Drumpf lost by 3,000,000 votes.
Why the fuck isn't Hillary president?
John Oliver is objectively unfunny to anyone that is over the age of 12
Read the federalist papers, specifically the one's dealing with tyranny of the majority. Subtract Los Angeles and New York and Trump wins
It's hard to be anti-Trump while at the same time immediately losing all respect for people who can't spell 5 letters right.
Electoral college retard. How many more slide threads are you shills going to make asking this question? At least think of better material. Oh and the voting recount outs trump ahead anyways. Get fucked.
>wah wah wah not my president!
>Liberals dont even know how the election works
no wonder you lost
There was at least 3 million illegals that voted.
because the founders weren't stupid enough to let the leech party fight all voting laws, have the president encourage illegals to vote then pretend because you pack half of Mexico into CA you win anything
Drumpf is his original family name asshole.
if so many people wanted a democrat in office, why didnt' they vote for democrat Senators and Representatives?
But it isn't his family name now, retard.
You're making fun of an immigrant's last name.
You're the asshole, bigot.
Eliminate new York and California and Trump won the popular vote. 4 millions liberal in cali or nyc dont count. .
Shit we better start calling everyone with the family name "Smith", "Smytthe" instead
This is a CTR thread meant to destract from Pizzagate.
The wagecuck will not save you, pedoscum. I'd get to packing if I were you.
all illegal aliens though
> Why the fuck do all liberals mostly live in NYC, California, and Washington state.
It's wasn't a popularly contest.
Three million you say?
you were just caught spreading false information.
>Russia hacked the election
>Hillary still leads in overall votes
Sounds like a shitty hack.
Because California doesn't get to decide elections.
Because Trump won by 74 points retard.
I can only imagine Hillary in her HQ when the results for PA/WI/MI started rolling in.
I hope her score gets even bigger so you could keep raging.
but if the electoral college votes are spread by population doesn't that just make democratic states in commiefornia more powerful
>1 month later liberals are still crying
we won, you lost. get over it.
No. That math doesn't even make sense.
Yeah the 'founders' were really thinking about California and illegal immigrants.
Holy fuck you're an idiot.
So what you're saying is that you're a racist?
>1 post by this ID
Well shill, you're employer rigged the wrong states.
Trump's last name has been Trump for his entire life. It would make sense if he personally changed it from Drumpf, but he didn't.