Daily reminder Sam Hyde got face fucked by a tranny

Daily reminder Sam Hyde got face fucked by a tranny.

That seems like something he would do.

I am jelly desu

>Sam hyde
>In great shape

Pick one

he also deflowered marky
i dont know how can anyone watch this unfunny piece of shit

Just makes me prouder of him.

Any straight man who isn't insecure about his sexuality would want to be face fucked by a tranny that hot.

Who is Sam Hyde and why should Sup Forums care? Nobody gives a shit about gender/trap "politics". Traps have no WMD so they are irrelevant.

Any straight sweden "man" who isn't insecure...


>t. /mlp/

Still mad that he stole your shekels?

At least >she is hot.

That's why saunas are so popular in Finland?



You go to sauna with other men, not trannies... What's your point?

Sup Forums in 2016 everyone, Trump has destroyed this site

/mlp/ didn't trust that shit from the beginning, they tried to warn any who had fallen so far down the autism hole that they would donate that it was fake.

This guy is truly Sup Forums the comedian IRL.


so has doug standhope and he's one of the best comedians out there, faggot.

What the fuck is going on in this thread?

A tripfag tranny says it fucked a TV-syndicated comedian therefore it's true?

David Duke

>one of the best comedians out there
if you're fucking 12

liberal shills trying hard to tarnish their enemy's reputation. they got his show canceled and are still not satisfied. liberals truly are vile people.

welp, i guess this makes him /ourguy/

quite a rare flag sir, pretty too


that's why all the big name comedians say he's one of the best. go fuck yourself.

Thank you kind sir.

>source is Sup Forums posts made by a tripfag tranny

Must be true mate, i doubt anyone would make things up for attention on Sup Forums
Could never see a tripfag or tranny doing something solely for attention

Sam Hyde is a strange person.

>he wanted me to top a lot
So his fetish is primarily getting fucked by trannies? Is it normally this or do most guys want to fuck boipucci?

I usually charge money if a trap wants to face fuck me.


So what?

Pizzagate has revealed that alot of famous people do weird, kinky shit behind closed doors.

Atleast he's not a pedophile like the Podesta brothers and the Clintons.

honestly used to be mad about this. now im just jelly.

hahaa ive been here forever and ive never heard of fucking marky

ex TV-syndicated, thank you.
Source is from years ago before he was famous. It's too well done to be a troll, way too much nuance. The face this board can buy into pizzagate but dismiss this as a hoax really says a lot.

I remember when this first came out you fucking retard, sam was already known on this site before /lgbt/ existed. It was obviously made up when it started andis just as made up now. Even in the fucking image the tranny forgot their own story and got corrected by someone else

I believe pizzagate is real, and I believe Sam fucked a tranny. Doesn't change my opinion of him.