If you have to sum up your whole political philosophy in ONE SENTENCE, short sentence, what would it be?
One Sentence
Other urls found in this thread:
Heil Hitler
I believe in the values of western civilization, but I want to protect it from foreign ideologies that contradict it.
Just leave me the fuck alone.
Gas the kikes race war now
We must seize the means of production
Western civilization and traditional values.
Make America Great Again
Kill all commies.
Find the truth, then follow your reason.
Trump is love. Trump is life. Ron Paul 2008.
Everyone deserves a fair go.
>this post
>this flag
>these digits
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer.
Shall not be infringed
Positive rights don't exist.
Slovenia must be purged from the earth
whites ruin eveything, beware
Fuck off and leave me alone.
If a government exist, it exists as a means to further the greatness of the nation and prosperity of it's citizens, it's natural enemy is corruption, and it's leaders should be beacons of morality and virtue for everyone else
Darwinism and evolutionary game theory, but also applied to memes.
Leave me alone and you can do whatever you want as long as it's consensual.
>i don't give a shit about left or right as long as it doesn't actively damage my race or nationality
Both sides have dissappointed me greatly.
It's all a distraction from your inevitable death.
Here's the difference between a nigger and a white person
It has 14 words.
I don't care about the suffering of your ancestors.
ayy lmao
Fight for the west.
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people
Leave me alone.
>the fuck off my lawn
I hate niggers, I hate Jews, I hate spics and arabs too.
Kek agrees
Religious-Nationalism in an Ethnic-Monarchism (elective).
There are only 2 genders
'Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.'"
Kill all degenerate scum.
I love anime girls
the individual
Might Makes Right
I don't care what you do, just leave me out of it
those leftists deserve trumo
Leave me the fuck alone.
We all die; fuck this stupid shit.
White is right.
These aren't complete sentences. Youre missing verbs, subjects, clauses, punctuations, etc.. the op asked for a complete sentence. Consider revising, please.
This is a fragment which especially pissed me off, revise.
Minimal constitutional governance, with the objective of secession and moving towards small ancap societies.
Freedom is pretty tight, Cultural Marxism is bullshit.
Abolition of private property.
Nice autism America, my answer is right here
Let the culture of every people develop organically
Family values, gender roles, and white nationalism in conjunction with a free market economy with little regulation.
Seven lives for my country.
Tell me why I should give a shit about your faggoty/black/asian/mexican/scared ass again?
If you think censorship is okay you're a stupid faggot.
seize the means of production
Crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentations of their women.
Everyone sucks but me.
To each what he earns and nothing more, but everyone deserves at least a chance to try.
Fuck niggers, spics, chinks and kikes, America is a country for whites to be free.
Do to others as you would have them do unto you, or I'll fucking kill you
America=#1 fuck everyone else
Thank you for actually being educated. The rules state to participate in threads, he asked for complete sentences and those folks didn't give any. Their posts should be deleted for breaking the rules.
Ayy lmao.
Stay in school, Average Joe.
Cum Deo pro Patria et Libertate
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children!"
Alright average Joe, how's your wife.
Britain first
no national government, no currency, non aggression principle, volunteerism, go fuck yourself.
fuck off communist scum
>he asked for complete sentences
Predicative sentences aren't the only type of sentences, you asshole.
Please don't bother me.
>"TuRD" in ID
>Literally a Commie country
>Securing any future ever
Thanks for the oil though
She's good, we actually just finished up with dinner and so she's cleaning the kitchen since it is her day while I'm shitposting. How about you my good sir?
IDGAF as long as you don't infring upon another person.
That's my purse, I don't know you!
One world unified under western culture colonizing the stars and utilizing technology to free ourselves of low skill manual labor would be most effective and efficient but requires a sustainable population growth made possible by a well educated populous.
I don't know anything about the Netherlands, other than the fact that you have a soccer team called "Ajax". How sad is that? Is there anything else about your country that is actually worthy of mention?
Praise the lord, pass the ammo.
"All men are created equal" does not mean "All men are equal"
Fuck Muslims Jews leftists beaners niggers fags and chinks. And whites, too, fuck them.
Minarcho-nationalism is underrated
Man is the centre of the universe as long as he has the will.
"Organic hierarchy is the only path; all men are not created equal."
My people first.
>not posting the superior version