32 Days

32 days is all it took for you fuckers to abandon Drumpf and realize you got conned.

He will do nothing he promised.

He will be the worst, most divisive president of our lives.

He will destroy the middle class and give corporate welfare to billionaires.

He will exponentially raise the debt to make up for drastic reductions in tax revenue.

He will end America's run as the greatest country on the planet.

It will be your fault.

Other urls found in this thread:



We haven't abandoned Trump you crackhead. Stop believing everything Reddit/etc tells you. Our plan is still 100% on track and things are going great.

You sound just like one of those redneck hicks when Obama got into office.

Holy shit how the tides have turned lol

I see all this shit that you've typed., but all I can read is, "I'm an obnoxious faggot, please disregard everything I've said."

Reddit go away please


Trump is appointing Goldman Sachs jewlords to his cabinet.

Exactly the opposite of what he said he'll do.

Anyone who voted for Trump helped destroy America

He's going to be the best president ever. No doubts.

After this, the public will demand the successful businessman for potus rather than smooth talking lawyers.

His pragmatic approach will not be hindered by ideology. He will trim the waste as if it were his own company.

Enjoy the next 4 years.


You dumb fuck, nobody has abandoned Trump, he just keeps doing better and better.

Trump is the best president ever and he hasn't even taken office yet.

Lmao, Trump is greatest President since Nixon!
Uneducated fools. Haha xDDD

You really voted for the SJW hugger Clinton?

Lel, whatever Trump does know that with Clinton it would be 10 times worse and you'd have more SJW progressiveness.

I'm pretty sure this board is just indiscriminately contrarian. Now that authority is changing hands you can already see people gearing up to switch sides. This place will be a progressive liberal safe space before too long.


underbudget and ahead of schedule, as always

>He will do nothing he promised.

he can build a really small wall and say he built the wall though




pol always hated blacks, that's never going to happen.

I think people are just upset over some things Trump does, rather than wanting that Hillary's SJW pizza cult would've won.

Please post more salt for my collection

Trumptards have become what they hated

Give it a little while and then we'll see. Maybe not everybody will jump ship, but I wouldn't be surprised if you start seeing a much bigger liberal presence.


No one abandonned him. Fuck off loser.

(((Donald J Trump)))


The point of these hires has already been explained. Do not reply to obvious paid shilling.

Why are you virgins still getting paid? you lost!


Never fooled me for a second. *^_^*

You dumbass, the only plan was to anger SJWs, scare the faggots and maybe have a few trannies commit suicide. So far, shit is looking on point. So fuck off.

No draining of the shit swamp

>Goldamn sachs
>Richest cabinet ever
Oil masters will bleed you dry and his team couldn't give two shits of a rats ass about the middle class, they're out to make a buck on you poor saps

Fucking pathetic

ples helb, ob

my erections are gone

Also the bigliest funny president

I can't believe there are still people who don't realize they've been tricked into filling the executive branch with rich democrats

32 days and you are still salty

Yes, this would explain all the Soros funded protesting going on. He's upset at all the rich Democrats getting hooked up.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

>Exactly the opposite of what he said he'll do.

Good thing about cabinet members... you can kick them out at any time and get someone else.

>merchant costanza from a leaf

He's upset that he's not getting his piece since he backed the wrong horse you leaf.

why are you retards still shilling?

who the fuck is paying you now?

>Our plan is still 100% on track and things are going great.
It really fucking isn't. His administration will be so much more (((corrupt))) than we wanted. It's a fucking travesty and I wish everyone here would join me in swallowing their pride and realize we are being swindled. My loyalty is to ideas and this asshole convinced me he was loyal to the same ideas but he isn't. We should unite and hold Trump to the promises he made to us which secured his presidency in the first place. Please don't lose sight of the future we wanted. It's slipping away and nobody will even acknowledge it because they're so prideful and don't want to admit the truth.


Schadenfreude is worth more than Hillary was paying me


his administration hasnt even done anything and you're calling them corrupt.

you're mentally retarded.

one question op. when your boyfriend mounts you does he wear a condom or just go rawdog to brokeback land?

32 days is all it took for you to come up with this drivel

so you do it for free then.

good to know.

Id like to have this clarified as well.

Nah, look who he's appointing. It's obvious the direction this is going. We can help stop it now and get back on track but first we have to admit what's going on.

Anybody who voted for Trump voted to Make Israel Great Again

Steve Mnuchin - Jew, globalist, democrat, Soros friend, pro-Israel, pro-war, John Oliver look alike

Wilbur Ross - globalist, democrat, pro-Israel, friends with Netanyahoo

Jared Kushner - democrat, Jew, liberal, Trump's right-hand man, responsible for Trump's picks (pence, Mnuchin, Ross, Tillerson and other globalist Jews)

Betsy DeVos - millionaire, kike-loving nigger faggot who wants to fill white schools with nigger kids - look that up

Andrew Pudzer - literal Jew, globalist nigger faggot who wants to replace workers with robots and a lover of open borders. Trumpniggers might think he's cool cause he's the Jew behind those Carl's Jr ads, but he is anti-working class and pro-robot. Look that shit up. inb4 fake news - Breitbart wrote a decent article about this nigger loving kike nigger Jew faggot breitbart.com/big-government/2016/12/08/trump-labor-pick-favors-mass-immigration/ inb4 Breitbart is fake news fuck CTR shill MAG pepe centipede #cantstumpthetrump

Trumpniggers got cucked by Trumpnigger himself. Enjoy World War III, recession Trumpniggers


All according to plan

you're fucking brain dead.

I agree it looks bad but theres no reason to shit on them until they do something bad.

fucking christ cucks like yourself still believe in original sin for some reason.

That's the only reason why I voted Trump. It's to piss off the lefties. I don't give one shit if Trump does a 180 on all of his policies.


>I agree it looks bad
You're not my target audience if you can admit this, and I thank you for at least being cautiously optimistic.


Nope. Still support him. He's still better than any of the politicians.

So you're saying that he is going to do exactly what Hillary would have done. So why are you still whining? Why do liberals try to tear him down by saying he is the same as Hillary? If so, why are they so violently opposed to him?

STILL better than Hillary or the nigger.


liberals dont know how to handle reality

Why haven't you killed yourself out of fear yet?

Now I'm going to look like a fucking idiot defending trump,and I swear any other opinion than the blind hate here is a shill

it's getting worse...Fiorina to be in Trump admin

Maybe, but he was supposed to be so much more. I hope I'm wrong and just jumping to wrong conclusions like the other guy said, but it's very worrying to me.

There is literally nothing that Trump can do that will be worse than what Hillary has done.

I don't have a boyfriend. I'm genderfluid and pansexual

I only voted for Trump because my state would be the first place nuked if WWIII brakes out.

Anyone who doesn't understand what trump is doing probably thought he was going to lose too. Going to be the most amazing 4 years ever.

By the same logic, why are you defending him for doing what Hillary would have done?

So that's our God Emperor? "Same as Hillary"? You're okay with that. Bullshit. He's supposed to end this hellscape, remember?

Do you fucking retards think competent economists grow on trees? Better to have a former goldman-sachs employee than some fucking marxist.


Nah guys, it's cool. Trump knows what he's doing


Should of voted for Hillary is you wanted to end it.

Hey Buzzkill, fuck off.

Nailed it. Contrarian and anti-PC

lol no


saged btw


the hits keep coming

pol BTFO again and again

this board will be fully liberal before inauguration night


Don't you think the hastened collapse and balkanization of America for a White majority, redpilled region might be the outcome of what we want?

Poacher turned gamekeeper. Can't change this thing with a barrel of polisci and social studies major.

Guess what, in this country smart, hard-working folks do well, some do very well. I want the very best eviscerating you before they ship you back home as dogfood.

Nope. Pol is one of the only places for conservative talk on the web. We won't leave because we literally have nowhere else to go. Liberals have no power here and unless they can ban/downvote liberal ideas don't stand up to rigorous discussion, pol will continue to red pill normies and convert commies. Sorry bud.

Nope. I think an ethnically clean US that allows the managed entry of motivated, net-contributing immigrants will do just fine. Thank you.


>you cant criticize obama
>you have to give him a chance
>its only been 4 years
>this is all bushs fault
what every single one of you faggots spouted during obamas first term. You are all hypocrites and always will be.


Ha funny one there friendo :^)

Sad, you really don't understand Americans. We expect some charismatic showmanship in our leaders, it's how we filter out the /r9k/ betas.

Do they still have sandwiches in the future, futureboy?

OK now your trying too hard.

Sup Forums would probably turn on Trump faster if it weren't obvious we're under a shill raid from lefty Sup Forums, Reddit, etc


learn wtf leaders and power brokers do. This is a simple video. It goes much deeper than this illustrates

Daily reminder that your candidate, a lifelong politician with heavy ties to the media, at the very least, lost to a guy who started his campaign as a method to promote his reality tv show.

That's how big of a joke you liberals are.

Still don't care. I love Trump is causing immense pain to the left.

He's pro 2nd Amendment. He'll be the Best president since Reagan

Shhh, Soros might hear and a lot of 'unemployables' will lose their jobs. These people have families and dependents..right?