of you guys may not regard me as a friend, but you guys really did make me mature, and i thank you for that
I used to be far-left, bluepilled af, depressed, and alone. I couldn't love my fellow human beings, because all I saw in them was privilege, oppression, and sociopathy. I suspected myself of those same things and hated myself for the sufferings of innocent victims whose daily struggles I would never understand because of my identity.
Then, I found Sup Forums. I learned that it was okay to love myself, my family, my race, my culture, and my country. I no longer feel guilt for imagined crimes that I never committed. I no longer feel alone, since I found a trad-Catholic qt3.14, even more redpilled than I, who has taught me the truth about Jewish perfidy and Muslim taqiyya. I have found the peace that I sought all those lost and irredeemably marred years of liberal brainwashing. I have a job, a future, a life, because Sup Forums taught me to rise above NEETdom and embrace the possibility of change for the better. Sup Forums taught me to be a man.
If you weren't here when it was /new/ then you need to go back.
2 and a half years.
>mfw everybody is happier after pol
The progressive mindset truly is a cancer on humanity
It's cool mein neggar, just keep your lawn up and don't be a stereotype.
Around 2 years.
It has.
Both positive and negative.
My Brother.
I'm more alpha now and more confident of myself after realizing I could handle the bullshit that was thrown at me when I "came out" as a Trump supporter. Lost around 50 facebook friends (out of 300) when I made a series of pro-Trump posts. None of them were worth a rat's ass. Now girls look at me more often and the ones that know me see me as a bad boy Trump guy who isn't afraid to stand up for what he thinks is right.
5 years, used to be a "poor muslim terrorists USA is the bad guy" and then came to Sup Forums and laughed my way to being red pilled
i remember the day I became holohoaxer and it was strange
redpilled my mom but stopped because she doesn't need this world view, red pilled a few of my friends but moved now have to redpill the new friends that took me 2 years to make, going well so far, not working with nothing here though, both like Trump
stay strong black-bro true Sup Forumssters love you
I wish you well user.
And all of you, in fact.
I'm 25 years old. I've been browsing and posting in Sup Forums for 2-3 years but wish I'd been here earlier. 16 to 21-22 feels like such a dead, empty waste of time and life.
then why don't you post your own answers so we can compare with OP??
Before Sup Forums:
I was a Republican that believed everything I heard on fox news. I would openly debate with people and would constantly be proven wrong. I got along fine with people and I had the policy of live and let live, but would adjust my life if asked whether it was by a girlfriend, or just some random person who said I somehow offended him. I got along with people just fine and was obsessed with social media
After Sup Forums:
I consider myself to be national socialist to an extent, however I hold libertarian values when it comes to some social issued. Sup Forums has actually become my preferred source of news because its easy to tell shitpost from real shit and the news stories brought up by faggots on here have to do with big picture crap like soros and globalist takeovers, things the news refuses to report on. I rarely debate anyone since I know more than them, yet the few times I have it ended in people either unfriending me or getting extremely butt hurt, once I was even called a racist which made me go off on a rant on the person, which ended in a long series of bullshit death threats from people I'd never even met. Back on topic though I don't care if I offend someone, I usually tell them the fucking meme that "if mere words hurt you than I feel sorry for you" and it causes butt hurt. I'm not tolerant when people ask me to conform to what makes them feel better like there was once when a Muslim asked if I could not eat a bacon cheeseburger in front of him I began to eat the bacon alone while making direct eye contact. Another time some cross dresser at my college asked me to not refer to him as a man, I proceeded to call him dude and man whenever I got the chance. I also have realized there's no point to dating while I'm in college, girls cost a shit ton of money and I'm paying out of pocket so I'd rather just use tinder if I really get the urge.
In all honesty life has become better, but more lonely. Hard to make friends when youre an asshole
Did before your post.
It's crazy how much better I feel and how much less of a fucking faggot I am. Got in a group project at college recently and one of our members was basically me before I got out of my leftist phase. Whiny, self-entitled bitchboy. It physically hurt talking to him sometimes.
I made friends with the other two by the end of the project.
Nobody's said a word to bitchboy.
Around two years, only started posting a few months ago, when the election was still going on.
Hasn't really affected my life that much. I have people I can talk with.
Give it time and keep dropping facts and infographics. All lefties who stay here for a while end up converting when they can no longer reconcile facts with the crazy dogmatic shit their liberal friends say.
You're black & not a nigger, so most of non-stormfag Sup Forums has no problem with you
>inb4 nu-Sup Forums
What is it with the leftist phase?
I had one in university. Is it a result of the ultra-liberal uni-professors or something more? I was miserable as fuck in uni despite being part of the crowd.
Being browsing /pol for about two years. I use to be a bluepilled lefty and a bit of a whimp. Now I'm much more of a man than I was a few years ago. Life is going well too!
i remember when it was introduced. 11 was it? thought it was funny i guess off and on. hasn't effected anything dude it's just a board.
To answer the other question:
Since spring 2015
Somewhat, most of my friends agree on moral values and thoughts about civility, but none agree with me on things I believe in, such as pizza gate and the globalist influence
Life for me still feels empty and i sometimes feel like i live for nothing, then i get the Sup Forums fervor, I know we fight, we change the world, brexit and trump are the first steps but we will throw it all in (((their))) faces.
Man, I see in Sup Forums the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables, NEET; wageslaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and nigger clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a meme war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.
I've been here for about two years, I was always right leaning and religious but Sup Forums made me realize the wrong side won WW2
trying to dive into the bullshit of the world, latching on to the easy defeatist vicim in order to rid yourself of the blame
I agree with your sentiment, but you're a Fight Club fan, aren't you?
I used to be somewhat of a leftist faggot, but then I came here. I assume I came here like most for some "le epic nazi trolling" but then I saw the truth. At first I denied these arguments on an emotional level, when I knew it was secretly true. over time I became "redpilled". Most curse the redpill, but I thank it. I'm very grateful for actually taking the time to come here, it's really opened up my eyes. Thank you Sup Forums Oh yeah, I'm fairly "new" almost two years now. The only thing I feel is anger. I hate the fact that many Europeans refuse to acknowledge them essentially being exterminated by the (((UNs))) encouraged immigration.
The entire culture is about inculcating you into it. Younger, more impressionable and less critical minds are thus susceptible to that pervasive culture, especially since it is frequently packaged as being "edgy" or "modern", which also appeals to young people.
Furthermore, younger people are in some sense /naturally/ more leftist exactly because of their naivete about the world, and also since they typically don't own real property or have a large amount of money put together that they have to care for. Conversely, older people tend to become more conservative in some way shape manner or form, exactly because as a result of buying a house, having a kid, etc, they now have some socio-economic skin in the game of society beyond their own, such that they are actually obliged not to want cultural rot or misguided-yet-seductive economic policy, which is what the left typically has to offer.
I had it leaving highschool, dropping out of college a couple times, and then believe it or not I found /r/TheRedPill. Swallowed that, and then started looking for more reactionary stuff beyond just gender related shit. Learned a lot of important shit about people, but probably most of all I learned about myself and about the importance of being able to just...not try to prove yourself to people. The degree to which liberalism is about trying to prove yourself is pathological. I learned the self reliance and confidence I needed to not keep giving into temptation - the temptation to be lazy, the temptation to prove myself to anyone other than me, the temptation to give in to vice like booze, burgers and late nights on school days.
Tried the college thing again after that pill.
1 Semester to go.
I was never bluepilled. I (((Googled))) "Federal Reserve" & ran into a conspiracy article talking about all sorts of redpilled JBS shit that I'd never heard before. This was in 2003, back when (((Google))) wasn't actively shilling for the gov. I've believed in conspiracies since late 2004, & only a decade later did a weeb friend recommend the Chan because "you'd like the lulz, especially on Sup Forums XDDD!"
I didn't get the point when I first started browsing at the start of 2015. It was only when I run into a thread about ideal gf's, & an user boasting about how his girl hated niggers & racemixers & didn't talk back, that I was hooked
Me and my friends were always pretty redpilled. We found Sup Forums while lurking on Sup Forums for a while. I think people mature from Sup Forums to Sup Forums. But these newer people are often from other sites. So I wonder how it changed them and how they reacted initially.
19, been here for 3 years. Sup Forums for 5.
I am, remember why we are here, the first rule and the second
fuck i have to go hide my power level at a christmas party with a buch of rich successful people
I've been in Sup Forums since 2006 only been in /pol for the past 5 years maybe.
>Has it had any affect on your day-to-day mindset (despondence, depression, lack of engagement etc. as negative examples?
The negativity wore off after the first 2 years from having learned the truth and the reality I coddled myself with torn apart around me. It was overwhelming at first but once you lie back and accept that this is the way the world is it gets easier.
My time spent here has improved my outlook on most everything. It's all a game and you have to know how to play it and you can't play it unless you know the rules. The truth shouldn't depress you because it's the truth. Only those obsessed with the perfect answer become depressed when the truth is told.
>Do you have friends/family/colleagues you can discuss your views with?
All my roommates, most my friends and all of my family are Trump supporters.
Only degenerates hide their support for their party. I'm an open conservative and most people know I'm a NatSoc. that are involved in my life.
I'm basically a National Socialist thanks to Sup Forums.
I started as an anarcho communist. After reading a non ironic article saying not fucking trannys was transphobia something had clicked. Seeing how (((they))) really do own the media, are fucking EVERYWHERE where power lies and basically just the stupid shit they obviously push on the masses I just had enough. Came here out of curiosity after leaving Sup Forums for years and followed a link to a merchant minute video.
I still think that the Holocaust happened but I'm starting to question it. There's a lot of suspicious shit surrounding it.
>Mfw my friends think I'm still extreme bottom left quadrant,
>Mfw I'm casually slipping them redpills
>Mfw autistic identity politics is to blame for all this shit
Used to hop off and on Sup Forums ever since 2012 or so. Witness Sup Forums harbor and thought it was the funniest thing, at the time.
Was here during the chimpouts after the trayvon martin case, and the Michael Brown riots
But last year around August when Trump started I jumped onboard and it changed me.
Thank you Sup Forums for opening my eyes beyond the MSM, had many keks and whatnot and many keks are still to come. Before Sup Forums I browsed Sup Forums (before it turned into porn threads) and Sup Forums
Been around for almost three years.
Was already "red pilled" by the time I found the website and this board, so it didn't change that much my personal views regarding the topics you guys talk about so often around here; but it was great knowing that there are a lot of people that share the same thoughts on many topics such as politics / philosophy and etc.
It had a positive impact on me because as any "community", things are prone to persuade you to improve yourself and search for more answers for your own questions and your own doubts.
As a negative impact, I can say that I became more and more ruthless when it comes to pondering feelings vs rationality, I became more skeptical and more logically oriented.
I mean, that's bad by liberal standards actually, because in my perception that's the natural role of a man in the overall, a man must take care of his things and his thoughts without putting his feelings as his major priority in life.
It actually helps you a lot when making your own decisions and deciding the path you wanna choose for your life.
I can say I developed more the "dark triad" personality thing I already had, but I didn't break the condition nor changed who I already was before I found this website.
This website didn't have any impact on my practical life though, my friends didn't stop talking to me, and I would never make any harm to anyone based on the things I've read here, or even based on the things I wrote here.
I don't think this is a place where people get "radicalized" or anything like that by any means.
On the contrary, it's a great place where freedom of speech is still alive, and where people that don't know a lot about what's going on in the world can actually learn about it.
lmao that pic, true though
day 1 faggot. now stop sliding this forum.
leftypol needs gassed
let me think
I think the first time I ever heard of Sup Forums I was in the 9th grade so around 2012. I didn't really browse the site a lot but I had friends who would get on Sup Forums to find weird shit.
Then eventually after getting on to Sup Forums once I found out about Sup Forums so I browsed it a little bit. I remember seeing a lot of post about Ron Paul and Nazi post. Primarily Ron Paul.
Through Sup Forums I was introduced to libertarian-ism. This influenced a lot of my opinion at a young age. Previous to that I was more liberal. I eventually stopped getting on Sup Forums for a while but I came back for a little bit every now and then.
I remember back during the summer right before the election had started I came back to Sup Forums and was seeing what was going on since the election was soon to start.
Most people were pro Rand Paul and that's who I was supporting. It's crazy looking at how things change.
After the first debate I came on Sup Forums and I can't really remember there being much Trump support just yet. I remember people posting "GET A WARRANT YOU FAT FUCK" referring to Rand's response to Christie.
Eventually I got off Sup Forums again for a while but once I started to support Trump and his memefication really started to pick back up I came back and been here since.
I'm 19 now but this election has really red-pilled me more than anything. I also feel like the whole ideology has helped me to seek improvement in life and in general made me a better person.
Have one Sup Forumsack friend i speak to and organize with. We both lean fashy, so it works out pretty k despite us not being average Sup Forums material.
Since starting to browse, I've gotten much more focused and much more stern, but I can't really say how much of that is going from 18 to 21 and how much is Sup Forums. Got serious about politics, started going to the gym more seriously, read a bunch of philosophy, standard spiel. I don't really miss the ignorance, but I do miss not being angry or disgusted all the time, or at least so frequently.
It's a little demoralizing to open your eyes and so how far the west has collectively fallen at the hands of a few puppeteers, through whatever means they've engineered it, conventional or supernatural. It makes me sad now to open a lot of history books. I'm glad for the meager bit of enlightenment hanging around a bunch of conspiracy theorists has brought, but I can't help but reminisce a bit when I just believed whatever my family said and repeated what the people on tv said I should.
not a good feeling when half the shit you think would normally earn you a fedora though desu
Sup Forums does make you feel like you're carrying a burden of truth. I sometimes too wish I was just ignorant normie with no worry of darker shit happening in the world
gas yourself nog