You alt-right rapists are fucking dead. Watch your backs.
You alt-right rapists are fucking dead. Watch your backs
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21ft rule, bitch.
did these white bitches stab a brother?
Fucking hell. Watching the electric jew ever. No.
can we shut it down because it's offensive towards straight males?
boy that's a new low... who could have seen this coming???
The vast majority of actual (instead of imagined) rapists are niggers.
I think the more problematic thing here is a thing called
>self justice
which, I don't know, isn't totally legit, and maybe shouldn't be advocated on tv? Maybe?
cool, was wondering what the new jew was on mtv these days
That's the faggiest weapon on earth
>the whole show is stabbing guys in the dick
Rage aside, I am genuinely wondering how they plan to have even four episodes
I mean, it is MTV so it's not like it has a high bar to reach but still
Vigilantism is perfectly legitimate when the state fails to deliver. This show looks like shit though and regret rape isn't a reason to attack people.
We already saw her face
>when the state fails to deliver.
that's a rather big when
That's fine. I've got plenty of weapons.
If my 700 lumen tactical flashlight doesn't disorient her from the strobe mode, then I'll sodomize her SJW ass with my 21" Friction Loc baton.
hey, dats me
Exactly. If you're skilled with a knife, you're as quick as a switchblade even with a locking-folding
>broad shoulders
Does anyone even watch MTV any more? I think they've gone too cuck even for their target audience.
Gives a new meaning to "lets not turn this rape into murder"
Also black guys getting killed without a fair trial just on the basis of a white womans' allegation, Sounds like a good old fashioned lynching
Nice job MTV you retards.
we need to spread outrage over its racism.
say that blacks were crippled on purpose in slavery and they're implying theyre rapists.
>Not okay to touch a girl without consent
>Is okay to fuck someone up because they did something illegal.
i'm a narrow, brown, manlet.
You're probably so badass irl.
Oh. Kill yourself, faggot.
dunno what state she is in, but switchblades are legal in alot of them. and pretty much all of them if you are some type of first responder.
I only watch Catfish for the hilarity factor. I like seeing betas roll up to a house and they meet a fucking fat girl with blue hair screaming "NOT MY PRESIDENT"
I wish a mother fucker would.
Happens all the time. Child rapists get only a couple years, violent attackers barely get punished, etc.
Full Trailer here. OP Linked teaser.
Anyone wanna tally up the number of charges they would get from the trailer alone? I mean assault with a deadly weapon and torture should get them quite a few years by themselves in America right?
>a good old fashioned lynching
You sound like you wanna smash
Yes, yes it is.
Beware, guys. Tiny, chubby bitches on suicide watch.
Not if you're a woman.
I don't think it's up to you to judge whether or not a certain punishment (by law) is adequate or not; and therefor call out a failed state... legally speaking.
This is how you decimate the left.
What the actual fuck is this shit
Trailer trash.
Check out this bullshit SJW PC soup commercial. Don't forget to thumbs down! Do your part POL
Is that girl or boy?
I cringed.
Guilty people walking free is tragic.
Innocent people being punished is inhuman.
That is the explanation behind the fundamental pillar of justice, which is probably why women have so much trouble accepting it.
So basically just stay away from all women, they are literally dangerous and want to kill you.
Thanks for the heads up.
only if they have like green hair color or something
>I don't think it's up to you to judge
Noted and I don't give a fuck.
Who the fuck is going to watch this shit?
is mtv still around?
I tuned it out on my tv after geordie shore I did not want to see scripted urban subhuman degenerates while flipping channels.
and welcome to self justice. The illegal kind. Enjoy.
>Heh...noding perdonal... Ald-reiker..
your little sister
>Those dislikes
I guess normies are not so bluepilled
Makes me glad I'm a fag desu
You sure about that girls?
>i don't think it is up to you to judge
It is up to citizens to judge
LARPing through a TV show, an impressive new form of lazyness
>she attacks me with knife
>proceed to overpower her
>proceed to rape
>police comes
>I go to prison
>she simply walks away
no fun, she even looks like a male ffs
there you go!
She's pretty adorable too.
Sucks that I have a thing for the "Stereotypical feminist look"
*Sigh* so much wasted potential nowadays.
Bitch please! Never bring a knife to a gun fight!.
A tranny is killing rapists?
Hey how ya doin
I agree 100%. That said, there are cases where guilt is not in question and people get off on technicalities or get light sentences. That is what I am talking about.
>Sucks that I have a thing for the "Stereotypical feminist look"
I do not envy you.
The left doesn't even try to hide it anymore.
What ever happened to civilized values?
>implying there's anything wrong with ensuring criminals dont get away with their crimes when the law fails to do so
>Sucks that I have a thing for the "Stereotypical trap look"
>if i cover the lower half of my face nobody will recognise me
>If my 700 lumen tactical flashlight doesn't disorient her from the strobe mode, then I'll sodomize her SJW ass with my 21" Friction Loc baton.
This is the cringiest thing I have read all week.
The left decided hedonism was better than civilization.
Are they dressing like skin heads ironically or is that lost on them too?
Who is that dude with the green hair?
>Who the fuck is going to watch this shit?
the female equivalent of the virgins on here
Hottest thing I read all week, tbqh.
Green hair.
Looks a lot like Anarcho-Feminism
and good. Don't be me.
it's lost on them
Good for her, I guess.
OOOOH she has a knife... That would only scare Eurofags.
I know.
That makes my situation even worse.
that comment section is straight out of reddit.
Also, show is very diverse. Surprised Sup Forums doesn't like seeing 2 (((((((((((white)))))))) women stab a black guy
Someone should go rape her irl, just because
Well, at least you're getting nonstop yank bank fuel since SJWs are basically establishment atm.
Rape is power+no consent
while POC acting without consent is unfortunate it is not rape because of white oppression.
Furthermore sexual emergencies are acknowledged as a legitimate disability by Mr. Goldstein at the ADA.
Nice try racist.
>"The police don't know they are looking for a girl."
Remember when MTV showed music videos and stuff?
Me neither.
He dindu nuffin tho